McGuigew's Forum Posts

  • that all appear when you go to the body using the keyboard and then press the action button which at the bottom center of the screen (click on the character basically)

  • Here you go : ... /Test.capx

    The sprite not showing is 'Cadavre'. So I should see the girl, and her hat next to her, then drag the hat away and discover the note. The hat and the note are fine but the girl won't show up!

  • Hi,

    I have a problem with a sprite that won't show up... it is supposed to be created on a non moving layer with two other objects. The two other (small) object show up but the big sprite (320x320) which is exactly the size of the screen) doesn't. Looks like a bug to me, but is there anything special going on with bigger sprites ? Weird because I have other huge sprites (black fade in screens) that show up when I test them.

  • Hi,

    ramones, thank you so much, that works perfectly. I am not finished with the cutscene yet but I'll post a link once it's done so that you can see the results

  • OK guys thanks very much I'll try that tonight and let you know, cheers!

  • I'm so stupid, I actually know that. Thanks ramones , let's move on to the next problem ahahah I just did what you told me and now the character won't move at all...

  • Hi there,

    I made a cutscene using a globale variable and several steps, here is a screenshot :

    I don't understand why but the first step (variable = 0) works, then the character is mirrored and after that she is supposed to simply go on and walk but she stops every second and is mirrored again. Everything is fine, I made no mistake, I must be ignoring something about C2 logic ?

  • If anyone is still reading this: I have found that the c2runtime.js in html5 export by C2 contains the expression "screen.orientation.lock". It appears many times and I am really not a good coder so if anyone has an idea...

  • Basically what I coded was : if alpha superior to 70 and inferior to 95, make a red square visible... this should work. Also, I have a text in the middle of the screen showing alpha, beta and, gamma, all emulated values show in the google emulator, nothing on the watch...

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  • Hi ramones, thanks for replying to me!

    Well, I tried puting this very simple .capx into the watch (works perfect on the navigator with position emulator) and it just doesnt work... any idea? The tizen sdk doesnt change anything and I just do an export of my C2 game in HTML5...

  • No one can help me code this?

  • OK guys. I did investigate and I find myself in a difficult situation because C2 movement coding doesn't work with the Gear 2, it uses other expressions to express for alpha, beta, and gamma. If someone can help and build a modified Touch object that would use the Gear 2's expressions, I think it could work.

    I found this page that explains very well how the Gear 2 works. ... ur-gear-2/

    Kyatric would you know how to do that? I'd be very grateful!

  • Kyatric OK I'll try that, and sorry for the useless thread

  • Thanks Aphrodite , can I do that in C2 ?

  • Hi there, the smartwatch does have a gyroscope (Gear 2 Neo) , can you tell me a little bit more?