matriax's Forum Posts

  • The idea is create a plugin for RPG dialogs that uses XML.

    I'm working on a RPG game(this: and the dialogs are a headache to work like i want. I posted in the "how do I" a .capx example with things i've done here: how-do-i-stop-continue-dialogs-when-the-box-is-full-usin-xml_t152438 . But after see all that i have to do and the mess i'm doing will be great a plugin to do all that.

    I know there is some template dialogs on the Scirra Store but i'm looking for a easy plugin that can use SpriteFont+XML.

    I'm looking for a plugin with some properties like:


    Typewritter: Yes|No

    Typewritter Speed: [float value]

    On more text: Clear|Newline

    Show avatars: Yes|No


    Some config group in the event sheet with things like:

    (things that can't be configured with the plugin parameters/properties)


    On press X -> "RPG-Plugin More text action"

    "RPG-Plugin Typewriter Sound" -> Play "typechar" no looping.


    And that works in some way like this:


    On colision with Sprite.OldMan -> [SpriteFont object] Set text to RPG-Plugin(Oldman_Hero_Dialog_1)

    The .XML will be:


    "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    <Oldman_Hero_Dialog_1> <!-- Dialog refer in the event -->
    <hero>Hi oldman!</hero> <!-- Character dialogs -->
    <oldman>Hi kid</oldman>
    <hero>How are you?</hero>
    <oldman>Well thanks</oldman>
    With a plugin like that everybody will can create any RPG dialogs easily without know nothing about CSV/json/Dictionary or Databases as i saw in some dialog templates :S .
    I don't know if this can be possible or if there is a more easy way to do all that but this is the idea, What you think?
  • Ah! ok.

    About the scirra store, none of the dialogs uses SpriteFont+XML and if buy i don't know if i will be capable to customize and adapt to my needs.

    Btw, the one looks good is the second so i guess i will pay for it even if after i not use it, maybe have some coditions/events i can use in some way.

  • AndreasR

    Ehmm... not is what i'm looking for, you saw my .capx example?

    This one:

    In the thread is explained what and how i need with the .capx with some things i done.

    EDIT: ALso to download the file i have to register in your web?

  • Ops! sorry then :S , I was dreaming on a behaviour/plugin to do that until now haha.

    Btw, if you can get a RPG dialogs working using .xml as my .capx example fixing the problems in a easy way without using .csv and BBDD like the other template will be great.(This one: ... dialog-mod)

    Waiting impatient! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Hi AndreasR , i saw you are "Waiting for new suggestions" but i don't know if you are still accepting and forgot editing the post.

    I'm doing a RPG game(this one and code the dialogs are a bit frustrating/complicated to do all the situations i will need. I saw a template that uses .csv but too complicated for me with a lots of events :S .

    I'm doing it with simple events using .xml actually and started a post in the help section with what i need to do and a .capx of what i have done here:


    The idea will be create a plugin/behaviour for RPG dialogs with all the needs included on you can set things like:

    Typewritter: Yes|No

    On more text: Clear|Newline


    So the idea will be that after providing/load an .xml we only have to set in the event something like:

    On colision with OldMan -> xml.StringValue("/en_lang/OldMan_dialog1")

    Or maybe if is posible only set "Oldman_dialog1" using a behaviour parameter i don't know <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> .

    And all the logic inside the plugin/behaviour with the parameters i said to get the events sheet clean instead all full of things.

    Maybe is a bit complicated and not can be free but if you do and put on codecanyon or the scirra store i'm sure me and a lot of people will pay for it without no doubt! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> .

  • This is what i want to achieve:

    • Load dialogs from an .xml and show in the dialog box using spritefont as text with a typewitter effect (Done!)
    • If the dialog is too long stop the typewritter effect, erase the content and continue from the begining with the next dialogue part.

    (Wip, i can erase the text and start at the begining but not continue with the next part of the text)

    • Stop when a node/PJJ finish the dialogue and press X to continue with the next part of this dialogue (I have not idea how to do that XD)

    Some bugs:

    When starts do a return and starts to appear the text, Why the return/newline ¿?

    Here the capx:

    There is no plugin/behaviour for RPG dialogues or something?

  • I see, thanks to all for the info.

    So, there is anything i'm missing that why is not possible simulate any key press actually with the keyboard plugin in the same way that some behaviours like 8directions movements or the Platform one do?

    Adding to the keyboard plugin the option to simulate any key press will make all much easier, why is not done already? , or in the same Plaform/8direction behaviour, why not allow simulate other any key press ¿?

  • AllanR Because with "On Key Pressed" if you hold the X for some attack the action1 will be 0 instead 1.

    I mean, with the keyboard events you can set if is "on press" or "key is down". But how you replicate this two states using "On Key Pressed"?

    Or imagine i use other key for jump that depending that how much time you hold the jump is more high, you can't achieve this with "on key press" only with "key is down".

    So, for that reason i use "Key is down" plus Trigger once, to make one key press, and "key is down" alone to get the "hold" state.

    The problem is that between the layout changes, the "trigger once" is executed on each layout instead remember that the action was did in the other layout.

    As i said i had fixed using the "wait for signal" that works perfect, but i don't know if that will generate other problems so better if you or somebody can tellme a more easy/elegant solution .

  • I tried that already and not worked.

    I have:

    Keyboard X is down = Set variable Action1 to 1

    Else = Set variable Action1 to 0

    If in the layout i put:

    Action1 = 1

    -> Set Action1 = 0

    -> Go to layout "X"

    Still not works, pass various layouts :S . ¿Or i'm doing some wrong?

    Actually only work if i have a condition that do:

    Action 1= 1 -> Signal "skip"

    And to skips layouts i put that when action1 is 1 -> Wait for signal "skip".

  • I'm actually use something similar, a "wait for signal" that works.

    But there is another way more "elegant/easy" to avoid that?

    A plugin to simulate any key press will be great, not only the default ones in the behavior of movements, wiht that all this problems dissapears.

  • I'm doing this:

    X is down = Set variable Action1 to 1

    To made a key press i do:

    Action1 = 1

    Trigger Once -> Do an action

    And works correct. The problem is when the action is for skip a layout from another that when i press X to Skip instead of skip 1 layout skip a lots of them, so for that the "Trigger Once" not works because do one for layout.

    How i solve that?

  • I'm using the shadow as 8-Movement behaviour and collision and works great , thehn pin the player or every tick in the X/Y shadow.

    For the shadow draw the colision desired and ready!

  • Uh no idea sorry. You can't see the efect even in chrome/firefox?

    The live version works for you?: ... index.html

    You tried to create a blank document, add a sprite and choose the Fire Effect flames? If not try that to see if works, some people had problems with the .capx but creating they a new document,etc.. works fine.

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  • zenox98 Yes, haha, And also seems all the others shader glitches has been resolved

    I go to update the first post with the new versions of the examples and shader editor.

    Thanks everybody for the help!

  • zenox98 Yes Snow not shows but others seems to appear incorrect, this are the tests:

    Snow-> Not appears:

    Twister & Magma -> Some incorrect thing in the bottom(black space)

    Laser beam -> Incorrect (Half Y of the shader)


    Hope the snow, magma/twister or the laser beam get fixed, finger crossed! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> ... s_v4p3.rar