MoonMonky's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys!

    Thank you to everyone to answer me so fast!

    I figured it out that the Web worker was turned On and it slow down overall performance.

    With the Worker turned off I gained around 12-14fps and now I'm quite stable to 60.

    So thank you for all your suggestion, I applied it anyway to lighten the gameplay as much as it's possible!


  • Hi guys!

    It's now several month that we are working on a quite big project for pc&mac primary and I really love the easyness and power of Construct!

    The problem start to come inside a layout with many objects. I'm running on a macbook pro 2015 but I tried exports on several middle target machines and the games start goes slow (around 40-45 fps) on that layout. Cpu load is very low (around 10%) while Gpu goes to 60/65% about.

    Our game is based on a comic and so all the graphics are hand-drawn.

    It will be a casual game with a lot of dialogues with multiple choices and some little minigames.

    So, we don't use physics at all and we have several layer of stuff with a many objects inside.

    The target export would be 1920x1080 since is still the most used resolution on Steam Pc players.

    Here comes the problem: we are facing the well-known problem of the Gpu fill rate.

    I already read a tons of topic about performance issue on that side and already made a lot of trials with profiler and fps value alone.

    The problem come just in full screen and even if there are no object moving the weight of the layers with the biggest objects inside are really heavy in the profiler.

    For example just deleting the front dark mask sprite (on the screenshot attached) on the profiler let us gain 7-8 fps.

    It's also due to the fact that there are around 200 objects in total but just few of them are visible together and just 3 of them are really that big.

    In another layout I used huge sprites (about 2800x1200) too but with no performance issue due to the fact that were just about 15 sprites in total.

    I tried avoiding huge objects with big transparency and this help, but we don't so have much areas to be optimized left.

    The game plays smooth with framerate unlimited (touches only) but I read it's recommended to just use V-sync for publishing.

    So some doubts are coming out. I know that's not the standard way to develop a videogame, but the strength of this game are the graphics, so I'm struggling in how to solve that.

    Reducing canvas size to hd ready standard (1366x768) solve the problem for most device but it's most blurry and I don't feel is a doable path.

    Will another engine better perform on rendering this areas? Maybe using perfect vector rendering instead of just quad+trasparency rendering and other stuff I simply don't know.

    Is there a better way to develop a scene like this?

    So, is construct the right software for a project like that?

    Sorry for longness and bad english guys!

  • I see that the video is not showing up.

    So it's here:

  • Hi guys!

    I'm facing how to implement and hard logic on my game.

    Here's a video of what I would like to do with Construct.

    The layout will be divided in Hexagons (or, simply, I could do square) and I would like to let the player draw with this kind of "hand-drawn materia".

    I previously create that "materia" in another way with a single sprite in a layer with Alpha-threshold effect on. The ones created mainly for "water effect". And it was really nice but I would like to try something more "personalized" like just adding to the Materia the white "grid drawd" you can see in the Materia in the video it would be nice. But I can't since there are a lot of objects in the scene that mix together and I can't create a single one, procedural, piece of Materia.

    I don't know if I was clear enough.

    I hope someone could help me facing some way to think that I'm not willing at.

    Really, any advice is really appreciated.

    Thank you guys!


    MoonMonky Studio

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  • Hi guys!

    Is there anyone that port a Gesture Recognizer on Construct 3 C3 runtime?

    Thanks a lot!
