Mipey's Forum Posts

  • Doesn't load for me, I get an error after 19% of preloader.

  • Not events. Global/local variables.

  • It ain't free if you bought the license. ;)

    Just kidding. License has nothing to do with Construct updates; the program itself is always available, the license only allows you to use its full potential.

    So, in short: you don't need license for updates. They already are available to you - forever and ever.

  • Oh, I mean I pasted the GET from onCreate, the instanceProto.loadFile is called from onCreate. Sorry I wasn't clearer. I'm not that dumb :)

  • That's where I pasted all that code from.

  • Can't be crossdomain issue if the file is in the same folder as project.

  • L? bump. Any ideas? <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • The permissions thing is related to reputation. The more you get, the more forums you can post on. Doesn't take much, though, just a few good posts or comments.

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  • Okay, I'm stumped. No matter what I do, nothing works.

    I tried these:

    instanceProto.loadFile = function(file)
            var request = null;
            if (window.XMLHttpRequest) 
                request = new XMLHttpRequest;
                alert("XMLHttpRequest is not supported by your browser.");
            if(!(request === null))
                request.open("GET", file, true);
                request.onreadystatechange = function()
                    if (request.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
                        if (request.status == 200 || request.status == 304) {
                        alert('Transfer complete. XML data updated.');
                        this.data = request.responseText;
                        this.ready = true;
                    else {
                        alert('An error occurred. Old XML data kept.');
                        this.ready = true;
                this.ready = false;

    But nothing works. No data is loaded, hell, AJAX doesn't even complete the task. I don't even get the error popups when AJAX would fail to load a file.

    I've tried all these locally as well as exported to dropbox.

    So how the heck do you load a local (to the index.html) file? Because a lot hinges on this functionality.

  • Making profit with someone else's assets tends to be frowned upon. Does it HAVE to be megaman? Generally you have to get your own assets (which includes the Megaman brand as well, so you'd have to name it differently). You can draw your own graphics or pay someone to do it for you. Or buy them from somewhere.

    That's the price of making games for money, sadly.

  • You can also look at my Spritefont plugin, it's got plenty of draws for both canvas and webgl contexes. Though it only draws rectangles in edittime.

    Well, you can draw another rectangle, except with width of 1.

  • System expressions MouseX and MouseY, I believe.

  • Oh, right, Construct 2. Well, just create two events, for spacebar and for left mouse click.

    Or, alternatively, two separate events that set a variable whenever such a key is pressed and then you check that variable. Don't forget to reset it afterwards.

    Actually, a local variable within event group would do just fine, it automatically resets each tick.

  • Why not just do the "spacebar is pressed OR left mouse button is pressed"?

  • Plugins under Construct 2/exporters/html5/plugins

    Behaviors under Construct2/exporters/html5/behaviors