mirosurabu's Forum Posts

  • It works for me. Probably was temporary.

  • I've thought about expending it in Construct, but after running into Quicksave/load bugs I am not sure I will work on it before these bugs are fixed. The design of the game is such that it's almost impossible to avoid the use of complete state-saving/loading.

    Hopefully, these bugs will be fixed within next few months. If this happens I may expend the game using Construct.

  • Yes, I do love Construct, but this topic is not about that.


    <img src="http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2065/iloveyoudw0.png">


    This is a small *adult* game I made for unofficial TIGSource Love-Letter Competition. Took me 4 days to finish it, although I originally planned to spend not more than three hours.


    Arrow keys to move

    Z key to jump

  • Game I made in C++:


    Game I made in Construct:

  • Hello Constructors ,

    I'm opening this topic to let you know that I am open to collaboration with different people using Construct. I'm mainly focusing on rapid prototyping or smaller games which can be made in less than 10 hours (4 or 5 days), but I may as well work on mid-sized projects if I like the concept or come up with decent enough. Though my experience so far tells me that I'm not good with mid-sized projects, considering that I have some unfinished collaborative stuff behind myself (though, these were all developed in C++).

    So, if you have an idea, some artwork or music ,feel free to contact me. Sure, considering that I am somewhat busy lately and in two weeks I'll be even more busier, I won't be able to work on more than one project at same time. I can do the "engine" in Construct and let you design levels.

    You contact me via PM or via MSN (which I don't use that much lately, but I'll try to log on from time to time) which is jvs_prog AT hotmail DOT com.

    Let's make some awesome Construct games.


  • I'll put it on a tracker as soon as I can. I rewrote the CAP so it uses TimeDelta now, though. I'll try to reproduce the original bug.

    Also, positioning and flashing do not work after quickloading. That's very very weird. I also noticed that number of instances are increased for one upon quickload. I am not sure this is desired effect.

  • I'm making side-scroller.

    When player falls in the pit I want to restart level (layout). I use quick-saving for this. I quick-save the game when layout starts and later just use the quickload to restart the layout.

    However, once I quickload the state, all "Every X milliseconds" events stop working. The moving platforms do not move. However, they start moving after some time. But the delay isn't supposed to be there.

    How to solve this?

  • It'd be great if dependency on MFC/ATL was eliminated. I'm willing to develop my own plugins for Construct, but since source depends on ATL and therefore requires Pro Edition of Visual Studio that's not an option for me now.

  • Any way to autosize the text objects? Or at least to get the length of the text in pixels?

    I just can't make simple tooltip object without this information. And I don't have Visual Studio Pro which means I cannot rewrite plugins.

  • I've just tested canvas object and made little demo demonstrating how to implement free hand drawing. Might be of interest to someone.


  • Good work guys.

  • Well, it sounds like you have it pretty well planned out, actually.

    And yes, creating your own custom behaviors or objects isn't out of the question, as long as you know how. BROO recently wrote a rather specific object for his game recently... all it does is keep track of Samus Aran's inventory

    By the way, I really liked Uneksians and I voted for it . Are you continuing that project at all?


    [quote:1nvqi87x]You can't use the SDK with GCC or MinGW - I don't think they use the same member-function-pointer binary format (which is how the runtime knows what function to call for actions, conditions and expressions), so it just wouldn't work. Sadly C++ makes no specification about the binary format of these things hence we're stuck.

    Pity. I hope VC++ Express Edition is adequate alternative?

    EDIT: Turns out it isn't. SDK requires ATL. Grrrr.

  • Oh, I've just noticed that Function Object which lets you write your own parametric functions. And that you can write your own plugins using C++, but not sure if I can use the SDK with MinGW / GCC. Writing plugins can save me a lot of time figuring out how to make required custom widget objects in Construct.


    I am making GUI-based turn-based life sim which puts you in the control of simulated human (actor) of simulated world (virtual world). Virtual world consists of you (the main actor) and number of other computer-controlled actors with whom you can interact. Each actor is made of number of properties which define them, much like characters are made of stats in RPG games. (Properties examples: health, energy, stress levels, skill levels)

    It divides gameplay in two phases: "planning phase" and "execution phase". Planning phase is a phase in which you plan your agenda for forthcoming day. You do this by placing activities in your agenda and configuring WHEN they should be performed, HOW LONG they should be performed and using WHAT they should be performed. (Activities are chosen from a given list of available activities at the turn. Activities examples: read book, hang out at the bar, play video games, build body, chat with friend) Once you're done planning your forthcoming day you hit the "execute" button and go to execution phase. This moves you to next layout in which your day is executed (simulated). Your activities are performed (or not, all depending on numerous factors) and your side-interaction with the virtual world. Execution is performed in real-time and the flow of execution cannot be modified by user input any more. You can control the execution speed though. The execution feedback is sent to you (the player) via console messages, much like it's done in simGangster game. Once your day is over, you hit the "Back" button and go to previous "planning phase" layout.

    Sorry for this long description, but I just couldn't think of any simpler way to explain the mechanics and what I want to program.

    This is how I planned doing this in Construct:

    Use sprites for actor object with "invisible on start" and "Global" options checked. Assign properties using private variables.

    Create actors at the run-time, probably in "Start of layout" event of main menu layout.

    Use array object for keeping agenda entries. Or maybe list object since I'll need more than one value per agenda entry. (remember - when, howlong, what) Make sure that object is global so that I can access it from "execution phase" layout.

    Use function object for activities. One function per activity. Group activity functions. (Grouping events is really nice feature by the way) Each activity accepts following parameters: <who> <what> <when> <howlong> and is executed only for one time-unit. One hour of the day is 4 time-units.

    Clicking the execute button all simulation logic is processed immediately and feedback messages are stored in appropriate array/list object.

    Execution phase layout loops through the object containing feedback messages and displays them on the screen at particular rate

    So, I am left with some visual work to do: making widget objects for agenda (list widget where agenda entries are placed), then making the item-list widget where I will display available activities and making that console widget where feedback is displayed. And I am sured I have missed something.

    Sorry for this massive off-topic post.

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  • If you just want your GUI to be transparent, (to see the game behind it, correct?) have you tried using layers?

    they can go over the top of your game, and be setup so they don't scroll.

    Thanks, that works.

    Anyways, just when I thought that Construct is the best development kit I have ever used sudden crash put me down and convinced me that python is really broken. I can't wait to see this feature being fixed in future versions.

    But now I have to figure out way to code all the simulation logic using event sheets (will be tricky). My game requires a lot of dynamic non-visual objects. I guess I can simulate these using invisible sprites and private variables. But how would I write behaviors? How would I map user input with these behaviors?

  • Hello everyone. I've started using Construct recently and I am amazed at how powerful and easy-to-use it is.

    I've started working on GUI-based project using Construct recently. In this project I rely heavily on RGBA images for window backgrounds which means transparency is really important thing. Since I need to change only specific (and not all) GUI objects (hide one group and display another group) on a single layout I decided to use layout objects (since re-creating complete layout just because few objects are different is painful).

    However, layouts cannot have transparent background, or can they? I couldn't find a way to solve this issue. Any idea?

    Further, I noticed that when making transition to layout which contains layout object transforms the layout origin near at the center of the screen and remains there even after transition is over. Bug?

    Thank you