mOOnpunk's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    You might get more help by posting your questions in the correct forum section.

    This one is for people showcasing their projects. Perhaps try posting in the "how do i" section or "general discussion".

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  • Ashley Tom

    Maybe Scirra needs to make people aware of this?

  • NetOne

    Turns out you were right. Apparently chromes built in pop up blocker was blocking its own message? Even though i don't have that pop up box asking where you want the file to be saved enabled in advance settings it's still doing it, but was being blocked.

    Disabling pop up blocker on worked.

  • > I thought they addressed this in an earlier release. It may be related to the fact that on Chrome for me alpha 1 looks like alpha 32 or so, so it's impossible to get smooth lighting effects and it VGAs up all the colors.


    Maybe raise as a bug.

    There is definitely a lot of strangeness and instability going on in the sprite editor to the point where Im pretty much avoiding using it for now.

    I really hope scirra make enough to get a full time tester in at some stage to really test things especially like the editor.

    I must have come across 100 little issues with the editor but I just dont have the time or energy to raise them all in bug reporting

    edit. looks like there is a fair fiew updates to the sprite editor inthe new beta

    I feel exactly the same. I've stopped reporting them now, particularly the image editor, they fix one bug and add 2 more. Graphics editor all generally work in the same way, but i get the impression the person coding c3's has never used one before. It's all slightly off.

  • Thanks for the suggestion. I had a look and its set to off so no change unfortunately. It's pretty annoying, i don't have much time to spend on my game as it is now i have to try and sort out this browser problem thats suddenly just happened for no reason.

    I tried c3 in Safari instead but it only works with the latest version so i have to update my os just to try it. Sigh.

  • This is how i've always saved my work. Never had any issues now c3 won't save.

    Project > save as > download a copy. It reaches 100% then the box just disappears and thats it, no new file.

    What can the problem be? Tried restarting computer and chrome, still the same.


  • fisholith Thanks very much. Very useful tool.

  • fisholith could you by any chance export your tool to OSX for us mac users? Thanks.

    • Post link icon

    Also the menus are a pain in c3. They work fine in c2 but in c3 they are slow to respond to input and are always resizing themselves.

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    The image editor in c3 is a bugged filled mess and i think has been poorly coded from the start. A lot of bugs have been fixed for it already but its still buggy. Origin points not being positioned correctly or not remembered, graphics glitches when copy pasting, colour palette not be remembered when you leave and comeback, colour picker not working after first click, image editor still crashes c3 on occasions. I fear using it because of the crashes. And still no way to copy and past frames or whole animations between objects, basic functionality like that.

  • I experimented with this a few years back. I did it the way R0j0hound did with repositioning the tile maps, but rather than having 2 duplicate objects i instead used just the one object that moved with the tilemap position it was currently overlapping.

    I lost much of the work but still have one file left, if you can decipher whats going on. I'm also a bit better at coding now so some of the events might be a bit wtf.

  • If you are familiar with Rex's pathfinding plugins you can use his "Edge" plugin in conjunction with his pathfinding plugins to create impassible walls/edges.

    For my Kairosoft type game i'm working on i used the method R0J0hound describes where i did my own with events where each tile has a token list of the neighbour tiles it connects to so people can only walk on the roads. This is good because it means i can also do things like teleporters since tiles can have neighbours they are not physically next to.

  • I have a 16:9 aspect ratio iMac with resolution set to 1920 x1080, and for my game i also use a 16:9 aspect ratio size. I want to use pixel art so its crisp so i set fullscreen mode to "letter box integer scale" yet when i run the game i get black bars. If i use the browser object and set it to go full screen i still get black bars.

    The only way i can get the game to cover the screen with crisp graphics (not using fullscreen quality high) is to set full screen mode to "scale outer" and set the canvas size to the window size. This seems to work well for me since the game is designed so the hud and things can handle different screen sizes but i wonder if there is any pitfalls to doing this? I haven't noticed any drop in fps.

    Also why won't "letter box integer scale" work as it should, as in fill the screen at this size and aspect ratio?


  • You can toggle a number variable which is either 0 or 1 using,

    abs(variable -1) or 1-variable