MVG's Forum Posts

  • JamesXXXYZ

    Sorry, I don't have C2 installed on this computer (on laptop), so I can't check it right now.

    But basically:

    Set Xold to X

    Set X to Playertopdown.X

    Set Yold to Y

    Set Y to Playertopdown.Y

    Now you just need to compare the coordinates, (Xold,Yold) and (X,Y) to get the angle.

  • I see the red circles, but I don't see anything under the red circles.

    If you just mean the darker color (which is around all floating objects and not just circled areas) I see that.

    We need to know a few things to see what's going on.

    What do the sprites look like by themselves? Is this effect in the sprite? Or how are you creating the effect now?

  • Most cases of programming teaching for young kids I've seen have been gamified, like programming robots to do things using basic logic in a game. Maybe you can get started with some of those games, and then move on to construct once the basic concepts and logic are there?

    Just an idea.

  • Cute Yetti, did you draw it?

    Have you made any large graphics sets before? If you can show a portfolio with examples of larger projects that will help a lot. Some devs may be a little gun shy on partnering, because most people don't have experience with large projects like this and may not be able to see it through, so examples of past work will help.

    That said, this is Construct! It's really easy to use. Have you downloaded it and given it a try yet?

  • I can't tell what you're marking. Can you clarify in text what the problem is that we should be looking for?

  • The best way is to use a tile map. To make the curves easier, you'll just have to use pretty small tiles, and take care that they line up correctly.

    These kinds of maps are difficult to build by hand, but you can make a system to build them programmatically, which will fill in all of the transitions for you.

    A few tricks, and you can easily solve the issues you mention.

  • bladedpenguin is correct. If it moves infinitely, it needs to be tileable in that direction.

    If you want a very smooth animation, you'll need to cut off one pixel at a time.

    You can do this with a single link (a small image) and then repeat the same image across the screen. Much less work than dealing with a large image, if that's what you've been doing.

  • Without some special setup (making your computer act as a local server), you can't do that so easily. You need to upload your project somewhere, to a server with the right requirements.

    If you've made a game to test, the easiest way to do that (and get the most feedback) is probably to upload to the Scirra arcade.

  • rexrainbow

    Yes, that looks a lot better! Great to be able to give people a choice on path behavior like you have. Excellent work.

  • Iolva

    The game looks really cute. Did you make the graphics yourself?

    Can you upload this to scirra's arcade so it's easier for us to test out?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just curious.

    I'm an artist, so not a potential customer, but I would suggest you animate them for others.

    Planets work well without being animated, but stars are big burning balls of gas, so probably resolve better with some animation. Having those currents rolling around on the surface a bit, and little flares bubbling off the sides.

    Realistically, of course these changes are slow since stars are so big, but for effect, sometimes what looks right is better than what is.

  • JamesXXXYZ

    I see. So, you should be able to also store the prior X and Y, compare it to the new one, and get the angle of movement, right?

    Or maybe there's another problem I'm not seeing.

  • Are these animated?

  • JamesXXXYZ

    I don't understand the way you're trying to do it. There shouldn't be any key presses to change direction if it's following a path.

    In order to get the appropriate directional facing frame for a sprite, the movement of which is being controlled programmatically like this (path finding), you need to poll its vector.

    You can do that by comparing its position last frame and this frame, if you're not using physics. If you don't have walk/run or anything like that, you can throw out the magnitude and just keep the angle, which you can convert into the frame you want.

  • JamesXXXYZ

    Sorry, I don't understand your problem. Can you rephrase, or explain more?

    If your topview sprite is pointed North, that would mean your Iso sprite is pointed at the angle that corresponds to North in the top view grid (such as up and right, or up and left, depending on how you translate it).

    Rotate speed?