mystazsea's Forum Posts

  • Ai is complex

    But can be simplified

    You will need some various states of activity for the zombie such as

    1-normal/patrol mode

    2-targeting/targeting mode

    3-dying mode (of course:-) :-) )

    Then Use an invisible helper sprite ...pinned to the zombie ..a fake awareness sight field of view...with the zombie patrolling when the field of view collides with the player you then target lock on by setting the angle of the fov every tick to the xy coordinates of the player...simulating real vision field. ..can also be done for smell or hearing ranges...when this view range is blocked or out of view range the zombie can be told to return to patrol mode...or any other behavior..

    Just remember to reset the fov angle as well

    if you need a full ai

    Stay tuned ..a full featured ai will be released soon on the forums for top down shooters....

    Like this[ /URL]

  • You are on the right track...see post below for some ideas...I have a full pre formatted customizable plug and play A.I. specially designed for construct 2 and for platformers and 8 direction shooters due out in a few few weeks.. For free as a special gift to all construct 2 users...

    until then see below for a few ideas

  • I wouldn't exactly say that was a curved path....its two separate movements..once they start moving they touch the score HUD then move down to the other box HUD...

    Tweening can be done ..even manually like you were on the right track for manual tweening.

    Try 'moving' your object to the co ordinates but stop short by say 20 or 30 pixels, then do some micro adjustments to close the gap..

    Also those butterflies look like they have a slight 'sine' function on them for added movement variation...both horizontal and verticals ..

    Try adding those behaviors also and toggling their values at each movement call...

    I use sine behaviors for nearly all butterfly or movement tweening ..if you tweak it just right you can get some fantastic smooth movements and random variations....:-) :-) hope that helps...

  • I think Bluephaze means create a 'global ' event sheet with all the nuts and bolts on it..and just include that to each level sheet. I tend to do that with all my projects...even going so far as to break global functions up into individual sheets for like...say 'physics' specific stuff, certain game mechanics or separate 'enemy' functions/events/ai on a single sheet then just mix and match depending on what you require for each level..

    So specific events or functions are grouped and given their own event great for me but you gotta be organized and systematic ...think 'plug and play' style component event sheets and you are style:-)

  • Yes joannesalfa I'm glad you posted was a golden oldie..seriously folks...I know its boring but most of all this stuff was covered explained and well pwned way back....archives are there for good you can all share the brainiacs of the old school elite at play......joannesalfa being one of them from way back....:-) :-) :-) top work digging up that "old" fossil...oh the joyful flashbacks:-)

  • We all wanna get a coin though don't we? :)

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  • I am going to be real boring, lame & almost trollish and say" shouldn't this thread be in the 'how do I? ' section??

    ...wanna be a good game designer? Try to put things in the right spot....:-) :-) :-)Just saying

  • OK..well aside from doing the beginners platformer tutorials...that action is most likely just a simple key press command linked to an animation call and a move command..of x number of pixels in a certain direction ..or a simple move call with different animation...if that makes no sense then really its beginners tutorials 101 for you..:-) :-) welcome aboard..yes you've chosen the BEST tool for making games like that...:-) :-) :-) get reading those beginners tutors..there is no other way...we all did it..:-) :-) :-)

  • If you posted some samples of what you want people might better be able to offer art is hard work..speaking as a pro designer of 25 years takes knowledge patience skills and time..usually that cost moolah..artist do eat too...sometimes we have electricity bills us as much as you can and its makes our job easier..vague descriptions of what you want will produce vague results...:-) :-)

  • What I mean is ..this ...

  • InvaderX.   While you can take plenty of shortcuts in many games systems or functions..random seed generation of a map or dungeon level isn't really the place to skimp or skip learning..

    Basically if you want to implement a system that you don't are really barking up the wrong tree..Simply put..There is no substitute for knowledge or learning.

    That being said ..Any one can figure it personally ..

    I would create a few systems that interacted with each other during layout start.

    The basic system of determining the actual tile to be placed would be done via an Array with an associated generation formula. This system would pass or pipeline the seed generation concept to the actual layout via another separate 'Tile Placement System'.

    The main component to start with would be to create a large enough "Array" (see manual if you arent quite certain what an array is) that aligns with the actual layout dimensions in respect to your individual Tile size, so for example..if your layout is 512x512 and your tiles are 64x64 the size of your Array would most likely be an 8x8 grid Array.

    This Array should ideally be used only for the generation of your tile pieces and their placement..then i'd figure out a system or calculation based on Variables and/or simple rules that establish the placement of the graphic tiles PER Array grid square on your screen layout according to their respective or corresponding xy coordinates ..The result of which would then be referenced by the placement system .

    For areas such as borders you could set a constant value for the bounding edge grids of the array so that it always passed solid walltiles to the placement system...does that makes sense?

  • I just thought that seeing as android is vastly outselling even PC's it might be nice to get a port happening..I cant see any reason why C2 couldn't run on android tablets..they are more than powerful nexus 7 with is much older can run mega apps...

    Check this article on android of many...might be worthwhile investing the time to a port....:-) just a thought..I know I would be one of the first down loaders...:-)


    android sales article

  • Yes please..this would be a big request from me...personally I can't see any reason why it wouldn't port..I use a nexus 7 running android. To get C2 running would be dreamy..huge bump!:-)   pretty please Ashley..I have a huge workstation PC..but often I want to do C2 event sheet scripting when I am just out wandering and inspired...

  • From what you seems you didn't add the 'has cash' condition also ....try adding that extra condition to your mouse over condition too for each event respectively