MasterQuest's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Rojohound !!!! I'll be checking on this tomorow cause today I worked from 7 AM to 5PM on my Mode 7 project trying to put objects on the SnandBox but still nothing in my Favor ,, I hope this Capx be a blessing to my Project , I'll let you know tomorrow.

    Thanks Mate !!!

  • I already did worked with all those plugins you just mentioned, but the only thing I'm missing from my Mode7 project its only the Positions of the NPC Players in the same 'SandBox' That's all I need and I tell you that I'm still here working on that problem hours and hours at day and night, but still nothing on my favor,

    I just need a little help from some of you guys for real !!! I'm kind of stuck on this one, Just a simple capx example it's all need.

    Thank you Rojohound !!! and if you have any new idea please let me know!.

  • I always used 'WebKit' to test my games, and yep some browsers are incompatible to some sound formats...

  • I just always used .ogg Format for my main design platform but not for every Browser, cause every Browser has it's ups and downs, they always do.

  • Thank you Rojohound !!! I'm trying to understand your math here but still a little difficult to me , I will appreciated a simple humble Capx ! here's my email just if you can send me a Capx or at least I could send to you my Capx so you can fix this problem I've been having lately with all this about positioning my main player, I promise you I'll pay you even if you don't want to !!!

    Thank you mate...

  • Well for me the perfect one to work was "ogg" Format.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Wich version works on the exporter !?? you mean,,,

  • Very very simple !!! Just convert music files to "" ogg "" Format File] maaaagic !!!

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    Its already done!! I just figured it out.

    I just can't get the Camera Main Player and the NPC,CPU player on the same sand box so they could have coalitions on the LayOut but not on the main screen display,

    any help from Rojohound or RexRainbow .

    Thank you mate...
