Mayfly's Forum Posts

  • I thought I was making some progress with the local storage plugin. Can any one help me? Below is what I have been trying so far.

    I would like it so when you click save, it creates a save using a name from a text box (JobNo). It also does a save game state under this name.

    When you click load the list box is then populated with a list of all the saved 'JobNo' which in turn when you select will load from a game state.

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  • Hi,

    I have created a pricing tool where you can select from lists and input quantities and have prices worked out. My issue is that around 25/50% of the time the values seem to be delayed and do not update instantly. I tried to put in 'wait' commands to help but I have a feeling this isn't a good idea.

    Anyone know how this can be sorted?

    Video can be seen here:


  • Hi,

    Is there anyway easily to get a list of all the 'Save Game States'. I am looking to make it so you can have several save game states. I was wondering if there are any built in ways to check the save game states in the browser / computer? If not then I am guessing the best way is to add the 'save state' name to a list / variable and keep in the webstorage and call back from this.


  • blackhornet

    Many thanks =) Help is much appreciated. I thought it was me not understanding how it works. Cheers

  • Hi blackhornet

    Had a try at it. (Definitely copies of text boxes). See capx example. Any chance you can have a quick look to see if you can work out the issue? I am sure it will be me doing something very silly / illogical! ... .capx?dl=0

  • Hi blackhornet

    My plan is to have it as a copy rather than a clone. But for some reason I couldn't get it to add up all the boxes. It only ever seems to add the last text box edited, not all of them

  • Hello,

    I have a layout which has a number of form text boxes on the screen. I am looking to make it so that when any one of the boxes changes a variable is updated. The variable would contain the sum of all the boxes on the screen. I am looking to do it so that it doesn't matter how many boxes are on the screen so avoiding something like:

    "Totalvariable = textbox1.value + textbox2.value"

    I was hoping something simple like a "For Each textbox -> Total = Total + textbox.value" but I couldn't get anything to work =(

  • R0J0hound

    Thanks a million! Exactly what I was after. Just need to implement it with my text lists but I'll play around and sort that.

    Appreciate the help!

  • Hi korbaach

    Nice example/ Much cleaner than my one! Although if I copy and add a couple more rows all the values change in all the boxes. I am hoping to find a way so that I can have any amount of rows and it changes only that row.


  • Hi WilliamAnderson

    You can add a text file into your project by right clicking and importing files. I asked a similar question last week:

    Will have the answer and an example over there. Then just do a random number between 0 and total number in list and use the index value to give a random word from your list.

  • Hi,

    I have a layout setup that will contain multiple list boxes in a row. Starting on the left you choose your first value (For example Fruit / Veg / Meat) and then this selection will populate the next list along depending on your choice. So if you choose Fruit, the second list in the row will then change to (Apples, Bananas.....)

    This then gives you price per unit and you can choose quantity.

    I have everything working for a row as I'd like but to make the rule work for multiple rows currently I need to choose "clone object type" past underneath and then copy all my "row1" code and do a replace all for the lists / boxes all the way along. It works but it doesn't seem a very efficient way of doing my app.

    I have not done much list / family / UID stuff in C2 so I have been trying to find (with no success) if there is a way I can create a set of rules for a row and then simple copy / past the row underneath. All I could think to relate a list to another is they would have the same .Y coord value.

    Any existing tutorials / examples / help would be appreciated =)

    A simple example of what I have so far is below: ... .capx?dl=0


  • Hi ramones and Voodude

    Thanks for the links and tips. Managed to get it all working great. I didn't realise until the example that you can use Newline which was handy as my lists are exported from excel!

    My next challenge is updating the total price. It takes a quantity and multiplies by a rate. Trouble is I am using the condition if Rate / Quantity boxes are changed to trigger the total text update. It seems it works 90% of the time but sometimes it lags and doesn't update. Inserting a wait 0.1s at the top before calculating seems to make it reliable but ideally I do not want this =(

  • I am looking to use a text file to generate a list on the start of a layout. I had a search on the forums but couldn't find anything. I am currently using a list object and manually adding all the lines. The text files are just lists like:





    I can have the text file in any format but as above is the easiest to take it from the excel data. The lists will be around 20-30 eventually and the thinking is to make it easily changeable.

    Anyone able to help?

  • Hi mindfaQ,

    This was just what I have been looking to do for dinner time. Thanks

    Do you think this would work on mobile? First year failed but will try again when I can (I tried webview cocoonio).


  • Hi, I looked at those and tried all three. Maybe I'm doing something wrong as it still comes up wrong. Game has a bar underneath which glitches with pay off the graphics from the later above. ... 2.png?dl=0