Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Mattertainment

    Ok, it looks like the Cinema4D exporter doesn't include a base 'scene', which our importer does not recognize as a valid format.

    As a quick fix, do this:

    import gltf to Blender, then export gltf from Blender with these settings, and then it should work (it worked for me.)

    Here's the result:


    Meanwhile, I will see if there is a way to have the importer recognize this type of gltf format.

  • Do you know what version of the Spine those files? They need to be 3.8 (There is a converter on the github if they are earlier versions.) Also, they cannot be 4.0.

    I think we are connected on Discord, if you can DM me a simple project with the files Spine png, json and atlas, I can also test on my side.

  • Make sure you are using 3.8 output and if you still have problems, send me a link to a small test project with your Spine model instantiated in it and I'll take a look. I am not up to make step by step tutorials, but perhaps another user will do it.

    Also, don't forget to look at dev console for any errors.

  • I did add ignoring some missing elements R0J0hound, but I definitely did not do an exhaustive check of a lot of gltf files. Thanks for all the initial work though!

    Mattertainment how about uploading the gltf and png files, so we can take a look? (I use sendgb.com for quick temp file sharing.)

  • Check the dev console for errors. Otherwise, carefully follow the instructions on how to add a 3DObject to your project. Also, test out your gltf in the Babylon sandbox.

  • Thanks! I'll take a look at the texture filtering, but as far as I know, it should use the same filtering as the project setting.

    In terms of lighting, will add it to the to-do list to explore at least, but I don't think you can set per face color on the 3DShape (you can change the object a face is using.) It might cause a big perf hit, since it will break the batch every time you change the color (which is a uniform to a shader.)

  • Adding animation blending (new property animation blend). This is lightly tested, so looking for feedback from tests with other models and animations. Please leave comments if you see issues (and a sample project with model would be very helpful.)

    Set the animation blend property to the length of time in seconds to blend between the last animation (last position of the last animation) and the new animation. From my experience, something in the range of 0.2 - 0.5 seconds works pretty well.


    Before and after:

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  • Here's a simple MoveTo example I did a while back, as dop2000 says, it works well with EasyStar.


  • Ashley checking in again on this, is there an option available?

  • Using the new effect compositor with 3DObject in r270, nice work Ashley!

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    Example of 3DObject plug-in with a stack of two effects. The second effect (outline glow) operates on the entire rendered image (e.g. the bounding box in case of 3DObject) instead of per face. The first effect works on a per face basis.

  • Looks great, I really like the idea of the Digital Backpack, so remote players have a little more agency. In other games, I've been doing this manually with screenshots and Discord to share images, so others can look at them async. The DB is a nice idea!

    Tech question, what did you use for your backend (to coordinate between backpack and the main game, etc.)?

  • Understood, thanks. Yes, I see many browsers are starting to have the trial /experimental option, which is promising!


  • Thanks Ashley - any estimate on when we could start testing this with C3 and WebGPU (I understand we can start dev now with webGL, since we'd be using the C3 SDK interface and it won't change.)

  • I can speak for our project which uses the plug-in. I hope that badlogic can give a general sense for the wider Spine community.

    In our project, every 'slot' of the Spine character can be customized in terms of color by the players. We have a MMO-style game in Alpha and customizing your character is a big part of the experience and potential monetization. We can have 30-50 characters on screen at a time right now when we are busy (we are hoping for more in the future, but we will also start 'sharding' on our server-side when it starts to get too big. We already support multiple rooms/areas.)

    Each character can customize each slot (e.g. leftArm, head, shield, foot, etc.) with two-color tint, which the players do, to differentiate between each other (we also have different images.) There are roughly 25 slots per character. Currently, we don't do mesh deform, so 25 slots = 25 quads. However, we are considering doing mesh deform and that would probably change it to something 50-75+ quads (dividing up certain quads to have more points so mesh deform will look more appropriate to the design.)

    So, we would hope that at least it could be batched per character.

    (As an aside, in the current implementation using webGL, we render to C3 texture all the instances of a particular Spine object together using the spine-ts WebGL renderer, they are each rendering to a different dynamic texture though.)

    In general, customization is a key part of the game and the two-color tint is a big part of that customization.

    Here's a sample screen, it's just one case, we also have mass battles and team battles, CTF, etc. too, but this shows some of the variety of characters and colors.

    In our case, we would only need 'new' features for the webGPU renderer as we already have something working for webGL.

    As you work on the new renderer, I hope you consider these possibilities for flexibility of future development, allowing vertex attributes, different shaders, and also the possibility of access to multiple textures in a shader (for example we are using that with the current spine WebGL renderer to do palette colors, with a grayscale main texture and a separate palette texture, other uses could be for bump, normal, specular maps.)

    Thanks for the discussion Ashley.

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  • Ashley - any thoughts on the above?