Mass's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • I've began working through these tuts but now I'm having trouble with part 2.

    Figure 15 shows us how to create a global variable and yours looks like this:

    Global Variables

    • player_name (" ")

    But when I tried to make this I wasnt sure whether I was suppose to choose 'Text' or 'Number' and if I'm to leave the number at 0. Either way my global variable ends up looking like:

    Global Variables

    • player_name (0)

    Not sure if this is right.

    Also below figure 16 we are asked to add a new private variable to Jill called 'Times_Met' and set its default value to 1 but we already have a variable by this name from figure 13 and its says to have it set on 0.

    Do we create a second variable?

  • Hi everyone, another new member here. I use to mess about with RPG Maker years ago and decided recently that I wanted to try my hand at game making again, this seems like the place.

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  • Thanks for the help and advice.

    I noticed after re-opening my game file that the shooting now works even though I didnt change anything. Also the acceleration of the monsters remained the same even after changing it to 0, so I restarted my computer and the changes are now in effect.

    For some reason I think I need to restart my computer for certain changes I do to take effect, has anyone else experienced this before?

    Not sure what I can do about it.

    Also does anyone know of any sidescrolling tutorials I could look at for C2, I have tried Mikeys adventure tutorial but its all based around C1 and hard to follow with C2.

    Would it be better for me to just drop C2 altogether and just learn C1?

    Again any help is appreciated.

  • Hi, I'm new to the forums and to Construct so thought I would try out the tutorial on the main page. I'm sure I followed all the instructions in the tutorial but my game doesnt seem to be working the way its suppose to.

    The monsters just move in a straight line from one side of the screen to the other and I cant shoot either. Could someone take a look and let me know what I did wrong, any help is appreciated.

    Also I hope this topic is in the right place, I only found a 'Help and Support for Construct Classic'.


    Also forgot to ask, would using tutorials for Construct Classic work if I'm using Construct 2 because there doesnt seem to be all that many for the newer version yet.

    Also Is there a limit to how large files can be when importing them into construct?

  • 4 posts