Merlandese's Forum Posts

  • This is a bug with the Construct 2 NWjs plugin. Many plugin actions have never received proper updates to support more recent changes.

    Try adding the browser plugin and use the "execute javascript" action to execute this code:

    "var win = nw.Window.get(); win.close();"

    This worked perfectly! Thanks a lot for that. :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This has been super useful! Thanks!

    One thing I can't seem to figure out right now is that the Browser: Close command doesn't work correctly after I set it up for Steam. This happens pre-upload to Steam, and I'm still not 100% that it's the Greenworks itself but so far in my process that seems to be the dividing line between when it works or not.

    What happens normally is that Browser: Close turns off the game and closes the window.

    What happens after replacing the Greenworks files is that Browser: Close will turn off the game but the window itself will remain. This happens on both Windows OS and Mac OS.

    Any ideas about this?

    Current Version: 0.52.0 using Construct 2

  • EDIT: Someone has already reached out to help me with the online problem, but if you're interested in testing still, drop by the Discord. :)

    Hey, guys!

    I'm working on a game that should be releasing soon on Steam called ECON. The game is built using Construct 2.

    I've played many times against people from various parts of the world using the online feature, but for some reason it was rejected from Steam because:

    When creating a room the second player is unable to join, the host receives a message saying a second player left but they have not joined

    I'm looking for people who are willing to organize a few online games (they take 5-10 minutes each, but all I need is a connection) in exchange for the Steam keys.

    Furthermore, I'm willing to pay anyone who specializes in C2 online stuff to fix it.

    Here's our Discord to server to help organize play!

    Thanks a lot, guys! :)

  • EDIT: The position has currently been filled! Thanks for everyone who applied! :)

    Hello, everyone!

    I've been working on a simple board game-style game that so far I've gotten to work well on PC. I plan on making my first mobile release, at least for the Google Play Store. The game has been optimized as far as I can figure out in the mobile version, following every performance guide and tip I can find, but it still suffers from a heavy lag on tablets and phones about mid-way through the game.

    There's also an online component. For most tablets and PCs, the turn-based play works fine, but for some mobile phones there's an issue where the video cuts out the moment two devices connect (audio and touch controls remain). It seems most of my issues are from the GPU despite the game being fairly minimalistic.

    My project is originally built in Construct 2 but I have Construct 3 and use it to create the APK.

    If anyone here has experience porting to a mobile device and optimizing the game to be in release-able quality, I will gladly pay for their time and service. :)

    You can contact me via PM or through my official email:

    Feel free to check out my site to see other games I've worked on or see the free prototype of the game that we'll be working on at Itch.IO.

  • Thank you! This helped me troubleshoot.

    The issue was that if a BBCode object isn't on the current layout/created, it wasn't be affected. To get this to work I realized I have to apply the Set WebFont action every time the object was created. Is this normal? The tutorial said, "The text will be very briefly displayed using a default font before changing to a Web Font, but this will not happen again for the rest of the game." But so far it looks like I have to secure every object creation with an immediate Set WebFont action.

    In any case, thank you very much for the quick help and the killer plugin.

    EDIT: I think I have it all working. It was just harder to troubleshoot with the in-question fonts installed. I think it should apply permanently now. Thanks, again, Rex!

  • Hey, rexrainbow!

    I'm using this plugin and I'd like to assign a local Web Font to a BBCode object.

    I followed this Scirra tutorial and it works well for normal Text Objects, but not for the BBCode.

    Are Web Fonts functional with this plugin? Thanks.

  • I'm looking at 1760 MB, I think.

    Dropbox Image of the Card Information

  • I'm having visual issues in my Layout View, caused most likely by my "up to date" driver.

    I've been searching all over making sure I have an idea about my driver, how it is updated, and what sorts of issues it has caused for C2 before.

    I know this isn't a bug in the engine, which is great news. But I still have the issue and I'd like to know if any other users with my same graphics cards have resolved this, and how.

    My graphics card is Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400 (shader language 4.20 - Build, the most recent build my computer will allow.

    There's a big issue in the Layout View because of it. Lots of sprites will pop in and out depending on the zoom or where the image is scrolled in either direction. Some sprites even take on a sort of "warped" quality.

    (Here's a video of the issue in action, for reference:


    Has anyone found a solution that can be handled without swapping computers? Right now I'll have to be content working past it, but if there's someone out there with a tool, advice, or an Intel shortcut I can take it'd be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Ah, glad I found this. I was having the same sorts of issues making a type of switchback trail using Jump-Thrus. I saw the limitation in the manual under the Jump-Thru entry but WAY too late. XD

    Good to know it's not going to be changed, so I'll have to think of something else. If some new, alternate Behavior ever gets built with the magic of Jump-Thru and beauty of Slope I wouldn't complain.

  • rexrainbow

    Fantastic! Made a great thing even better!

  • rexrainbow

    Thanks, man! You're truly wonderful for all of your hard work.

  • rexrainbow

    This works really well! I got it implemented into my existing system way easier than I thought I would.

    One conflict I'm having is that I have a dialogue system that displays text letter-by-letter. Since the text is drawn this way, it will display the BBCode inputs letter-by-letter until the full code is complete.

    Do you know of any way to make this apply the BBCode before the final letters are made?



    I did some thinking and developed a little trick to solve my problem. I'll post it here for the curious folks.

    Basically I made it so that the normal letter-by-letter display would stop when it saw an open bracket and start again when it saw a closed bracket.

    I had another variable (Text_Temp) keep track of the current letter in isolation by using mid(Text_Source.Text, Index, 1). The index variable increases by one every check, which is what determines how many letters I will display (the basic typewriter event). So if I have the sentence "Hello" in Text_Source.Text, when my index reaches three Text_Temp = "l" only.

    Then I made a switch variable (Text_Switch). When Text_Temp = "[" then it bypasses the normal text display. When Text_Temp = "]" it resumes.

    Here's a picture. Hope this helps anyone who has the same issue.

    Thanks again for this plugin, Rex! You're a real lifesaver!

  • rexrainbow Thanks, man! Hours later I have some progress, and it looks like this handles a lot of the issues!

  • I mean some basic formatting within the text object like ...[\b] or


    [\size] or ...[\color] or even [shadow]...[\] would really add some coherence to the workflow (forward slash is inverted for displaying reasons)...

    I totally agree. Being able to italicize/bold/underline a single word within the text object would be, like, a +255 to Effectiveness.

    I have a pretty heavy draw on text objects in my project for a custom dialogue system that currently flows great, but can't do some of these simple formats. As it is right now, later in development, I may have to carve all of it out and replace it with Rex's (R)excellent plugin.

    It'd be great if a future update could incorporate these into the Text Object, so +1 to this Feature Request!

  • Hey, guys. I'm Merlandese!

    I've been lurking here and working with C2 for over a year now. I've already made a couple of posts (like, two) and figured I'm well overdue to say hello!




    I'm developing my next thing with C2, and it's been really great. My expertise is in RPG Maker XP (I worked on To the Moon, Last Word, Rakuen, Social Caterpillar, etc.) so it's been intense learning an engine much more powerful.

    I pop on now and again to search for answers to questions I have, and usually I find them, which is why I don't post much--any threads I'd normally make are often answered elsewhere.

    I'm a traveler of sorts. I'm from the US but I'm currently in Sao Paulo, Brazil, settling a bit to develop more intensely. If anyone wants to chat or grab a drink and they live in the area, hit me up!

    Thanks, Ashley + co. for the cool engine!