// If you don't use something like mcpp, ignore this.
// Name of overall dialogue dictionary (currently not used in dialogue system)
// Default Character Information
// [CharacterName]:PortraitPosition[Left|Right]:[PortraitName]:[PortraitX int]:[PortraitY int]:[Mirrored|NotMirrored]:[ShowFrame|HideWindowFrame]
// DialogueBlock
// Dialogue Header / Key
// Actual Dialogue
// CharacterName: "blah blah blah"
Thistle: "{enablefog:192,192,192}Thistle you look worried.{pause} Is that smoke I smell in the warren?"
Nettle: "{showcutscene:GreenForestPath} Nettle, a fire! It's close we must escape to the swamp. We'll be safe there.{pause}{removecutscene}"
Thistle: "{showcutscene:ForestFire} Ah! The fire comes, now I hear the roar is it too late?{wait:500}{removecutscene}"
Nettle: "The smoke is choking us out!"
Thistle: "Let's run for it!"
Nettle: "No, I am ready to do that, wait for my doe!"
Thistle: "We don't have time, we must go now."
NettleSad: ".{pause}.{pause}.{pause} Sigh, all right, I hope she has already left!"
// End section required (all lines ignored in this section)
This produces a json file:
"c2dictionary": true,
"data": {
"DialogueExample2": "{\"c2array\":true,\"size\":[3,7,1],\"data\":[[[ \"{enablefog:192,192,192}Thistle you look worried.{pause} Is that smoke I smell in the warren?\"],[1],[\"Portrait2\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]], [[ \"{showcutscene:GreenForestPath} Nettle, a fire! It's close we must escape to the swamp. We'll be safe there.{pause}{removecutscene}\"],[2],[\"Portrait1\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]], [[ \"{showcutscene:ForestFire} Ah! The fire comes, now I hear the roar is it too late?{wait:500}{removecutscene}\"],[1],[\"Portrait2\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]]]}"
, "DialogueExample4": "{\"c2array\":true,\"size\":[5,7,1],\"data\":[[[ \"The smoke is choking us out!\"],[2],[\"Portrait1\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]], [[ \"Let's run for it!\"],[1],[\"Portrait2\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]], [[ \"No, I am ready to do that, wait for my doe!\"],[2],[\"Portrait1\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]], [[ \"We don't have time, we must go now.\"],[1],[\"Portrait2\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]], [[ \".{pause}.{pause}.{pause} Sigh, all right, I hope she has already left!\"],[2],[\"Portrait3\"],[0],[0],[0],[0]]]}"
Which I can import into Construct and use.
(I also use Makefiles, preprocessor, etc. so I can do file includes defines, if, endif, etc. in my original sourcefiles before I process the file.)