mubilla's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • How do I check if a mouse button was just pressed?

    There is an "On Button Released" event but there isn't an analog "On Button Pressed" event.

    Am I missing something?

  • I don't know why this is happening. As far as I read and as I understood, I have to move the layout that I want to run first, to the first position in the layout folder of the project panel at the right of the screen. Right?

    For some reason, Construct 2 keeps running another layout, no matter it's position in the layout folder.

    I also selected my "First Layout" in the project settings, but Construct 2 seems to be ignoring that configuration.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • seriously scirra.

    this is not intuitive at all... loopindex("nameofloop")???

    what the hell is that.

    refering to a loop index should be much simplier than that...

    construct 2 simplifies a lot of things but overcomplicates other stuff...

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  • bump

  • as lmchucho said, i had a lot of trouble with your control scheme. Is very hard to play with just 8 directions

    I suggest you try 8 direction to move and mouse click to shoot

  • I started to build a shooter of an Elven Archer killing orcs with bow and arrow, over the basic game tutorial. I'm looking for ideas to define a better game objective than just killing for killing.

    Plase take a look at it:

    url :


    -Left click to shoot

    -Right click to move

    -Hold 1 + Left Click to fire a Piercing Arrow

    -Hold 2 + Left Click to fire a Multi-Arrow

    Refresh the page to start again

    Any feedback/suggestions are welcomed.

    BTW, I'm looking for artists to help me replacing the Warcraft assets with original content.

  • Im trying to use the WarpMask effect on a tiled "grass" background, but i'm only getting a white background.

    Am I doing something wrong? this is my first time using effects. Do I have to enable something somewhere else?

    What i'm expecting from the effect description is an animated wave distorition of the grass, giving a wind-like effect over the grass.

    But as I said, I'm only getting a white background. If I disable the effect, the tiled grass looks fine again.

    Please help :)

  • thanks, i used an insivible sprite pinned to my car.

    anyway, I find very dissapointing to not have a trivial way go get references to the objects being iterated in nested for each loops.

    construct 2 is missing a way to get references with "alias".

  • newt

    I have multiple instances of cars. I dont even know how many cars i'll have. I spawn cars every n seconds, and they can be destroyed.

    what I want to do is prevent colissions between cars, so if a car is going to collide with another car, I would like it to stop it before they crash.

    as a programmer, the solution for that is:

    for each car car1


    for each car car2


    if car1 "is going to collide with" car2


    stop car1;




    im not asking here how to write a condition to determine if car1 is going to collide with car2.

    what im asking is how do I differentiate the cars of each "foreach" loop.

    i need to measure the distance beween both cars, for which i need to know the position of both, and write something like

    distance(car1.x, car1.y, car2.x, car2.y)

    but i just dont have that car1 and car2 references. you said something about an "instance variable"

    am i missing something?

  • didn't get it. let me be more specific. I need to do something like this:

    Car On Colission With Car

    If car(1) is behind car(2) stop car(1)

    how do I reference Car 1?

  • Hi guys, can you tell me how can I do something like this?

    foreach(Car as car1)


    foreach(Car as car2)


        if(car1.x -whatever- car2.x)


          //do something




    as far as I know, construct doesn't let you give alias to objects instances, so I really don't know how can I differentiate "car1" from "car2" because they will be just "car"

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Left click anywhere to fire an arrow

    2. Right click anywhere to move, and let the character reach its final position

    3. Left click anywhere to fire an arrow

    Observed result:

    Character fires the first arrow, then moves and stops as expected, but nothing happens with the second left click.

    Expected result:

    Character fires the first arrow, then moves and stops, then fires a second arrow as expected.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 version:

    Release 152

    Additional Comments:

    After a lot of research I can describe the bug as follow: animation "Shoot" doesn't start when the animation "Default" is set, and the Player's bullet speed is set to 0.

    BUT, it does start if any of those two conditions isn't true:

    -if the previous animation is not "Default", or

    -if the bullet speed is not 0.

    I cleaned all the irrelevant events and objects to show only the essential to show the bug.

  • 12 posts