mercy's Forum Posts

  • I wrote a Pacman game for a medical conference in ~1998 in Turbo Pascal, complete with graphics and sound effects and they liked it, especially the doctors children and I was paid. They gave as feedback the navigation being too hard, so i had to write a player-navigation-enhancer code that not only bounced off PacMan from walls 1-2 pixels but also made easier the sliding along walls. So the respected doctors didn't stuck into walls or weren't bogged down in intersections.

    Checked out the Pathfinder behavior example. It is a good behavior can be used to make great games.

    I may be wrong, but in your case kittiewan it seems, it isn't really suited for realtime quick checks for multiple entities. Hence: the game you presented pauses or locks for 1-2 seconds regularly.

    You would be much more on track giving away Pacman X,Y coordinates to the enemy, so monsters always move in the player's direction. Put an invisible red rectangle as special trigger to each intersection. Put four yellow-rectangles in the four corners of the map.


    If monster is colliding with red-rectangle (in a road-intersection)

    change monster direction by re-targeting it to Random(Yellow_rectangle_coordinate[1-4])

    So if a monster was moving toward PacMan fleeing south, at the intersection it can change Random direction to North-East. Until the next intersection, where it again decides where to go.

    Give monsters sight:

    if Pacman is close = Monster_target_ = PacMan X,Y

  • Beautiful!

    Music is very good. Nice graphics. Especially the flying magi, the clouds and the mouse-spirit.

  • It would be extremely slow!!

    Even when we were making two AAA-titles, an FPS and a TPS for X360 and PC we used geometry primitives (box and capsule mostly) and polygon collision!

    Because custom collision(splines or curves and accurate 3D-shape collision) would have required too much CPU resources.

  • We worked for three game development companies in Hungary. The economic crash shut them down.

    My colleague made and is making a game using Blender Game Engine. He says his fans donated approx. 1 month of his former salary as professional game developer.

    He was a veteran, I was a newbie in 2007. That's why, seeing him and our senior graphics artist, who is working for Crytek now, but we three worked together in 2007-2008, seeing these two professionals how incredibly fast they work (routine, practice, heaps of experience, with giant bag of learned workflow-speed-up tricks) that's why I am making comments here and thinking with a hammer how the heck I can make money with Construct 2.

    First goal is $5000, then nearing that limit the life & financial situation will enable some serious strategic repositioning on the market.

    I had the opportunity in 2010-2011 to observe very closely a Turkish contractor how he works and why he always seemed to have a lot of energy, fire inside to go on and work like crazy. What was his motivation?


    1. He knew to a certain extent, that what he was doing is bringing him profit for sure (monthly multiple million net earnings were guaranteed)

    2. He had workers who were able to do an efficient job making a lot of money for him.

    3. He had the financial support of his wealthy family (foreign machinery trade)

    4. His ambitions and energy, surprising inner fire that he displayed almost every day came I think from the sense of power over his employees and the knowing that every day earnings from sales were put on the office table.

    Opposing his situation diametrically is the status of the poor, indie game developer, who must work to pay rent, does not have much energy and inner fire at the end of the day, has no surety in most cases that he will have a job in the coming months, there is nothing guaranteed in the indie developers life, he can build his hopes on sand, no financial support in most cases. There can be no assurance because the would-be indie game developer is not making money from the planned or not finished or recently started game.

    Accomplishment, sense of absolutely no doubt is missing. If these would be present along with heaps of professional experience, there would be earnings and high salary present. Until somebody is not able to get at least three or four good paying jobs, because of changing world-economic or changed company work environment "circumstances" in a row, he is not good enough, not competent enough to realize his goals, which in this case is making a totally independent game. Until the would-be indie cannot accomplish this, he is impotent and frequently viewed as a clown/fool/idiot by average or above-average working people.

    I think

    My colleague's mentioned game is:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Official website design was made by a web-designer, all other work, including all graphics, programming or rather Blender GameEngine scripting was done by him:

    Official Game Site

  • Dear Ashley,

    Would you please give a coder's assessment about if all the conditions windows and parameters windows font sizes for example

    Parameters for System, then

    The HELP text under window title bar,

    the parameter input field for First value


    Second Value

    could be enlarged? So we could see better what we type in?

    A section in preferences would be a godsend:

    Add Event & Add Action window font: Tahoma size: 14pt

    Parameters Window & input field font Tahoma size: 14pt

    Thank You!

  • Episodic content:

    A new map - Island of the Orcs - has been added to the game world. Everybody, who has purchased the "Island of the Orcs" expansion and got the Crystal Skull ingame item, will be able to go there by traveling to Savage Mountain Pass. Before the Gate of Doom there will now stand Yorgomir the Ogre asking for the Crystal Skull. Give the item to him and he will open the great iron doors for you. You will then have access to "Island of the Orcs "..

    I wonder if such small expansions for Construct 2 are feasible or they would be too complicated? These small expansions would be completed as development progresses and with time gradually could be put on the store shelves for players to see.

    The idea behind episodes is they are relatively small downloadable addons for sale, MAP-parts (DLC-packages) and could be downloaded one by one upon purchase, strictly connected to players personal account.

    If neccessary for the added functionality, always a new "main game" version could be released or URL sent to players so they can access purchased DLC-s. Players would decide, which part of the world interests them more, so they might purchase only 2-3 sections of the map. The full map has lets say currently 10 purchaseable areas. If a player purchases the "Full-Map-Access Pack" for $20 they receive all special objects that allow passage to anywhere in the world.

  • Loading a 3D model and using it for the level-base as a building that has no roof, as was done in Construct Classic by developers here, is apparently very much possible with WebGL. In the future when WebGL support matures in browsers this could look awesome!

    Textured (relatively high-res), specular mapped 3D models + particle effects:

    Left mouse button: rotate model in 3D space

    Mouse Wheel: Zoom in or far out in space

  • Found all the set-commands in the action-list. Thank you! Have so much to do, model, texture, design, plan the game, procure finances aarrgh, sometimes I completely miss obvious things.

  • Thank You for the 16-01-2012: Update! Pathfinding has key importance in games with enemies.

    I was thinking about what my colleagues did for Nintendo NDS. Pathfinding wasn't coded into the car-racing game for (possibly) performance or limited time reasons. Spline paths were laid down along the race-tracks and enemy cars followed those invisible splines. It turned out not so bad.

    So here is the idea: how reasonable is to lay down "splines" paths on the level and detect if the target is crossing one spline. Like when a soldier touches a wire-trap in a jungle war-game. Enemies would then change to that spline-track and travel down to the point where the target last touched the "wire".

    I'm pondering how realistic would it be. Maybe the enemy heard something and follows the noise, goes to the last known target(player) position.

  • Okay. Thanks.

    It would be nice if we could create a particle effect-editor:

    Set all available parameters "ingame" then start emitting again with the new settings. This way effects could be made much faster

  • Is it reasonable to plan particle collision with a collision-polygon of a wall-sprite? Would it be resource-hungry?

  • Good gameplay! Nice atmosphere. Music is good. Super idea with the cooling effect: your particles look realistic.

    • The red laser should be more spectacular, also when projectiles hit the wall, I would add yellow color for burning to create that welding-sparks look.
    • Enemies should be more detailed, it will be enough if you animate the red spheres to become red-boiling plasma filled with explosive energy to be released upon contact.

    HUD: what happens if you put the HUD outside of the game-area? Does the framerate go down?

  • WoW! Very good game. Can't wait for sound effects.


    • Yellow glow-animation could be more transparent, less intensive.
    • Ninja invisibility must be more easily recognizable. Like the ninja-"icon" coming out of the shadows or disappearing slowly as he is less seen by enemy

    Bug: sneak closer to first samurai by holding S. Repeatedly stomp him or time stomp just once to get the ninja freeze and not move any more. F5

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  • I would like to see a Families in Construct 2-help section in the manual and a tutorial if possible. I want my monster classes to behave properly. I need to make living vegetation, destroyable and non-destructible object classes, map-zones [to change music, mood, exit/entry zones], proximity traps. Looking forward to extensive use of families.

  • Lovely game!