mikehive's Forum Posts

  • Ohhh now I see it! I get it now.

    Try using Mouse.AbsoluteX and Mouse.AbsoluteY to place your menu? Mouse.X and Mouse.Y get the coordinates of the mouse relative to the layout; AbsoluteX and AbsoluteY get the coordinates of the mouse relative to the actual canvas and isn't affected by scrolling. If that doesn't help you can try messing around with Mouse.X("layer"). I get the feeling the problem is something to do with the mouse coordinates and the zero parallax layer the menu is on.

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  • Hi, I don't really see what the issue is, it seems to work fine for me? What issue exactly are you having?

    By the way, random aside from looking at your capx, you're testing whether the cursor sprite is over a button, but the cursor is so big it's very easy to click two buttons at once! Try testing the actual mouse cursor position rather than the image overlap, otherwise you'll have problems later

  • Learning to think "computer logically" is definitely a skill you will acquire and hone with practice. I've been tinkering with C2 for a couple of years now and am definitely now able to solve logic problems that would have been completely beyond me when I started. You will get a feel for it! And things will become easier the more you learn about C2 and the tools that are available to you.

    I find that sometimes when I have literally no idea how to get it to do what I want it helps to sit down with a pen and paper and no distractions and work out, step by step, exactly what the software will need to do. One step at a time! If you want the program to do this, this, and this, how would you explain that to it? What is the first thing it would need to know, work out, or do? Every complicated function is just a bunch of very simple parts put one on top of the other.

  • I think the answer is no, but it shouldn't really be a problem. random() will accept number values, but not strings. Like 99instances2Go says, either just use tokens (they're easy) or just plug two separate variables into the random expression, as in random(variable1,variable2).

  • Maybe give the player object an instance boolean variable called Roll and use that to control the rolling? Like:

    if Roll is true & every 0.1 seconds (not sure on the timing, try different things): set player_box.X to player_box.X + 1 (or however many pixels)

    if doubletap = 1: set Roll to true, wait 1 second, set Roll to false

    Then you may just need to adjust the normal left/right controls so they don't apply while Roll is true.

  • Hmm. I realised after I made my earlier post that I got it a bit wrong. Let me rephrase: I want the player go very fast, but not very far. If I set Vector Y to something modest, say -500 or -1000, they travel the right distance but not fast enough. If I set Vector Y to something stupid, -9000, they go off at the speed of light but also travel waaay too far! I want a platform jump effect that takes the player very fast over a SHORT distance.

  • Quick question! I want to have a thing in my platformer that when the player lands on a particular surface it launches him violently away. I've got the effect I want working already by temporarily deactivating the controls for 0.5 seconds, simulating control for the opposite direction the player is facing, and setting Vector Y to -1000. Great! The player lands on it and is sent flying upwards.

    What I'd like to know is, is there a way to change the speed at which the player is launched away? At the moment it is basically at the speed of a regular jump except super high, and tinkering with the options (setting platform behavior speed and jump strength etc) I can't quite get it exactly right. I want the player to get launched super-fast, as though out of a cannon. Can I do this with Vector Y, and if so how?

  • Jotun is very polished, but I don't see why you couldn't do something like that in Construct. A lot of the stuff that looks 3D is just clever parallaxing - and in terms of the actual gameplay I don't see anything particularly outlandish. Get a really good artist on board and anything can be made to look ultra-swish.

  • Hi there, welcome to Construct 2! Don't be put off by the interface, it's actually very good once you get used to it. And you can always come and ask on the forums if you get stuck with anything

  • I can't help but feel that there may be another way to do what you want, since capping to a lower framerate is either impossible or very difficult to accomplish without an enormous amount of nonsense. What exactly do you mean by "choppyish movement, kinda like a grid"? Exactly why do you need the game to look 15fps? Do you have any example videos of something you'd like it to look like? I'm wondering if we might be able to come up with some kind of completely different method that doesn't involve framerates at all.

  • Hey, I had this same problem. It's a really easy fix, you just need to add "Trigger once" to the conditions

    (May need to remove the "D is down" condition, tbh it'll probably work just fine without that anyway)

  • Very cool kossglobal!

  • Hey, I like the art style of that video! Very cool

  • mikehive

    this looks a really interesting game, i am looking forward to seeing more in the future

    Hey thank you

  • This is my game, Down To Earth:

    And I've just started a devblog over on my website! Exciting times