Mr. Ksoft's Forum Posts

  • Well, I've been working on a game for TIGSource's Assemblee Competition and here's what I came up with! This is officially the first project I've finished in Construct, w00t.


    (Cash of Infinite Necessity)

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    You are a bandit from the 1800s. You have stolen so many coins that you have run out of coins to steal. Your next move? Rob the future...

    -Grab coins and kill enemies to raise your multiplier, which makes even MORE coins appear!

    -Discover the best strategies to keep your multiplier up and become rich!

    -Take on the world using the online leaderboard!

    DOWNLOAD!! (11.5 MB zip)

    View the leaderboard!

    Also don't forget to visit the forum because that's always trendy.

  • W00t! The 3D boxes WORK AGAIN!!! FINALLY!!

    On the minus side, what the heck happened to the platform behavior's slope handing? Now, when I run something up a slope, it gradually slows down as the slope becomes steeper. Sometimes, if you stop on a slope for a sec and then try to keep going up, you can't, presumably because you don't have enough force to do so. Is this the intended new behavior? Sure it's realistic, and is great in, for instance, a Sonic-like game, but it's a nuisance otherwise. (If this is unintentional, I'll go ahead and file a bug report, but I dunno if it is)

  • While it may be like Ghost Shooter, it's still damn fun. I actually bought this, and it's very entertaining for a dollar. Great party title, too, my friends really got a kick out of it with all four players going.

  • I've been experimenting with Hackintoshing recently (running Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware) and as a result I tried to find a way to run Construct without having to reboot into XP constantly.

    I'd say it's quite possible, just that with my hardware it was unfeasible.

    I was able to use VMWare Fusion and install a copy of XP, and run Construct inside it, but it was kinda slow due to my lack of RAM and processor power for such heavy emulation. However, I'd guess that recent Apple hardware is much better suited to it. Another thing to note is that you could use Parallels Desktop, which does the same thing but has better performance (I could not use it as I am on an AMD processor and it won't run on that) Both of these implement DX9 and Shader 2.0, which is as high as Construct supports anyway. As long as you're not using six billion pixel shaders at once I'd say it would work at least decently.

    Just note that both of these potential programs cost money. There is a free one, VirtualBox, but I tried and it does not work.

  • Nononono, my WTF is that it works for him.

    I definitely expected it to be 0.99.62, which it was. Shoulda put another linebreak in there.

    I'm downloading this version to my laptop now to see if perhaps it is an issue with my desktop or its GPU.

    UPDATE: Nope, same deal here. No idea why it is working fine for Stargoat.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • WTF??

    I just opened it up... "Construct 0.99.62". And that is the version in this thread.

    Hm... can some other people test it out and see what happens?

  • Have you posted something about it to the bug tracker?

    I did over the summer and it was closed a bit later without a word, and then I saw another report that was the same just this month and you marked it fixed.

    Regardless, I have posted it up again.

  • [quote:1g858l6y]- [FIX] 3D box: disappearing when scrolling away from (0, 0)

    You sure about that? I'm still experiencing this issue...

  • Things have been advancing slowly but surely. I've added all kinds of lighting and other effects to give the graphics a little boost. These pics do have some background issues, though, due to some 3D Box rendering problems in 0.99.x.

    <img src="">

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    (Yes, these are dark, as the two locations featured are an abandoned basement and an outdoor parking lot at night)

  • Additionally, -I- don't think it should go stable until the 3D Box rendering is fixed ( ... id=1003219). This has been broken throughout the entire 0.99 series. The 3D Box is built in, so I'd expect it to work, especially if I'm using a "stable" release. I know it's not a crash but if it doesn't work right, that's just as bad.

    EDIT: By the way, your about screen on this build still says "0.99.5"

  • MrKsoft - USA

  • Is 3D box still busted?

    That would also technically make it backwards incompatible

    As far as I can tell it is. It'll render properly when 3D layering is enabled (since that is how it's supposed to be) but if you put it in a background layer that doesn't scroll at 100% and then move, they'll vanish. I filed a bug report on it about a month ago with an example attached, I dunno if it's been looked at.

  • Yay, this one loads!

    But the X360 controller plugin doesn't.

    [quote:1sptmrzf]Error loading C:\Program Files\Scirra\Construct 0.99.42\Plugins\Xbox360Controller.csx (14001) - this plugin may not be available!

  • The new EXE doesn't seem to make a difference here.