mercy's Forum Posts

  • Your game has nice colors and good play dynamics. I didn't get a bad vide by looking at it. If someone looks as it clicks on few gems and intuitively doesn't like it, is understandable.

    My game golem received low ratings. Then I thought about it. The Rotary Compo had a goal to create a game that should rotate, be playable and the player should have some goal.

    Other than finishing a game in C2 I had no plans for super-exhilarating gameplay. I just wanted to give a goal to finish that level - as a requirement - and of course it didn't incite my emotions to do something really unique and that was it. I reaped what I sow. I did that game and I'm content. The low ratings just needs some sober thinking and putting aside instant "emotional-thinking", which is junk most of the time.

  • *** THIS IS A NODE-WEBKIT EXPORTER BUG / or CHANGE in r141!! ***

    Exported to r141 Node Webkit and there is a GIANT LAG in Klang%20animation%20bug.capx when attacking and also in SetAnimationCases.capx when pressing the Right Button.

    Exported to Chrome from r141 both run smooth on my 5 year old dualcore 3.17Ghz, GTX280, 4GB RAM, WinXPSP3.

    In Chrome (r141) it may be few frames slower than in the R139 Node-Webkit compilation, because in the slower Chrome I could finish the Klang-level, where projectiles are coming from four directions, whereas with the r139 Node Webkit build I couldn't: it run at too high FPS, too fast for my below mediocre platform-gaming skills.

    Dear developers, please review r141 beta and hopefully come up with a solution.

    Thank You all!!

  • Tinimations: Nice work on the game! This quality level must have been a lot of excruciating work!

    hey man, nice game you have!


    your game is not just heavy animated; it is VERY heavy animated with heavy effects + alot of background heavy animations


    I am very happy that Tinimations uses so much animation. Go Tinimations! This problem should be solved, otherwise I can't use:

    • animated bushes,
    • animated trees with moving leaves **
    • swirling fog
    • rain
    • dust devils
    • animated enemy & player "battle-ready" stances
    • battle animations **
    • AND spell effects **
    • or medieval bombs exploding on the Battlescape.
    • !!!plasma effects!!! = is there a solution for these in C2 since the excellent plasma effects in C1?

    Most of these animations I plan on-screen at the same time.

    Tinimations I wouldn't reduce number of animated objects, rather please pursue that this problem shall be fixed.

    For the only reason:

    If we cannot push C2 to the limits its not really worth developing in it, since we cannot innovate to such a large extent as most of us are planning to innovate.

    Checking out the CAPX now!

    ** I already did these in my game prototype - Fantasy IV: Army of Darkness coded in C. It looked awesome 13 years ago so I hope C2 is up for the task.

  • I am on a 5 year old dualcore 3.17Ghz, GTX280, 4GB RAM, WinXPSP3 and Klang12_8 runs quite smooth even while player melee strikes!

    Is this the r140 or the r141 compilation? Can we please have both for comparison?

    I'm intending to make an animation heavy game at least this size with node-webkit, so I'm very interested what happened and the speed must remain at r140 level.

  • All due respects, but this forum engine is very old. Will you install a new one?

    Example Forum Engine:

    Best Forum Engine I have seen so far:

    ,where set "words to bold" feedback is realtime, I don't have to bother with ridiculous BBcodes and these features work:

    • WYSWYG
    • Bold = on highlighted word CTRL+B
    • Italics = on highlighted word CTRL+I
    • Underline = on highlighted word CTRL+U
    • Pasted links auto highlighted and activated
    • BBCode is NOT shown and "BBCoded" content is NOT pasted onto the End of Post... aaaarrghgh.
    • and so on..
  • Fine tuning particle effects in debugger

    It would be nice if we could save / export fine tuned particle effect parameters from the debugger.

    Copy paste into a text editor works currently.

  • Update

    I may have solved this problem:

    I changed all these default tiny unreadable fonts from something (tahoma?) to Verdana! That did it!!

    The very nice font resulting from the solution below compared to the default tiny font size appears now twice bigger and much more readable in all relevant - previously unreachable - places of Construct 2 mentioned by users here in this topic.

    It is not possible to change the font size. However you may change the font type.

    To do this:

    1. Open the Start Menu

    2. In the Start Menu Search box type regedit and press Enter.

    3. Locate: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes

    4. In the right pane, right click on MS Shell Dlg and click on Modify.

    5. Type in the name of the font you want to use and click on OK

    NOTE: You can get the name of the font from the Font Folder Location C:\Windows\Fonts. Right click on the single font and click on Properties to see the file name. For a font group, you will need to open it first to see the single fonts in it. Be sure that you use the exact same font name that is listed. Do not include the Regular part or file extension in the font name. For example, I would type Impact instead of Impact Regular or Impact.ttf.

    6. In the right pane, right click on MS Shell Dlg 2 and click on Modify

    7. Type in the name of the font you want to use and click on OK

    8. Close regedit.

    9. Logoff and logon, or restart the computer to apply the font changes.


    To do so: Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    322756 ( )

    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

    For Win 7:

  • You have done nice work at increasing the fonts in the "Parameters for System" window at CTRL+MouseWheelUp.

    Problem is the small text size below the icons in the "Add Action" window

    and the sentence explaining what a command does in the Upper Left corner of "Parameters for System" window.

    Can you please tell which default Shell UI font is Windows using there? Sans Serif? Arial?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I tried Right Click on Desktop select Appearance and Advanced Settings and managed to get every font increased by 1, but Add Event fonts in Construct 2 remain tiny.

  • Again please so many parts of Construct 2 was renewed /rewritten and one of our first jobs in making a new game is to write a WINDOW SYSTEM for input/output:

    Could the Scirra team scratch that old windows-system style windows and write completely new BIG graphical windows with BIG fonts to serve as wonderful system parameters and add/select variable in Event Sheet section?

    Enlarging those "system" variables icons and texts too like Keyboard, mouse, Every Tick, compare opacity, etc...

    Thank You very much!!

  • +1!!!

    Gamer enters setup and sees:

    Please select your desired resolution

    Res. 1   Res. 2   Res. 3   Res. 4

    Gamer clicks on Res. 3

    PLOP! the game window is instantly resized!

  • WoW! Good job! Thank You.

  • Question to everybody:

    Did you ever sold a copy of your game made with C2 on Google Play store for real money?

    Thank You for answering.

  • Yes that glowing wall of fire background flashes too quickly.

  • Addictive! Good job. Definitely a moneymaker.

    Maybe change the background so it flashes less aggressively into slower glowing-loops to be easier on the eyes and not trigger seizures in sensitive people.