MPPlantOfficial's Forum Posts

  • Hi. This is a solution I made for a pipe puzzle before but the concept is the same: ... .capx?dl=0

  • > With two tiledbackgrounds you can make it look like it's animated, or at least moving forward.

    > ... .capx?dl=1


    Hi how do I set laser length to Mouse.x mouse.y if not overlapping wall?

    I tried modifying but the result is no laser is shown

    Hmmm... I just thought of a solution involving 2 laser beams. Yours and another always set to a default length. Whether or not beam 1 is colliding with a solid will determine which beam will be used. Sounds good to me!

  • With two tiledbackgrounds you can make it look like it's animated, or at least moving forward. ... .capx?dl=1

    Hi how do I set laser length to Mouse.x mouse.y if not overlapping wall?

    I tried modifying but the result is no laser is shown

  • ...and as another behaviorless example there is this: ... .capx?dl=1

    Awesome! This is something everyone could use.

  • I've had luck in the past doing instant path finding in the past by utilizing the LOS behavior.

    Awesome, R0j0! Nice touch on the corner sprites.

    That seems to be exactly what I needed for my Right triangles solution.

  • I'm working on a visibility graph based pathfinding algorithm,

    VERY interesting. I actually thought of a solution using 2 sets of lines sprites to measure X and Y displacement and simply projecting my desired path along the Hypotenuse.

    Not as complex as yours but it's something I can work with. Still looking forward to your solution.

  • What if there are two or more walls? How do you choose the closest route? This could be a very difficult task.

    Well that's the thing, I want there to be a max of 2 turns and actually want the line to be displayed that way for a visual representation of the max distance. Basically what's shown in the picture is exactly how I want it to look like. The cursor is constantly projecting the destination and calculating distance like that.

    Have yet to check your example since I haven't updated versions yet but will check tomorrow.

  • To explain I posted everything in the diagram below.

    I'm attempting to make something like a Real time pathfinding if you will only using lines and points except this one forecasts your character/sprites' position every tick which obviously cannot be applied using the built in pathfinding function.

    Key point #1: It doesn't matter if the character can't fit through the walls; what matters is the shortest distance can be found immediately.

    Key point #2: Might export this using C3 so I'd prefer it done using VANILLA plugins

    I'm thinking I'm going to need 3 sprites just to serve as points for each intersection on a wall and a single line sprite whose width will increase and until it reaches destination or until max distance is reached. To explain check out my "Hypothetical Solution" section at the bottom of the picture posted.

    This is the solution I though of however I'm having trouble actually applying it. I'm thinking something like:

    [repeat 180 times]

    [point 1 is overlapping wall] set point 1 angle to [point1.angle + 1]

    or something like that but to be quite honest I don't know where to start.

    Thank you.

  • It's the fx:

    It's used apart from the canvas plugin.


    Alright. Thanks. Sorry for the late reply btw. Just saw this today.

  • If you're happy with a solid outline you could use the outline effect.

    For a dashed line you'd need to calculate the outline from the intersection of the shapes. The canvas plugin gives a way to draw it after you calculate it, or you could use a tiled background for each edge.

    It's not super trivial to calculate but a lot of solutions can be found online that can be adapted over.

    What is this outline effect? Is this a separate effect altogether or is it an action found in Canvas?

    Sorry but I have no experience using this plugin yet so I don't know where to begin

  • I'm trying to make some scalable solid walls for some sprites to interact with.

    At first I went the brute force method of using lines and image points (which I struggled to complete) but it occurred to me that Canvas might be a possible solution to my problem though I've never used the plugin before so I don't know where to begin.

    CAPX: ... .capx?dl=0

    All details below:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Will the C3 runtime affect C2-made projects?

  • Any new laptop but ask for Windows 7.

    Windows 10 comes pre-installed with many shitware that will slow down your pc.

  • New runtime has performance improvements and will have plugins like tween, canvas etc. Those definitely help to make a more polished game.

    [Del.] Dont want to give them any more ideas.

  • ...currently working on a desktop project, so no need for the neat new things construct 3 have for mobile projects (exporters, IAP plugin).

    C2 is good enough for your needs but if your project has a demand for Android and iOS, then it wouldn't hurt to get C3 only for the exportation. Even if the runtime turns out to be as good as promised it's not really mandatory for your needs.