C2 Games on Google Play (Android Market)
I like this game more than your other game. Especially the graphics, did you make them yourself?
Looks really good!
Solid so far. What would be cool making the level also go diagonal or rotating while playing
I really had fun with the game until i got this bug: http://imgur.com/H3zpTzh
Things i think will improve the game are more feedback when you get hit by the spikes maybe add particles. Be able to skip or increase speed of the talk in the beginning.
This looks amazing would defnitly play.
Small question did you do the zooming with layerscale?
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Wow looks good. It looks like it runs smoothly with all the stuff going on
Trigger once while true event?
This is a gameplay gif of a game i working on. Mechanics i finished are the
charging shot, like megaman, and other stuff like explosions. More of the HUD, other enemies and there simple AI i will also implement later.
Too bad all keys are taken.
Looks cute maybe i will buy it in the steam sale.
Naji : http://darekgreenly.com/pub/github/pixel-sprite-generator/ http://www.positech.co.uk/content/explosion/explosiongenerator.html http://headchant.com/pfxr/ http://www.bfxr.net/ http://www.beepbox.co/ https://github.com/wibblymat/ld24/blob/master/autotracker.py http://videogamena.me/
Naji : http://darekgreenly.com/pub/github/pixel-sprite-generator/
Wow! Thanks. I didn't now some on this list!
Do you got more?
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Good for a first game but there is a lot of stuff you can add like animated sprites, shadows, more particles effects, maybe screen shakes, different kind of levels, leaderboards etc.