MrFrettz's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, R0j0! That's very clever, and helps a lot! You mentioned that this works "when everything is on ground level". Obviously, Construct really is meant for two-dimensional games. But, in theory, if I wanted to have a sprite floating in mid-air (or, say, in mid-jump), I assume I would need a Z coordinate and a quadratic equation instead of a linear equation?

    Finally make an event as follows:

    For each Family1 ordered by Family1.Y-(108/308)*Family1.x ascendeing

    --- Family1 move to top

    Example capx:

    Additionally, to R0j0hound or anyone else out there, I was attempting to solve the issue by picking the correct sprites when two sprites overlap.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Obviously, this wasn't quite working. :P I'm pretty sure I understand what the problems are, but don't know how to go about fixing them. Does anyone have any tips on how to make this approach work, if I wanted to go down this route? Figuring this out would help me figure out a related issue, even if I go with R0j0's awesome suggestion.

  • Hey team! Got what I believe is a bit of an advanced issue with z-order and an isometric-ish perspective.

    <img src="" border="0">

    So! In this image there are 11 sprites on-screen. Ten pretty-colored boxes, and one smaller black box. They're aligned based on their Y position. Pretty standard.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Note: the only other four events are the ones that give the black box movement with WASD.

    The issue is that from this perspective, the black box should layer behind or in font of one of the colored boxes based on whether it's on the colored box's left or right side. Case in point:

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    The bottom boxes have their origin placed at their bottom-back-left corner while the top boxes have their origin placed at their bottom-FRONT-left corner. So, the black box layers fine when to the left of a bottom box, but not to the right. The black box layers fine when to the right of a top box, but not to the left. It's fine when either directly above or below either set of boxes.

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    You can mess around with the file here.

    So! What I need to do is create some events that essentially say the following:

    (1) When two objects from the Sprites Family are overlapping, compare the X position of SpriteA to SpriteB.

    (2) If SpriteA is to the left of SpriteB, move SpriteA in front of SpriteB if SpriteA's Y position is greater than SpriteB's bottom-back-left corner, else move SpriteA behind SpriteB.

    (3) If SpriteA's Y position is greater than SpriteB's bottom-FRONT-left corner, move SpriteA in front of SpriteB, else move SpriteA behind SpriteB.

    This is hard to do, as I need to pick specific sprites from the same family and differentiate between them. I think the key may be in the system condition "Pick nth instance", but so far I haven't had any luck.

    I'm pretty sure that this is possible! I could just use some helping cracking the puzzle. :) Anything and everything is appreciated!

  • Update! Cody now spends much less time kneeling to fill his bag up with snowballs, and kneeling behind cover gives him infinite ammo! We're tying to streamline the game in this build so that the player spends much more time platforming and fighting, and less time refilling their ammo. Let me know what you think!

  • Update! Cody now spends much less time kneeling to fill his bag up with snowballs, and kneeling behind cover gives him infinite ammo! We're tying to streamline the game in this build so that the player spends much more time platforming and fighting, and less time refilling their ammo. Let me know what you think!

  • Keep the progress! I'd like too see extra feature on gameplay. Like put or drop some item after defeating boss, or gain experience that add up to offense/defense.

    The gameplay was fun, though it need more variations (or pace?).

    Best luck for Schoolyard Snodown.

    Thanks, alextro! We're working on having a much higher enemy diversity, and in the actual game you'll unlock a new ability after defeating each boss. For the sake of the demo, though, we wanted to give you guys a full kit to show off what Cody can do!

  • Edit: derp.

  • Thanks for all your feedback, everyone! I'm bumping this thread because we just posted a HUGE update to the demo! A new level, high score tracking, bux fixes galore, and a lot of other cool stuff - check it out! :)

  • Hey everyone! I'm pleased to say that we just released a HUGE update to the demo for Schoolyard Snodown! New features, plenty of bug fixes, and a brand new level! Any and all feedback is appreciated. :) We've worked hard, but will gladly work harder to make Snodown even better.

    One thing I can't figure out is why the hyperlink isn't working. I installed the browser plugin and set up events so that a new window will open when you click on the Kickstarter logo. This is working fine when I preview the game, but not here on the Arcade. Anybody have any insight?

    Oh, and yes! We're on Kickstarter! Check out the campaign here!

  • Good news: GameJolt works! I'm currently running into an issue where text does not disappear when you close a menu, so Snodown isn't yet public on it. Hopefully I'll be able to figure that out, soon.

    Don't forget html5 game arcade HTML5er. It's new but I'm the developer behind it so you can ask me any questions about it.

    Thanks, I'll give it a shot! The 840 x 480 restriction is a bit constricting, as Snodown is 640 x 480, but I'll see what I can do.

  • Pitch your game to YouTubers who review indie games; not necessarily the big names but some of the smaller guys. They are often more willing to review a game for you, and can drive a lot of traffic if your game is good.

    Wow, great idea! Never even occured to us. I'll take a look around YouTube - any specific recommendations?

  • MrFrettz

    I'm not sure if Armor Games accept html5 games (they only seem to mention flash on the site). The other three are definitely good places, though demos are often scored low just for being demos.

    It's probably also worth trying (which gives you access to many useful features, including ads, analytics, ability to push the game with ease to other sites), and Facebook. I'm currently in the process of testing out various sites with my own game, so I'll be sure to let you know if I find any other good places.

    Hmm well I'll be sure to let you know, as well!

  • Hey everyone! We've been listening to your feedback and just posted an updated demo! Lots of great new features - paralaxing, snowfall, volume control, bug fixes, ability tweaks. Let us know what you like, and what isn't working - there's lots more to come. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • MrFrettz

    hi its a great game.. sorry I can't be of any help.. maybe others on here can offer some advice.. How is your own research going?

    Pretty well! We're hoping to get the demo up on Newgrounds, Armor Games, Kongregate, and Gamejolt, in addition to right here on the Scirra Arcade. We also just posted a new demo with a lot of great new features. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> (You can mute it, now!)

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  • Hello everyone! I'm currently working on the team behind Schoolyard Snodown - a retro inspired beat 'em up staring Cody and his kid brother Sam as they participate in a school-wide snowball fight and try to beat Diesel, their self-proclaimed rival, once more before Cody graduates.

    You don't see a lot of beat 'em up games anymore, but we know there have to be people out there like us, who love the genre. Finding them, though, is going to be tough! We're doing our own research/networking/social media/etc. but thought posting here might be worth a shot. Does anyone know of a community specifically built around retro titles or side-scrollers that might be interested in Snodown? If not, do you have any tips from your own experience of finding an audience for your game? Any and all feedback is always welcomed!

  • Oh I like the snowball shadow too, helps bring it to ground better...

    I think so, too. :) Also, I managed to fix the lines in between the snow tiles. Under Project Properties, there's an option to turn Pixel Rounding on. That did it!

    The game looks good :)

    Link to your facebook page is wrong.

    Thank you! And really? Hmmm it seems to work fine for me. ?