Mr. Ksoft's Forum Posts

  • This build refuses to run.


    C:\Program Files\Scirra\Construct\Construct.exe

    This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    I thought there could be a conflict due to installing 0.99.4 alongside 0.99.3 (the only other Construct build on this computer) but then I tried uninstalling both and then just installing 0.99.4 and it made no difference. Tried restarting, too.

    I notice this happened earlier when another user was using sandboxie, but I'm not. I'm just trying to run the program on a normal Windows XP installation.

  • I use 3D Boxes as in background layers in my game to add depth. Since updating my game to 0.99.3 these boxes have not appeared at all outside of the editors. I enabed 3D layering on their layers, as I discovered I had to-- still nothing for the boxes, though other objects on the same layers displayed. I heard it could be the new renderer's settings which had changed the parameters for Z position and depth on the boxes, but I noticed they had been updated to match with the new system automatically. Confused, I placed a brand new 3D Box on a foreground layer, next to my player. It didn't appear at all when I ran the game! However, after a few runs, I noticed that it appeared for a very split second when the layout started, but then was gone in the blink of an eye. According to the debugger, though, it was still there. I could even move it around by messing with the values... it just wouldn't show.

    And it gets weirder. I was running through the events trying to see if anything was causing it (there isn't even a single event relating to 3D Boxes, but I decided to check anyway) and was disabling random event groups, and I disabled the game's camera control, returning the camera to the top left corner. The boxes reappeared!! But then I started shifting the camera right and they started disappearing one by one. It's like once they got to a certain point they vanished.

    I am beyond confused.

    I'd post a .cap but I am very concerned about the theft of my potentially commercial project. If you need to see it, get in touch and if you're a trusted fellow around here I may consider giving you a look, though.

  • I'm trying to post it to the tracker but am instead getting an error that says

    [quote:3g4s7bcx] ERROR


    And nothing else. It might be Sourceforge having some issues-- I'll try again later.

  • I have a distinct need for vertically moving platforms.

    However, when moving a platform up using bullet movement, the character jiggles and reacts as if it is periodically lifting off the platform, then falling back to it. This obviously isn't acceptable.

    I did a quick search on this forum and found a topic from February that said it used to work right and needed fixed in a new version, but here we are in June and if this is the issue then it's still there. I'm not sure, though, so that's why I haven't gone running off to the bug tracker.

    Any work-around?

  • Issue: Working on what potentially could end up being a commercial project, and the problem ONLY happens in that *.cap. A new example doesn't have that problem...

  • *bump because I'm late*

    Well, I'm not really sure how prior-existing events could do this. The "enemy" objects in question had no events before I added the check for LOS as a test, and they still don't have any apart from those, and I can't see anything that would affect the player object in such a way as to completely break how it reacts to the LOS behavior-- does anyone know of some that might?

    It may also be interesting to note that if i change the object the enemies are looking for, LOS doesn't work with them either.

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  • I'm playing around with the line of sight behavior to see how it works.

    As a test in order to get an idea for how the range would be detected I setup an object inside my game that changes animation when the player is within range using "Has LOS to (player)" and changes back when the player's out of range. I set a 250 pixel range at 10 pixel accuracy.

    However... it doesn't seem to actually listen to what you set the range as.

    For instance, at 10 pixel accuracy the animation only triggers if you're standing within 10 pixels of the object, even though the range is 250 pixels. If I change the accuracy to 100 pixels, then it will activate within 100 pixels, but not the 250.

    I was about to make an example to put up here to demonstrate the problem, but oddly it works fine when you make a new file with it in there... but not in my game itself. No idea why it won't work in my game.

  • My computer went belly up back in December, first with trouble opening programs and then it would only give me a stop error. I think the number was 0x0000008, which is just yours without the e.

    It turned out to be bad ram. You may want to check that.

  • <img src="">

    Foreground needs a little sprucing up, but I like my title screen design.

    It starts with some logos, then the character flies down from the top of the screen. The camera moves down after he goes off screen and this title screen is revealed, which constantly scrolls to the right. The background buildings are 3D Boxes.

  • I have concerns regarding music.

    I'm porting my game from Multimedia Fusion 2, where I used OGG format files for music not only because that was all it supported but because I want to keep myself out of legal issues. They are loaded externally because I'd like to have my players able to replace the music if they want.

    However, as the documentation states, XAudio2 does not do OGG as music unless you have the codec for it. I figured it would not be much of an issue to have players install this codec, and I already had it installed, so I decided to try that out.

    But there are problems with it. Namely, when loading these OGG files it cuts off about the first half-second of each file. That sounds funny, but I can't add a half-second gap to compensate because the files are designed to loop.

    So, I tried the backup plan, loading the music as a sound, which also conveniently eliminates the pesky codec. I locked up the first channel and let the music go on that. However, this causes the game to skip 20-30 frames (at 60 fps v-synced) while it loads because as the documentation states it decompresses the OGG first. I tried making it pre-cache the files, but this only works the first time the music is loaded-- after a song is switched out it seems to dump it from the cache meaning if I want to reload a song (and I do) it'll freeze again.

    I'm guessing it is overall an OGG problem, as it requires either a codec or decompression before playing, but I am in a rather tight spot. I cannot really use any other music format. My game will probably be sold, which automatically knocks MP3 and WMA off the list. Both require licensing fees, and MP3's for instance is $2500 per title for games. WMA's is less, but still is inacceptable for a game being built on zero budget. That leaves WAV, which is freaking huge-- not good for digital distribution and it could even overflow the size of a CD if I tried to put the game on CD. OGG is essentially the only choice I have apart from MOD music, which I would prefer not using because I have actual music software at my disposal that gives me much more freedom.

    So how exactly can I switch between musics quickly without either losing the beginning of the tune or having the game freeze for a sec?

  • This is a fad at school. I know tons of people that play against each other during classes.

    I, myself, never really got into it. I just watch.

  • I'm extremely sure the file existed there-- I browsed to the folder and stared straight at it.

    Now actually, this particular school computer is an oddball-- since it's not in a public space like the library and is an older box it's been neglected in the corner of a classroom for YEARS by the school's techs. It predates any of their restrictions (which aren't much, even on the newer boxes we can still execute programs freely with the only restriction being that the computer restores itself from an image on reboot) and is basically free as a bird apart from the internet filter that's network-wide. The thing's basically taken over by students, and it's loaded with games and other programs that work absolutely fine.

    I don't remember if it logs in as Administrator, but chances are it does. I'll have a look tomorrow. Might be a good idea to check what Construct is doing though just in case.

  • I've been trying out Construct stuff on multiple computers recently so I can get an idea of what levels of computers have which pixel shaders and the like and how well they handle Construct apps. Today I was going to try it out on the school computers (don't worry, I got the OK from a teacher first...) which are all identical Dell boxes, about 1.8 ghz, 256MB RAM (some oddly have 512 instead), probably integrated graphics and running Windows 2000.

    Anyway, I went through the process of updating DirectX and that worked out, but running the stand-alone I'm met with this:

    <img src="">

    Now, I checked the Temp folder and the 3.csx it mentions was definitely created by the stand alone and existed at that moment. However it seems that it was unable to access it or could access it but not fully load it.

    I suspected maybe that it was out of RAM (256MB total isn't much) and killed a ton of processes, making about 100MB free, but that didn't make a difference. Plus, I just checked on this computer and the game only takes up 30MB while running.

    I did a quick search on this forum before posting, and I found a similar one but the number in parentheses at the end was a 998 and not 126 like mine. I imagine that makes a difference, so I'm asking.

    It is a Construct problem, a little Windows misconfiguration, or is the computer just not capable?

  • Whoa, that response sounds EXACTLY like a friend of mine. The only way I know it's not him are a few grammar and punctuation slip-ups.

    Would be awesome if it were him, though. He totally would respond like that.

  • So, a friend and I are working on an overly ambitious platformer entitled Splynch. We've been at it for the last few months, slowly putting together something fun to play. My friend has done most of the in-depth planning and design decisions while I am doing the programming, art, music, etc, as it is in fact mostly my project which I started and he decided to help out with.

    You can shoot lasers from your eyes, glide, munch on seemingly infinite amounts of candy corn and stack powerups on top of each other for absolute laser carnage. If we think the quality's high enough in the end, we'll probably sell it for a low price in order to help our miniscule teenage incomes. We have a bunch of people doing beta testing and so far the response has been overall positive, so we think we've got something good here.

    I originally pieced together the first world in Multimedia Fusion 2, and now I'm working on porting the whole thing to Construct because MMF2 is a pain in the *** to work with large projects in and requires way too many workarounds to get more advanced things to work properly. Construct seems far better suited to the game and I was able to jump in pretty quickly due to its general similarity to MMF2.

    Here's the first screenshot of the Construct version, which is not only enhanced over the MMF2 version but has also been bumped to widescreen to improve the available viewing area. I'm still reprogramming the engine, so it's a testing level with lots of missing stuff. And I was messing with objects to see what they did and how I could recreate effects I setup in MMF2, hence the 3D Boxes in the background.

    <img src="">

    For comparison, here's some MMF2 version screenshots. The first is older and from that version's testing level, and the others are from the actual game and contain stuff as new as last week. Expect the Construct version to look quite similar, if not better.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">