max2612's Forum Posts

  • Yes, I did develop this game from scratch. I just follow some tutorials I found on Youtube.

  • Thank you. I tried your example and put it in my project, but, when I removed it one by one, the last letter didn't get re-calculated. I mean the last letter to be removed from the grey box, did not remove the appended word.

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  • [quote:mszvmw7m]Then if the letter is dropped on an occupied grey box, return it to (startX, startY) position.

    Am I doing it right? I tried every position to put the boolean, but it still overlaps.

  • Okay it worked.

    [quote:3sgu1a4n]Word append text Letters.AnimationName // and add this letter to Word

    When I put this, I remove the letter from grey box, and put it again, it doubles the word. For example I put "se" to grey box, it display "se", then I put it again, it shows "sese". I removed it (the quote) and it worked.

    About the function, where should I call it?

    If I put it like this

    It does this

    It doesn't append words but rather replace it.

  • [quote:1ewgcgdd]You can try something like this:


    Word set text to ""

    Sprite133 -> boolean variable isOccupied set // this will pick all occupied boxes

    For Each Sprite133 order by Sprite133.UID // This will loop through occupied boxes

    Sprite133 is overlapping Letters // This will pick a letter on each box

    Word append text Letters.AnimationName // and add this letter to Word

    Does it look like this? Tried it and doesn't work.

  • Okay got it. Thank you.

    You can also add instance variables startX and startY to the Letters sprite. On start of the layout, save X and Y position of Letters instances to these variables.

    Then if the letter is dropped on an occupied grey box, return it to (startX, startY) position.

    About this one, is it a plugin? I don't seem to have that startX or startY though.

  • By the way, I still can't figure out how you change the letters on the layout. I tried it myself this past few days, but I still can't figure out.

    Put letter sprite on layout, add animation, then I see no changes. How do you do it? All of this instances is very new to me

  • I see. I think this part of making it work have been solved. Thank you.

    Right now I just need to figure out how to fix the issues you mentioned.

    And there is one other problem. Should I open a new topic or post it here? Because it talks about the animation and spawn to the current animation.

  • For the unresolved issues of 1 and 3, I'm still searching for tutorials on Youtube and tutorials in this forum.

    As for number 2, there are two character sprites of "se" in the layout.

    I downloaded your .capx provided and I still can't figure out how you display the sprite. I'm confused. You said that use sprite instance, which I don't see it. Is it the instance variable because I don't see any changes there though

  • I'm sorry, I should've mentioned you that I am still a newbie and learned everything from Youtube. I will rename and resize it to make it more efficient.

    Here are the letters that can be used to formed the word "sensei".

    "add all to just one sprite as different animations" and I have no clue what does this word meant.

  • I am using a drag and drop feature, the words that supposed to be spelled are below the layout, like sensei, ashita, mikan, gakusei and so forth. Each letter are assigned with texts that have been included in the event sheet.

    By dragging each letter to the grey box, letters will be appended in the Word plugin text. When tap on the attack button, if the words are correct by comparing the words of Word text and the other plugin texts which are outside of the layout, animation for the player should start, else the skeleton will animate.

    When the first time I tried it, it worked. But now it doesn't. There are some bug in the game, but I will fix it later.

    I need to know what is wrong with the current error. T-T

  • Hi all

    I made a game of Japanese Spelling. Last night when I tried to do spelling by comparing two texts, it worked. But when I tried it again this morning, it doesn't work now. And now I'm super confuse.

    Here is the .capx

    It is on the Battle tab. I am using the Drag and Drop feature, it will append words on the text after put the letters on the grey box.

  • As the title stated, how do I make a game like so? I've seen on Youtube that have the same concept, but unable to find the tutorial for it. Here is the video.

    Here is the screenshot for my game. Note, my game is still in designing phase as I still don't know how to implement the game features to my game.