MrMiller's Forum Posts

  • I'm all for improving things. I'd kill for Construct to load animations into the animation sequencer faster, and for layouts to load faster in "run layout" because that's been a nagging thing for me, but certainly not a program killer.

    Above all though, hoping that the event system in C2 and the basic operations of creating the Construct way remains the same with only necessary improvements, because I find Construct's current system to be the most straight-forward and in my opinion the best event-based system available. So in other words; I'm hoping they can fix what's broken, but don't fix what ain'tbroken

  • Before I start, I want to express a couple of things. I love when tutorials are posted, but I find the following things make them difficult to follow:

    *Some tutorialsI find are trying to be witty, whimsical, etc. It's just annoying to me. I tend to look at Construct and the way it flows as a series of steps, and I also happen to learn from tutorials better when I have steps clearly written out.

    *.Cap files are always great.

    *Using pictures of the actual events instead of typing out the text. I have be honest, when people post the text of the events, sometimes I get it sometimes I don't. But the picture of the actual event is way more effective, 100% effective in fact.

    *Explanations of why something is used helps us understand when to use it, and many of the tutorials I find are lacking those explanations. I'd suggest tutorials be treated more like you're talking to first-time user because in reality many people may be just that.

    What I'd like to see tutorials of

    -Hash tables - How to use them, why you'd use them, and when to use them.

    -Array - How to use it, why you'd use it, and when to use it.

    -Image Manipulator - How to use it, why you'd use it, and when to use it

    -Creating different types of menus with Global variables

    -Creating a save and load system

    -AI - and how you do it in Construct

    -Packing your games music and sounds files for the .exe

  • Don't cut my head off, but I think I should bring this to attention: A TFT LCD with more than 5ms may also give this impression of a blurriness while in motion. But well, then you would have noticed this already in games you play.

    Cut your head off? No, I'm a nice guy

    Yeah, I think you're right. As far as I know, my monitor is 5ms and is a TFT, and I did notice blur while playing XBOX 360 games, but it's been so long since I used it for that I guess I forgot about it.

  • I had an issue with sprites bluring at runtime (and text not being aliased), but when I changed to a proper display resolution it was all crisp and working as it should. If you're having issues only when sprites move, maybe try changing to point sampling, or make sure the sprites are always with integer positions?

    Thanks alspal. I tried what you told me, but now I think the problem may be what Tulamide is talking about. I'll explain in the following post.

  • I have an issue with sprites that move in any direction. For example, say I have a sprite of a sequence of animations of a guy running in-place; in that situation the sprite doesn't blur.

    But when I make that same sprite move across the screen in any direction, it seems to have a slightly blurry look as it moves.

    Do you think this is a similar issue to what kirby posted?

  • I ran into bugs with this one on a project I finished during the summer time. Everything was fine with the .cap, but with the .exe things changed; some sounds and music played in the .exe but some didn't, even though the paths were right.

    I hope for 1.0 this will be like MMF and embed in the file.

  • YYG has chosen the wrong approach here. Keeping in mind that it's a product for indie gamers, the last thing you want to do is appear to be anti-indie success, regardless of the circumstances. It's bad for your image.

    The other problem is, at least I would think, is that if this was made with a YYG product, is their attack on it basically telling end users that they can't make their own creations do whatever they want them to do? If so, how can that stand up in court if the original granted license never prohibited it? The answer is, it can't. You can't retroactively attach new agreement guidelines that way just because you don't like what the agreeing party is doing. If you didn't put it in the agreement, you have no recourse other than kicking and screaming like a baby that wet its diaper.

    So they've basically allowed for it to happen by not preventing it in their own development, and now they think legal threats will stop it. They haven't thought this through. All this will do is make people go after it more. They don't know what they're getting themselves into, smh.

  • I'll have to check out that scrolling text demo to see how it was done. I made scrolling text for text that repeats endlessly by just using the Bullet behavior, and then using the "Is outside layout" event and "System create object" action on that event. It works perfectly.

  • I voted no. No offense there, but I think you're losing the reader in a bunch of softwares using most of the time the seller's description. There are a bunch of terrain, particle and cg tools out there, so the real problem is : which one should I use ?

    Well, my opinion is hedge by the fact I've been using complete tools for some time now (photoshop, 3ds max or so), and I don't see the interest of having a bunch of softwares when a single program can handle about any task you need to do. It should still help others.

    Thanks for sharing.

    ^^ Mmmmkay.

    Another angle would be, that he's giving a lot of options so people can try for themselves what they find most useful and most effective for their situation. Not everyone has access to Photoshop and 3ds Max, nor do they have the funds or the desire to get it the alternative way...

    I think the only misstep was putting up a poll, perhaps just because I don't understand the reason for it other than maybe gauging interest to decide whether to do this sort of thing in the future. But I say, it shouldn't matter in terms of polls, members just need to share resources and information whenever they have something that can be used, and the more posts like that the better.

    ... I voted 'yes', by the way.

  • So, how'd this turn out?

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  • Whether you like sounds and music embedded within the file or not is a matter of preference and necessity. I prefer MMF2's way of handling that myself, and dislike Construct's way, but that's about the only thing I like about MMF2.

    The problem with MMF2 for me is that, while I learned it well enough, I just feel like a number of things are made a bit more complicated than they need to be. The things I can do in Construct very easily required some more detail in MMF2 and it just seemed like overkill. I also hate MMF2's event system. It's hard to explain but it feels outdated to me. Construct's event system just reads better to me. The event setup in Construct is just straightforward, no nonsense, no BS, the way an event system should be.

    As for Gamemaker... I can't stand it.

    Construct is like the promising rookie who's having a great season so far. He makes mistakes along the way, but he plays well enough to stay on the field and help his team win. I truly believe that if things keep going upward as they are, Construct can be better than all of them when it's all said and done.

  • A bit off-topic... I don't know how this would work, but I wish we had a feature integrated with the forum where we can lasso events (or an entire block of events) and then copy and paste them into the forums as a picture. I've never liked seeing them typed out, the picture always communicates better to me because it's exact in every way.

    I find the pics to be so much more helpful than just text, but I think the current act of taking a screenshot, cutting the screenshot, and then uploading it to some site may be discouraging people from posting pics of event examples.

  • I'm having problems getting an AVI to loop, despite setting the repeat function..

    I can get it to loop by actually clicking the play button on the bottom control panel, but not via an event...

    also is it possible to :

    treat the AVI as a background (move objects over it?), right now it can't be Z ordered..

    and also get rid of the control bar at the bottom of the video?


    I just searched and found a guy who figured out video looping. Here is the thread:

  • Forget about video unless someone writes a proper plugin. Importing the video frames as textures is just ridiculous, don't do it. Try to make your Cutscene with events, it's the most efficient way.

    "Ridiculous" is a totally inaccurate assessment without respect to context. The suggestion was made before I knew his video was a whopping 5 minutes long. Had I known that, I obviously wouldn't have suggested it. Context is key. After finding out that his video was 5 minutes long, I suggested re-creating his video with events...

    If you're dealing with something that's only seconds long, it works perfectly and is not much different in operation from the standard way larger sprites with a good number of frames are dealt with in Construct. I know, because I've done both, never had a problem, and it always ran smoothly.

  • first of all - sorry if i sound rude. thats not my goal or target.

    about the bulding avi on engine... i done that before. actualy, the intro was buuild up on RPVX engine. but you see, it took me over a week to set everything in order. i know it can do the exact same thing in Construct from the very first moment ive seen its structure. but it doesnt change the fact - why build a house when you already have one? in game developing i always aim at efficiency. to not waste time for needless work, when it can be done just as good but in shorter time. thats how i roll.

    for examples. i have literaly bazzilion of sprites and i can create any animated sprite of buldings, structures, any creatures, all kinds of vehicles(flying,swiming,driving, space) all of them being 3D renders converted into sprite sheets. and all that without a single "expirience point" in 3d modeling. ofcourse i can waste half a year learning .blender. but why would i when i can have everything i need without it?

    Thats not a show off, just describing how i see things. thats mostly because i had been working as a payed game designer in my past(just for less then 2 years but still) and my work-methods aims always for the best productivity.

    i am not interested in "making games", i am interested in "finishing games".

    my game, its story, skill tree, tech tree, upgrades, planets, systems, alien rases, ships, creatures, artifacts, skill system, expirience system, damage system, battle system, mining system, crafting tree - it is ALL already writen and solid. i have 60 pages long, writen with font size 12 huge Word file containing the whole game, described and planed from the base to the roof. i dont design the game "on road". i write the game on paper, then translate it on computer.

    my project is much more organised then it seems at first.

    and back to topic heh... i know how to make the movies INSIDE Construct. i can do that anytime. he thing i DONT know i how to make the Construct play movies. both will lead me to the same result - having working in game movies - but second will also reward me with new knowledge, when the first is just repeating what i know already.and message: Video is not available, decompressor "vids:IV50" could not be found.

    Outside of the examples you've been given and Draven's examples and suggestion to use Python, there are no other options. If you hate language programming or just don't have the time to learn it, then your only other option is to rebuild the intro in Construct.