Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Fun, I like the rain effects, I wonder if you sped up the action how it would feel (faster bullets, movement, etc.) Or is there something you like about the slower pace that enables different game play?

  • There is a new release 67of C3 with this comment, hopefully this will help badlogic get going (and to request for features they need) (I also posted this to the Spine github, feel free to pile on!):


    "Additionally we've started working on adding support in the SDK for drawing plugins (i.e. plugins that appear in the Layout View). This involves quite a large API surface, so it will probably take a few releases to mature. We'll be updating the documentation soon to cover the new features. We're interested in developer feedback to make sure we add all the features necessary for third-party drawing plugins to work."

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  • Solved for my case.

    It looks like C3 now looks for the <image> tag in the .tmx file, even if it may not be used right now? To add this, I clicked on 'Embed Tileset' in Tiled (small icon below the tileset window/tab in Tiled) and exported to *.tmx again. It now works to import *.tmx to C3 with this change. I imagine the <image> tag is not being used, because the C3 UI requires that you also load the tileset *.png image along with the *.tmx file when loading into a Tilemap.

    Here's the .tmx file with 'Embed Tileset' active in Tiled, note the <image source = ...> tag is now included. My previous *.tmx version without 'Embed Tileset' active did not include the <image> tag.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "http://mapeditor.org/dtd/1.0/map.dtd">

    <map version="1.0" tiledversion="1.0.3" orientation="orthogonal" renderorder="right-down" width="24" height="40" tilewidth="32" tileheight="32" nextobjectid="1">

    <tileset firstgid="1" name="GrassTilemap" tilewidth="32" tileheight="32" tilecount="48" columns="4">

    <image source="../Tilemaps/EpicGrassTileMap/GrassTilemap.png" width="128" height="384"/>


    <layer name="Tile Layer 1" width="24" height="40">

    <data encoding="base64" compression="zlib">





  • Did you solve this problem? I also had the same issue (using .tmx from Tiled.)

    Previously had no issues with Construct 2.

  • Thanks for your input Mikal, edited the instructions post with your findings concerning C3.

    Sounds good. If C3 changes to allow moving object between projects, the changes above would not be needed anymore.

    One other suggestion, change the SpriteFont object to be called DialogueSpriteFont (like you do with other objects), so that you won't have an object name clash when the template is added to another project. I had a clash with the Epic Platformer template code and I went through and changed all the Dialogue Event Sheet (and Dialogue original SpriteFont to refer to a new DialgoueSpriteFont object (and all the expression references also.) Luckily with the new 'Find' option in C3, I was able to make sure I got them all. If there is a better way to do that, I would be happy to hear how.

    (The Epic Platformer code should also change their SpriteFont object name to something like EpicSpriteFont, so they don't clash with other templates also.)

  • Porting to a project in Construct 3 took a few extra steps (I suggest editing the top post to include this).

    The sample project works fine, to include the template into an existing project takes a little more work.

    Since the current version of Construct 3 Beta (r66), does not seem to support copying between projects (Ashley turned it off when it was causing problems), you cannot copy the following objects from the template project to a new project, so you must create them (for example in Dummy layout) and then copy over the 'Animations' as needed from the original sprites in the template project.

    ContinueIndicator (sprite)

    PortraitSprite (sprite with multiple animations from default test case)

    SpriteFont (sprite font, add instance variable type string: 'ID', 'choiceFork')

    WindowFrame (9 patch, add instance variable type string: 'ID')

    UpArrow (sprite)

    DownArrow (sprite)

    ChoiceSelector (9 patch, add instance variables type string: 'callback', 'params')

  • Playing with particles and parametric equations: lemniscate of Bernoulli.



  • emoticon - ah! I see what you mean, that must be some left over platform behavior, I need to turn off the default platform controls, thanks for spotting this.


    fun concept, the un-friend simulator

    Thanks, yah for multiplayer I want to add some more PvP changes. Perhaps some prize drops.

  • Wow, I like the graphic!

    But, when I press left button, the bunnies go to left screen then I can not see them.

    When I press right button, it doesn't take it back to the screen, so what is that for?

    I think the multiplayer that you mean is not networking. The players play on the same PC together.

    BTW, good job! Go.. go.. go.. pixel run!

    You are right, I mean local multiplayer (all sharing one screen.)

    What do you mean by pressing the 'left button' or the 'right button', do you mean on touch screen or a particular keyboard key?

  • Hacking the endless runner template for Good Things Come in Threes Construct 3 GameJam.

    Controlling three endless runners at the same time, with "A", "G", "L", kind of an interesting mental challenge.


    The game is created for the Construct 3 Game Jam. The Jam theme is "Good Things Come in Threes". tritouch is a pixel art endless runner with multi-touch and keyboard controls. The goal of the game is to run the bunnies forever.


    Bunnies, run for your furry lives!

    Platforms: PCs, phone, tablet

    Control three runners, 1-3 players (1P control all, or split between players.)

    New Update, bigger characters and playable link below.


    Try single player controlling all, or multiplayer, one person per bunny

    PC Controls: P0: 'A', P1: 'G', P2: "L'

    Touch Controls Left part of screen P0, Middle part of screen P1, Right part of screen P2

    Implemented, but not enabled, switch order of bunnies when one falls, the fallen goes to the back of the line, the rest move up a spot (making it easier for the one who fell, will also make scoring higher the closer the bunny is to the front.)

    Need to tune, add variety, levels, powerups.

  • trirun c3 jam, hack of template, 1p, co-op, possibly pvp (with a few more changes)

  • Tweaked tile map (went to 64x64), increased size of orbs for small phones (in web version), added some animated sprites that came with the asset pack.

  • I am loving the last one, feels epic. The other two are too murky and indistinguishable to my eye, perhaps more shadow and lighting effects would help?. I also like all the warning / danger signs with their distressed look / flickering look, which reminds of Alien in terms of both run down spaceships and electronics which are not perfect. More detail needed on the gun, looks like a blank slab of metal.

    I like the character, they look cool, I want to see what they can do!

    ninepixels Nice start!

  • Thanks, experimenting with an appropriate font and it looks it now works.

    I hope folks update their assets to include this, would be even better if it could be embedded in the font data itself. Then the spacing could be loaded automatically. I wonder if there is enough space in PNG metadata to include a long string like this.

    Ashley thoughts?