MrClifford's Forum Posts

  • Any advice? Thanks

  • Hi guys,

    Trying to add inverted controls to my game that uses impulse to launch the player like a sling shot. However, a couple people who have tested it would like to test with inverted controls - i.e instead of pulling back to propel the character forwards, they would like to try swiping in the direction they would like to send the character.

    Been fiddling with this for a good few hours now but cant seem to crack it. So here is the initial code to move the character forward, and an image to show how the movement works.

    I have tried various things to get this working but none are working so far. At the moment, I have added another ball to mirror the touch, and tried to get the impulse to cause the character to move from the rear, while the first ball is facing the direction of player movement.

    Appreciate any pointers.


  • As Lancifer said, Scale Outer will help adapt to various aspect ratios. For Android, a good starting place is an aspect ratio of 16:9, as this is the standard aspect ratio for Android phones as of 2010.

    That being said, other phones with higher quality displays and curved screens will use a different aspect ratio, but using Scale Outer will fill the remainder of the screen nicely. I test on a Galaxy Note 9 18.5:9 but use a 16:9 aspect ratio with Scale Outer and it fills perfectly.

    16:9 aspect ratios: 1024×576, 1152×648, 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080, 2560×1440 and 3840×2160. If you use say 1366 x 768 you will see more of the background displayed etc compared to 1024 x 576. You will have to adjust your ratio/viewport to what suits your game.

  • Thanks Gugogon!

    Bern a quiet few weeks been busy with other things but slowly changed all the local storage code for the game over the this time.

    Now have a fully fledged system on the go that will save current level score, best score, current star level, best star level, revamped music and vibrate system along with trophies and language select.

    Just need to refine all artwork now then progress and make some more levels!

  • This looks bloody amazing! Already putting ideas into my head and I havnt even finished my first game yet!

  • I was just being a bit dopey! Got it all working now, just needed to set the shadow position to enemy.X,Self.Y and bingo! Thanks again calm, much appreciated. Just going to try and do the ninja shadow now in the same way - will mean levels wont take as long to make as i wont have to be putting that box along all the tilemap!

  • Yes, that's what i'm trying to achieve, shadow remains on ground but opacity fades over distance. But I would like it for all enemies regardless of height.

    Your demo looks spot on but due to the fact i've been using an overlapping event to create shadows on for the player character, the levels are set a little differently. If I use your example, no shadows appear (i'm guessing due to various image points to set the distance without events). If I add in the overlapping loop to the enemies, shadows appear but do not change opacity. My brain is actually getting fried on this one!

    I've put an example of how a level is set up with the shadowbar (invisible) and how the ninja overlaps it. Works perfectly, but not for multiple enemies/heights.

  • Unfortunately it doesn't work. The container works well and assigns each enemy a shadow - and destroys it too. Perfect. However, if i set the shadow to position to enemy XY then the shadow will move up and down with the enemy instead of fading on the floor with opacity.

    If on the first example I add in an every tick to the overlapping event it will occasionally add shadows to the upper enemies but they quickly disappear - then reappear.

    I found by altering the image point on the shadow sprite I could position it to the necessary position per enemy instance. This was to overcome setting the shadow to enemy XY. I found setting the position to enemy.X, ninjaShadowBar.Y was what was messing up the positions in the first place. Works fine for one instance, but not multiple!

  • Thanks calm - i'll check out the manual and see how they work as I havn't used them yet! Thanks a million

    Edit: Just read the manual and looks simple enough! I can change another one of my enemies now too to cut some events out! Thanks

  • Hi guys, had a shadow working for my player character for a while but thought i'd now like to add shadows to all enemies. Getting stuck with this one! I can either make it so every enemy gets assigned a shadow - but they are not in the right places. As soon as the enemies start getting killed, instead of the shadow being destroyed by the nearest enemy, the shadow is changing position, then stacking (creating a big thick shadow on the last enemies). Or I can make the shadow appear in one spot (not where it should be) in one thick mass of all the instances of said shadow.

    The states are working fine - switching from idle animation to attack animation shadows but included the code to demonstrate what i'm trying to do. I'm sure I'm just missing something simple - maybe adding another instance variable of some description but after a good few hours I am officially stumped.

    Thanks guys!

  • Currently filling in levels 13-19 with enemies, consumables and traps, the second boss AI has had some modifications and currently just need to refine health/damage amounts from the players character and the boss itself. Little snippet of the events used to create some of the AI.

    The boss will teleport to a random location every 3.5 seconds, shoot ninja stars at the players character every second along with a basic enemy being spawned randomly every 5 seconds (they also throw ninja stars at you).

  • Had a little look and changed a few bits for you to go over. The problems you were facing were due to the layouts using the same event sheet, even though you added a new event sheets, you didn't change which event sheet the layout should use.

    Changed the first event sheet and named it Engine. This is what will be powering the game. Include this on your level event sheets.

    Also changed the way your setting the remaining critters and viruses. Simply added the number of each to update every tick. This way the games not relying on an action to update the remaining scores.

    Also removed a couple of the virus total = 0 conditions as they were not needed. Game looks like a nice little project! Hope this quick revision helps.

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  • Hi guys,

    Been working on this game for the last 3-4 months in my spare time. Shukuchi - translated from Japanese means "shrink earth method". This fast paced, high octane project will be available within the coming months on multiple different platforms, but primary Android and iOS.


    Unique, high speed game-play.

    Teleport system - instantly attack an enemy, or use it if you are stuck.

    80 Normal levels.

    8 Boss levels.

    Predictive aim ninja star throwing system.


    Current progress:

    Main engine (this is always getting altered as the levels are created)

    Life system - Complete

    Teleport system - Complete

    Ninja stars system - Complete

    Enemy AI - Complete

    Boss AI - 6/8 Complete

    Graphics - Mostly complete (like the engine, always getting altered to give optimal performance)

    Transitions - Complete

    Scrolling level select - Complete

    Pause w/ options - Complete

    Shadows - Main character shadows complete, work in progress on enemies/boss'

    Sounds - Base sounds in for testing purposes, will change nearer release to final sounds.

    Levels - 12/80 release ready

    Boss Levels 1/8 release ready

    So, majority of the main stuff is out of the way, now I'm on the long slog of create all the levels. It seems to take around 3-4 hours to fully complete and finalise a level so I'm a long way off, but here's some screen shots as of some levels so far! I hope you enjoy.

    Oh and a big thank you to dop2000 for helping me with the local storage and other bits and pieces along the way (plus some of his forum posts have been superb in aiding with some other things)!

    A level in progress!

    Teaser vid to come in the coming weeks!

  • I basically have 2 buttons, with 2 frames. soundOn with frame 0 and 1 and same for music. I use local storage to save the options, which saves the animation frame. Doing it this way allows for the button animation to be toggled on and off along with the sound and music.

    I'm not too sure - by using preloads complete and setting the sound to -infinity db actually results in a better mute. Some events like Is playing/Is not playing results in only about 50% of sounds being muted. Set silent seems to be the only thing that actually stops the sounds 100% from playing but also silents the music.

    Edit: The sound effect "add mute effect" also completely stops the sound, but leads to a massive frame rate drop on multiple clicks/touches

  • Hi all, got a weird one with my sound and music mutes, well sound to be precise. Music mutes properly however sound does not fully mute.

    I've tried many different variations that all result in the same issue - that being a tiny bit of sound coming through on the action before properly muting itself, which is quite annoying as the trigger event occurs many times within a short space of time. The only way I can get sounds to fully mute is if I use the audio - set silent event, but that also mutes the music which I dont want. Here a screenshot of my current setup that works 98%, bar the small flickering of sound issues.

    I've tired global to control the sound, different variations of the code above but the sounds are still not completely silent! I've also though the possibility that .ogg files might be to blame but I've tried different extensions and different sounds but still the problem persists.

    Also using choose("sound1","sound2","sound3") to play different audio for the same event which could be causing the issue, but tried setting just the one sound to play and still getting the issue, so dont think it's the "choose" that's the issue.
