Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • You don't need the alpha EXPORT feature to use the Spriter plug-in. The spriter plug-in will automatically recreate the animations with alpha.

    The only limit to the free version of Spriter regarding Alpha is that if you export animations as sequential images, you can only do so as BMP, which is a format that doesnt support alpha channels.... the Spriter plugin will be using the images (like body parts) you create which will be png and have full alpha support.

    I hope that makes sense.

  • Thank you Lucid. It's an honor to have such a fantastic extension programmer helping to make Spriter work with Construct.

    Other games of note that use similar methods are Odin Sphere for the ps2, all the Rayman 2d games, vector man games for the Genisis and lots of others.

    In general, once Spriter files are supported for Construct (and other game authoring systems) it will alow people to save huge amounts of file size, ram, and TIME... and suddenly things like characters who's appearance change with power-ups, new weapons, armor etc is an absolute breeze, super painless to do, and also takes almost no additional memory.

    Spriter is by no means perfect yet.. but its shaping up nicely and already at this early stage is quite useable and offers some great benifits.

    I'll make some new step by step tutorials for breaking up and animating a character as soon as I can. (that, bug fixes and improvements to the useability are top priorities)

  • fixed. thanks

  • You can use Spritre alone to create 2d animations for games, and export them as sequential BMP's or PNG's to use in any game engine BUT what the plug-ins will do is allow you to actually use the Spriter data directly in Construct..so Construct would actually be recreating the animations directly from the Spriter file (VERY little data compared to tons of full framed images)

    But plug-ins are in the works for not just Construct..also for Unity3d, Torque, Multimedia Fusion etc. These are at least several months away though...the plug-ins are complicated and will take time.

  • A great many professional pixel artists (including myself)use Pro-motion by cosmigo.com

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  • You set it in the menu to whatever you'd like. Under Edit Pref's/edit colors, guides, etc.

  • Hello fellow Construct Users

    I'm pleased to announce at long last a huge update to Spriter.

    <img src="http://www.brashmonkey.com/index_htm_files/25.jpg" border="0" />


    Spriter is now at version 0.8 and has all major features working.

    I'm paying programmers to make Spriter plug-ins for several of the major game authoring packages including Construct 1.x(The Construct 1.x plug in will be free for all Construct users)so that users of those packages can benefit from all of Spriter's intuitive and optimized features.

    Aside form general tweaks and improvements, one of the most important feature additions is the ability to export finished animations as sequential images.

    I've now split Spriter into two versions: Spriter Lite (free) and Spriter Pro.

    Spriter Lite maintains most of the features you're already used (with tweaks and improvements) But Spriter Pro has the full set of features necessary for art asset production for a major game title, such as the ability to merge Spriter projects, Scale entire Spriter projects, and export sequential 24 bit PNG images with alpha channels intact. (Spriter lite can export sequential images, but only BMP without alpha channels.)

    Spriter now also has a Facebook page at:


    Please help support Spriter by spreading the word about it.

    If Spriter is useful to you and you want to see it succeed and improve as rapidly as possible, please consider taking advantage of the Early Adopter sale to get Spriter Pro for a drastically reduced price. Those that do will be greatly appreciated and their bug reports and feature suggestions will be an important part in Spriter's development.

    Thank you very much,


  • Absolutely awesome work guys! Thanks sos much.

  • Hi Everyone,

    Would it be an easier solution (to the problem that you can't copy and paste event sheets or frames from one CAP to another) to make an external program or Construct feature that just merges two CAP fiels together... Adding all non-reduntant objects, frames and event sheets from one CAP to another?

    I'm referring to Construct 0.x of course.

  • newt,

    Although it would be awesome if the extension could load in and swap XML's at runtime, it would also be fine for most games if it could only do so within the construct frame editor.

    So, the absolute necessities are:

    1) it could load in the XML file that you assign it to.

    2) It would either pre-load all the images from all the folders into its own data "bank" or be able to do so at load time of a frame. (both would be great, but if necessary the first option only)

    3) You could assign a "character" from my tool's XML to a standart construct sprite. It would become a "child" of the construct sprite.. and copy its rotation, position, general opacity etc... In theory, the standard construct sprite would not only be used to control the "characters" basic stuff AND could be used as a basic full body collision (such as a rectangle for a platformer engine)

    3) It would allow for changing and keeping track of the animation that is playing in the character.

    4) It would keep track of that Characters variable and per frame variable changes

    5) It would handle detection of colisions between colision rectangles between that character and any other character assigned to any other construct sprites.

    6) it would also keep track of the XML's action points for such uses as spawing bulettes and anchoring other sprites at that actionpoints location.

  • good suggestion Candescene,

    After I'm sure all critical features are in and all critical bugs are taken care of, it will be the top priority.

  • Candescence

    It would depend on the plug in, but thats the plan. (To support multiple Charactermaps at once) You'd have to be careful what order to apply the character maps in, so one wouldn't undo the effects of the other.

    Please help spread the word to every game making and game artist forum you know of.. the more people talking about it the more likely support for the tool will appear for Construct AND all the other popular game authoring systems.

  • Watching your videos about it now - i get the impression you are supposed to move objects using the keyboard. If that's the case, can I recommend you add handles for moving, rotating and scaling, so that editing can be done more visually?

    Hi GMG,

    thanks for watching the vids. I do plan on eventually adding "handles" to a selected part for manipulating ivia the mouse, this feature is at the far back of the list though, behind any bug fixes and several highly important features like "scale entire project". I hope I get through the list quickly.

    The other critical issue is to get a plugin made for Construct to automatically support the data that my tool exports! Please help spread the work about this tools usefullness and maybe we can get a bid going to help give a good plug in coder the right incentive and ability to dedicate a long stretch of time to making such a sophisticated plug-in.


  • Hi everyone,

    After a year of hard work my Sprite Editing tool (for making modular sprite animations ala Vectorman, Alien Soldier and OdinSphere) is finally in beta.

    If you're interrested, please visit to check out videos and download the beta.

    I'd love your help finding any bugs and making feature requests.

    thanks much.
