thanks a bunchload man, you were clear as...clean air,or something *burp*.
omg i fell so stupid right now ,the hitboxes don't have the animations on them so even though they are part of the same family they can't complet the events becouse they don't have the freaking animations that trigger the events!
and sinse the drones where stuck to them they couldn't complet it either!
now it gets tricky again tho ,i could just do away with the hitboxes and just use the drones ,but that really doesn't to the job well ,sinse they collide with each other and the player in a really weird way , and sometimes can even get one claw stuck to the others (which is particularly hilarious but not pratical at all)
sinse the drones have the animations and the animations are a really good way to keep the events flowing in a really smooth way, i need to find a way to make the hitboxes follow the drones(insteadof the other way around) and only colide with other hitbox sprites.
sinse the drone sprites have 8direction on them i can't just set the hitboxes to "solid" becouse it makes it impossible for the drones and their respective hitboxes to be on the same place at the same time.
wait here is the TRUE question, can i make a sprite with 8direction NOT collide with solids, but be stuck to another sprite that DO?