maxwell88's Forum Posts

  • When you switch to REGULAR you need to readjust your 3d objects Z height properties (z height not z elevation), so if you want say a cube to look correct make sure the z height is the same as the objects width and height properties.

    Also i think an FOV of 90 is quite high, it might produce a "Fish eye" look?

    hmmm, when option in past was set default as Normalized, all z 3d obiect height looks normal in game

    i need just little wider field of view in FPS game, i read somewhere on forum, Defauld FOV is 72 thats why i think 90 should be better.

    OMG i have lot of obiect to change if i should readjust z height...

  • Yes, under the projects properties panel. Change Z axis scale to regular and the FOV option will appear.


    When i use normalizet game looks normal, but when i chose Reular and type number between 45 and 90 game on preview looks weirg, all 3d elements are squizzed and field of view are extremaly wide

  • its possible to change Field of view for 3d camera in FPS game when i start using Normalized z Axis scale ?


  • You didn't add a tag to the text. Try appending this text:

    > "[tag=foo]New option[/tag]"

    And also check if the tag "foo" is at (Mouse.X, Mouse.y) position, not at (0,0)

    whoa! awsome, thats working its all what i need. thanks

  • You can use new tags added in the latest beta:

    i try make some event but have no idea how this should work ;D

    on start of layout i append new looking text

    when i click 'New option' nothing happen

  • I have One text obiect with typed few options

    I need to click with LMB one of option Option 1 or Option 2, or Option 3

    when i choose by clicking in Text2 i see information

    I know i can make each Text Object for each option but its possible to do this without new text object for each in layout?

    I ask because i have use 'append' to add options, when in game i have Option 1 at start and append Option 3 for example i need to chave posibility to check info about new appended option

  • Maybe try making the width negative.

    If that doesn’t work then it is possible to take a sprite with a distort mesh to position the corners any way you want. But you’ll have to mess with a fair amount of math.

    you have right, is one way to do this, when width have 50px i set -50px to receive result

  • Chat GPT says its not possible, he is right?

  • I use Example for start page:

    What i must do to make mirrorred piggy billboard?

  • i try this but dont work, animations ar stopped for all even if i move one 3d shape


    also i add all Textures to container of 3D Shape, this dont solve this problem

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  • 3D Shape object have the '8 Directions' behavior to navigate with the keyboard arrows. There are also three different sprites: Texture1 , texture 2 and texture 3. Each sprite have own Texture (Face displays a different color). Now how do I make the code: the animation plays only when the 3D Shape is moving? When the 3D shape is not moving, the animation is stopped

    So i have

    -one 3d shape

    -three different Sprites

    Expected result:

    -when 3d shape is moving play sprite animation only for moved 3d shape

  • How can i set events to receive this:

    when Sprite with name String 'Player' have collision with sprite with name String 'Enemy' do something?

    i use one sprite but difference is Variable string with different names



  • ahh yeah now works fine, excample of working code

  • Hi i cant figuer out how i can add outline to my text

    my few attempts:

    any clues?

  • C3P file:

    Hello, thanks for reply, but i need this in 3d billboard and not for sprite, using 3d Shape (and sprite as billboard) like in Foggy outbreak example template