mrtumbles's Forum Posts

  • That's a screenshot from Monaco that I gave as an example of what I meant (since it's not easy to explain), not my own work.

  • Be aware that reliance on NWJS means your game won't be compatible with non-desktops.

    I believe I understood your problem, and that my solution is viable for it if you require browser/mobile compatibility.

  • Upload it (screenshot or capx - if it's a capx please try to provide the smallest possible capx that still represents your problem) somewhere (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc), mark the file as public, then post the link here.

  • Oh sure that's a doddle: in the AJAX 'On Completed' condition, use the Dictionary's 'Load from JSON' action, using AJAX.LastData

  • Pretty much, yup.

  • This should work: nest the XML data as values in a dictionary with keys attached that correspond to the strings you want to match, and load that data into a C2 dictionary on start. It wouldn't be too hard to write a little C2 app that could nest the data for you

  • I would do this by adding a 'Help' layer, and placing a sprite on that layer with an animation frame for each stage of the tutorial, with its animation speed set to 0. Make this layer invisible on start. When the user presses the 'Help' button, switch the help layer to visible and re-start the sprite's animation. When the user taps, forward the animation by one frame. If the user taps an 'Exit Help' button, disable the layer.

  • More information needed. A screenshot would be helpful, a capx would be ideal.

  • Sure. You're modelling a weapon that has 0 spread, essentially. Just add a random amount to the angle of the bullet to represent the spread of the weapon

  • High school math class: the hypotenuse is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the two opposite sides. Speed being a direct derivative of distance, we can surmise that the same is true for speed also. Therefore:

    Speed = sqrt( ( VelocityX^2 ) + ( VelocityY^2 ) )

    [ Edit: in honesty I had to Google this, but did so by Googling 'converting two vectors to velocity' - which is as embarrassing for me as it should be for you ]

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  • I can't look at the capx right now cos I'm on my phone (hey, C3 will solve this problem! Neato.) but I've done this by spawning a load of scrolling anchors on start. Give each one an 'active' boolean variable. Pick the nearest anchor to the player. If its is 'false' then set all to 'false', and set the nearest one to 'true'. Set scrolling to always scroll to the active anchor. If you want it to scroll, add an extra object with a scrollto behaviour, and have that always move to the active anchor's location. Nice and simple since it only requires a few events.

  • Is this a global variable, a local variable, or an instance variable? When you say in the wrong layout, do you mean the wrong event sheet? Even better, do you have a capx you can share to help get a better picture of what the problem is?

  • Hey guys, I followed this ( ... ing-lights ) brilliant tutorial by Ashley to add multiple shadowlights. It works perfectly, even with cones of vision! However, what I was hoping to do was have the 'unseen' areas represented in grayscale, as in Monaco (What's Yours Is Mine).

    I've tinkered about with a few methods, but ultimately I think this will have to be done with an additional additive layer between my light layers and my foreground, which would roughly mirror the foreground. Can anyone think of a shorter way round?

  • Can you not apply the pixellate effect to the whole layer, rather than the objects?

  • Although whitespace makes an okay separator, lamar makes a good point. You should really have a separation character, using tokenat() and trim() to retrieve. I bet if you replace spaces with the same amount of whitespace and a separator character, C2 will be more likely to remember the string.

    That aside - add an on-start function that looks something like this:

    Repeat (14) times

    • set spaces to spaces&" "