metameta's Forum Posts

  • found this in the release notes of admob FE


    Banners are very limited in com.rjfun.cordova.plugin.admob.

    Use position "Bottom left" to place Banner at the bottom, default for all other options are a top Banner.

    does this also aplies to the CS2 build in AdMob plugin?

  • also not working for me... i see the banner but the position is always TOP. it ignore my X Y and size. same as for the contruct 2 build in ADMOB plugin....

  • hi,

    i've tried the same now - export the game with intel xdk and using the Android option = game much samlaller BUT ~14 FPS. if i'm using Crosswalk without adMob i get 60FPS

    any idea? does i need to change something inside the construct 2 project also?


  • thx! works perfect!


  • hi,

    i've a big map where i scroll every tick to player.x but i want to make some icons, back arrow, highscore text, ... to be fixed!

    i've already tried anchor behavior, set x to viewportleft("game") + 50 but the sprite is jerking.... also tried *dt

    is there a better way to set a position or to ignore scroll for a sprite?



  • if you just want to publish your game on google by using intel xdk you dont need to sign your apk.

  • hi,

    i dispair.... either i'm stupid or construct handle loops very strange.

    i just want to replace e.g 5 sprites with a different one but only when the distance between the sprites > 100

    the event "pick nearest" always pick the first instance and not the nearest.

    the action "set txt to" on line 32 always display the x from the first instance.

    line 31, works fine. every run of the loop it picks a different instance

    any idea?


  • Kan


    thx for your tips, i'll try both of them.

    just wonder why it only happens in some cases. i added the platform behavior only to prevent moving through solids.

    forgott to mention that i've also a condition

    touch is in touch - set player angle touch.x touch.y

    maybe it has to do with the angle condition


  • the icons must be located within the source directory (location of the Construct 2 export)

  • hi,

    in some cases my player (platform behavior) move behind solid objects. see screenshot.

    i'm using

    touch is in touch - player move forward 1 pixels


  • Somebody

    thanks for your help. system - create object without a wait action does not work, however waiting for 0.01 seconds works perfect!

    strange, but now it works.


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  • found a workaround... at least for me it looks like a workaround....

    i've to add a action "wait 1 seconds" and then run the "pick a random instance" then it works good...

    cant understand why i need to wait 1 second..... do i need to increase the 1 second if the double for loop takes longer????


  • trultz

    same result.... i think the problem is "pick a random instance"


  • tried some other conditions - all are working fine except the pick instance.

    any idea?


  • already tried that... nothing happened

    see screenshot attached.
