Mitch's Forum Posts

  • I think he's looking for an almost acceleration based zoom; so when the player starts moving the camera zooms out slowly.

    You need to get the player's distance from previous position at some time interval (Say 100ms) and base your zoom on that. Create a global variable (or private tied to the character) storing the characters X (if its a platformer) every 100ms then checking against its previous position; that will give you "The distance traveled since the last update" and a number to base your camera zoom on.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • here coincidence.

  • Ah, no those are just the .mesh files (i assume) that are now used for the distortion maps in the latest Construct build. Nothing to do with Multiverse at all.

  • Multiverse files? Oo I have no idea what you speak of Oo

    *while typing*

    OH that piece of junk... I haven't touched Multiverse MMO kit in years - and only then because it was a school requirement.

    What files are you talking about though? This is all 90% original content (I didnt make the texture)


    distortion map will be fun

    *edit* (EXE)

    Someone move this to Uploads please - I'm still learning what all the categories are for

  • I was trying to stay true to the Homeworld ships

    Attack Droid vs Attack Bomber (You)

    The droids were almost dalek-like in following your stuff around in Homeworld and Attack bombers were only for big one-pass-one-shot strikes on big capital ships - and yea its impossible to aim because of conservation of momentum on the bullets but if you accelerate first then fire it gets a little more sane (though you'll probably get shot in the face ). Also - I'm not applying any damping to the bullets so when you fire opposite your direction you'll be slowing down too but your bullets wont.

    Anywho Maybe i'll polish some of this thing today - I'll probably rebuild it a bit now that I have a better idea of what i'm doin ;x

  • great re-skin of ghost shooter, it's probably the best I've seen so far. It's really good for a first demo . The graphics are also great, but i do think that the game is a bit too effect intensive. always try to use additive instead of additive plus, it makes a big difference performance wise, and it looks the same as a 100% intensity add-plus.

    Ghost shooter re-skin?

    Thanks for the advice of additive plus vs additive; I've been popping open the .fx all morning to get into the grit Definite efficiency tweaks to be made heh.

  • So then actual mass is Collision Mass Area * Mass ?

  • first Construct project for me

    12 hours of reading/tinkering and here ya go - i'm thuroughly impressed by this engine and editor.

    Controls are in the readme.

    <img src="">

    Construct has now officially replaced Adobe Director as my prototyping tool of choice for 2D stuff.


    Re-uploaded with audio actually working

    It played just fine using "Play from file" even though I moved the EXE to a different folder (and partition) all together - i guess the filenames even without AppPath still maintain the original source path of the .cap??? something like that. Anyway now using Play from Resource should work.


    (theres a couple different methods of doing the same thing in there as I was figuring stuff out )

  • The size (or at least scale) of a sprite seems to have a direct effect on how much of an effect a given Force has.

    Does anyone know the formula being used to calculate acceleration based on force and how it interacts with sprites? (Specifically Linear dampening, Apply Force towards point, and mass).

    Is it mass-per-pixel by chance?

    Other note; I'm using Ellipse collision mask.

    *edit* one more question.

    How is the ellipse generated? is it circumscribed within the bounding box of the sprite?

  • Inside the Construct folder there's a file called dxwebsetup.exe, if all else fails you can include that.

    should I just package DXWebsetup in a zip with a readme or have I missed somethin about the Installer export thing?

    Got that one covered Just curious if there was a pipeline already in place.

  • right now i don't think it exports the correct dx update (i could be wrong). if anything, have the user install construct to get the dx update required.

    Mmm; I mean Create Installer literally generates no output at all; it looks like it exports but then no EXE in the directory so I have no way to know if its the right DX update


    Using latest stable 0.98 release; not .99#

  • Firstly,

    Hello all

    Found this little gem of a project from the disgruntled Adobe Director crowd (After getting the business from them in regards to a major update). I found myself looking for a handy prototyping tool and landed here!

    So - I put together a little test project after only a few hours of tinkering (I'm impressed already ) however the folk that encounter that DirectX august 08 issue are redirected to a questionable M$ site with a big list of nothing obvious to click on. I tried exporting with "Create Installer" checked but it didn't seem to do anything - should I just package DXWebsetup in a zip with a readme or have I missed somethin about the Installer export thing?
