Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I actually own the standard edition, but want to make example apps that people can load and change with the free version of C2. So, a few questions:

    1) the 100 event limit, is that per event sheet or per entire app?

    2) can the app have multiple event sheets?

    3) can each frame be assigned to have more than one event sheet in the free version?


  • Never mind.. My project window was blocking the entire bottom part of the animator window, where needed to right click on the first frame to choose import animation...once this crucial part of the animator window was no longer blocked it was obvious ;)


  • My heads about to expload.

    I used to use CC all the time a couple years back....now I'm making a new demo and I just want to load sequential images into a sprite's default animation (in the editor, NOT at runtime) and I can't freaking remember or figure it out.

    I'll need a screenshot of exactly where to click in the editor because the animation bar in the image editor does not respont to any kind of click I do.

    please help :)

  • I can send it to you via PM. It's a game for a client. I'll do so soon. Thanks Ashley.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • No hint from Scirra if there's a solution? Something that will work across the board?

  • nope. I guess I should ;)

  • Hi,

    I'm making a game whrer things splatter..is there a way to paste these splatters into the BG image so there's not a bajillion sprites after a while? The game doesnt scroll.


  • Hi,

    I've just started putting sounds into my game and for some reason the only browser where I can hear the sounds is Firefox... Anyone else have this issue?

    Any ideas?

  • Thanks for the help Kyatric...I'll give that a try.

  • if ths falling, stop falling, if its rotating, stop rotating, if its going upward, stop going upward, etc.

    I want to ...on event>>> pause any physics applied to a sprite

    and on another event>>>restart the physics

    make sense?

    this could be used to pause a game to allow a custom menu system,or to pause and unpause specific objects.

  • Hi,

    Sorry, total nube to the physics stuff...

    I have a sprite set to have physics...works great...

    But I want to pause its physics and restart them..how do I do this?


  • I'd imagine most modern software assumes you want filtering when you rescale something...It doesn't sound like a bug, it just sounds like its doing something other than what you want...

    I'm new to C2 myself, so maybe someone else can be more help, but I think you want to make your game based on a low res window size like 320x240 and then have the game enlarge at run time WITHOUT filtered scaling... I'll report back if I get the time to figure out how to do this.

  • What about programs that convert html5 apps into other "run-times".. does not Phone-gap convert html5 code into native Android or IOS programs? (or is it more like a "packaged" html5?)

    Could someone not right a converter that turns html5 into PC .exe files, Xbox apps, etc?

  • Thanks much for the link Kyatric. :)

  • Awesome, While you're at it..I looks like Construct 2 fails to save the "parallax in editor" option, meaning if you've got many levels with many layers, its really tedious to reset all of them to scroll properly in the editor every time you reload. Can this be fixed too?

    thanks :)