megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Moar suggestions

    Grouping layouts - can be as simple as folders, but would be very helpful in workflow, in editing and in game design.

  • >

    > you also have to use "power of 2" sized tiles


    I don't think that is true- I have a 24x24 tile size in my current project and I don't see any seams.

    That's n*2

  • For people trying to do booleans for right now here's two methods...

    Method A:

    If myVariable = 0 (IF FALSE)

    If myVariable = 1 (IF TRUE)

    Set myVariable = 1 - myVariable (TOGGLE BOOLEAN BETWEEN 1 AND 0)

    Set myVariable = 0 (FALSE)

    Set myVariable = 1 (TRUE)

    Method B:

    If myVariable = -1 (IF FALSE)

    If myVariable = 1 (IF TRUE)

    Set myVariable = myVariable * -1 (TOGGLE BOOLEAN BETWEEN 1 AND -1)

    Set myVariable = -1 (FALSE)

    Set myVariable = 1 (TRUE)

    Even easeir

    myVariable = 0

    X myVariable = 0

  • Nows that this is a thing, I'm hesitating to buy a C2 lisence considering that I'm just saving enough money for it.

    Any idea or guesstimation when's C3 coming out?

    Within next 2 years

  • -Layout Navigator: an optional minimap

    • as we are on minimap - a mnimap plugin
    • Buttons for zoom in/out layout ( like + and - next to scroll bar )
  • really want a feature that removes or enables you to remove the decimal points after E.g. 1,000,000.XXXX(last XXXX are decimals) or if i try something like

    if number is => then 1,000,000

    set text to number/1,000,000 to give me 1 not 1.000.000 <--- (1dot000dot000) so sad about this for the last 36 hrs ....


  • Pretty early. GhostBoy. And yeah, that's megaman edit for now ;P

  • > Ashley should make a game - that way he can experience some of the issues that only surface in complex projects, and can't be reproduced in simple capx files. And it will also provided some valuable insight for C2 developers into how this engine can best be utilised to get the best results.


    I agree with this idea, although it may seem like a waste of time it's probably really important to do that just to see how C2 works beyond the small template/example level.

    Maybe even just hire some C2 devs to work together with him on a large-ish game to speed up that process.

    I agree. And also could try some other game making software like rmvx.

  • Effects:

    • Toggle on/off inside the editor ( might have had already mention that )
    • [Radical] Effect Scale Slider: This slider would be used to increase or decrees all effect values in direct proportions and at the same time.

    Layout Ed:

    • Jump between layers using combination of two buttons like alt+tab tab viewer in windows. Other layouts will be dimmed out and locked for ease of editing current layer.
    • Ability to tag selected areas in the layout in order to quickly scroll to those by selecting its tag from the tag viewer. Option to toggle on/off visibility of the tag name in the layout. It would make working on bigger layouts much easier.


    • Layouts Viewer: A place where I can scroll trough all layouts with their snapshots. Single screen snapshot will be fine. After hours of work it is easier to remember "the look" of the layout then it's name.


    • Export/Import layout with option to choose weather to only export code or together with objects, nicely packed in to rar or zip. When importing layout without objects, or if an object for some reason is missing, nicely ask the following "brows for object? / would you like to create this object?"
    • Debug layer Preview: let program automatically create a debug layer as a top layer, so we can view and edit it and then turn it off, without need to switch between Debug preview and normal preview.
  • Yes it is true. You have couple of alternatives 1: easier one, in new projects have sprites with the same name as in the old one, and then past objects from the the layout to new one. Same with events. 2. Complex: Save all map in arrays, export them on runtime, then include those files, load them to array trough ajax, then create objects from that array.

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  • There has to be somehow a backwards compatibility with 3rd party plugins. A lot of them are totally rad.

  • Fimbul

    I understand your opinion but as a designer I disagree with it. If you suggest make the editor support CSS instead of make the editor skinnable your not giving the real problem to Ashley solve, your are giving only one limiting solution. The end user needs a skinnable editor, if it's better to do it through CSS or other method is up to Ashley to decide based on all the other decisions he will need to do for the engine. If in the design path chosen by Ashley CSS ends up not being an option, then by your suggestion we will not have a skinnable editor, even though maybe there's other ways it could be implemented inside those restrictions.

    So in my view there's no harm in asking requests that are not strictly architectural. Ashley can analyze what's needed to make that particular feature feasible and decide what is needed to change in the Construct architecture to make it happen. If Ashley is willing to make architectural changes...

    Customizable editors should remain further down the priority list from good UI and UX.

  • I also think each one of us should write down what is annoying bout current IDE workflow.

  • jayderyu At least to have some tabs on top in the left column. Currently th process looks like this: Aim for bottom-right corner to select tab, move tot he top-right corner to select either layouts or project folder, and them scroll across the screen to the properties bar. I know I can move those bars around, but it still requires navigating between bottom and top of the screen.

    Few more things that popped out last night ( thought I'm confused now where should I post those ):

    • Pin behavior: Allow for pinned object to still move in relation to its parent. Simple example would be an elevator platform with spikes that pop in and out.
    • Pin behavior: Having Activate At Start option that would pin automatically to overlapping object.
    • Effects: Ability to toggle effect On/Off within Properties bar
    • General: If an option has maximum value, like for example a colour ( 0 -255 ), it would be beneficial to have a scrollbar, instead of only text to enter.
    • General: Again, Object preferences pop-up window, with all it's data in one place, nicely layed out. Such preferences window could also hold local objects events. For example ability to create local events for behaviors in that property window, independently from main event sheets. However by doing so, an event sheet with objects name is being automatically created in sub folder named by objects name.
  • Thanks for all the replies, guys. I've gone back and read the Construct 3 blog post carefully and it seems like it will in fact just be an overhaul of the editor and not the underlying engine itself. So several of my requested features won't be applicable (and also it looks like they're stuck on the unfortunate "Construct 3" naming convention).

    Oh well, one can dream, right? Twinsonian here's hoping that the editor plugin system is comprehensive and we get good documentation this time around because adding support for text-based scripting will be first on my list

    I kind of made up my own scripting using behaviors and variables and my own events logic. It works well.