maxwell88's Forum Posts

  • For example when i put to text area/ text object nubere 10 and 10 i receive 10

    When i type 5 and 10 i receive 7,5 etc.

    Text should display result

  • If you read the basics of construct and look at the text and text input entries in the manual you would be able to figure this out, but here you go:!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIdcNtTtM-9MI7QkyA

    thank you :)

  • Hello how can i solve this

    I need to append text into one of these text areas

    For example i pick first text area

    and below type text, click ok and fill picked

    second i pick for exaple third text area and fill the same way ?

  • Hi, i use Platform pack from brashmonkey

    i try learn using ready animations

    First question, how can i delete permanently png and bones?

    For example at first animation frame i have original character

    but i want delete head / bone

    But deleting dont works because in second frame is still visible

  • hi, i cant find any tutorial how do this (only c2 tutorial but its old)

    any ideas how do this?


  • hi im start testing Camera input tempate and i can record video but without audio. I have build in camera in my laptop, also i try add external mic to my laptop and nothing. Other apps dont use my microphont, so where is problem?

    Also i open this same template on my smartphone and all works fine, so something is wrong with my software or settings on my laptop

  • You would have to do it manually since it doesn't exist as a feature using a variable as the offset multiplier.

    i have no idea how do this

  • You can even do parallax for layer rotations.

    Interesting concept for a feature request perhaps.


    i add one layer more, set parallax 0x0 and put icon on this layer, also i try with anchor behavior, and still rotating

  • I know how make Following screens in normal platform game using parallax layer to 0x0 but in rotating platformer scirra example HUD icons are rotating too

  • Check out this demo:

    yes exacly, thank You

  • i try learn from tutorial builded in c3 but Audio positioning not working right because when my player is away form object long distance i still hear sound!

    i try figure out new thing with: distance(Player.X, Player.Y, Particles.X,Particles.Y)

    Audio is applied to Particles

    i need to apply distance value to Volume

    but i must somehow reverse this variable because when more distance then more volume but i need

    when longer distance gives lower volume

  • Well i have You Tube channel and i want make some more tutorials using C3 now, still not possible?

  • Hello, im wondering if i purhase educational version of c3 for tests and export my one simple project.

    I need subscription for one month, this way is possible?

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  • Ashley Thank You it worked on laptop, but on phone Front camera is always in portrait mode (change resolution dont work, setting for 500x500 cause glitch) and recorded video is laggy (5fps more less)

    I test this using google chrome browser in mobile, maybe apk should work better

    Last question

    Setting for Kbps for video biterate, its not working?

    i make test, i set 1kbps and 9999kbs i downloaded two files to compare, and i dont see any difference

    have nice night

  • My camera in Laptop have 720p but camera template example records video with 480p its possible to change?

    i try find this in event.