Masai's Forum Posts

  • Masai cool - best of luck!


    <img src="" border="0" />

    Thanks again for the awesome plugin and support!

  • Masai hmm, that's a weird one. If you could upload the exported project and PM me a link I'll take a proper look.

    thehen I'm not really certain as to why but the error suddenly stopped. I didn't make any kind of changes to the Visual Studio file or anything, I just tried to run the emulator a second time after the error and it worked. Since then I've submitted my app and am awaiting certification. :)

  • thehen Hey! I've been using your tutorial on exporting Windows Phone 8 Apps and I've seem to hit a snag while trying to wrap everything up. For some reason I'm getting this error message when I convert all of my game's files over to the Project template you included in the Windows Phone 8 Plugin download.

    Do you know of a quick solution?

  • Are you testing via mobile browsers, or actually building them for specific mobile devices?

    Are you using CocoonJS for Android?

    Are you using CocoonJS or Ejecta for iOS?

    Are you using visual studio for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8?

    Testing via both mobile emulators in Visual Studio and my Windows 8 Phone. Using Visual Studio for the exported project which was exported via the Windows Phone 8 export option in Construct 2. For some reason I'm encountering another error. In the exported file for Windows Phone 8, there is a folder which includes all visual graphics included in the project. When I test my project in Visual Studio the main menu of my project appears just fine, but once I get to the play screen the entire screen gets filled with every graphic and animation in my project. Whenever I test it in Construct 2 it runs just fine. I didn't modify any events or exported files, nor did I change anything in the Visual Studio file.

  • Mobile performance is defined by a ton of factors. It's hard to tell what the problem is without seeing your project. You could be doing too much overdraw, you could be using webgl in cocoonjs which is broken on iOS and hits the framerate hard, you don't mention the hardware you're running it on, it could be physics or too many collision checks or any number of other things... We need some more info to help.

    One way to find out what's causing the problem for yourself is to try turning every layer invisible - that will reveal if it's the code or the rendering. Then you can disable stuff to find out what's actually causing the performance hit.

    I've been trying to develop Windows Phone 8 apps, testing them on my own Lumia 822. I just use the Windows Phone 8 export. My primary issue is FPS lag. In this specific case, objects are supposed to be created when other objects pass a certain boundary. So It's an "endless runner" type of game. The objects ARE created, but it causes noticeable FPS lag when tested on a mobile device. Numerous objects are being generated at one time, so It's understandable that some FPS lag will occur, but it makes the game unplayable. It runs smoothly when tested in Construct 2 however considering that my computer is able to easily process rendering. I've looked at multiple tutorials on how to boost performance and combat fps lag, but nothing seems to be working. I'm also using he personal edition of Construct 2 via Steam if that helps.

  • Hey guys. I've been using Construct for numerous months now with the expectation that I could start a career in mobile game development. Construct is an extremely powerful tool for game development, as it requires minimal knowledge in programming and is geared towards mass distribution from a single platform.

    After several months of developing my first app, running through tutorials, and sifting through the forums when I just didn't know how to proceed, I began debugging and simulating my app on my phone. I unfortunately found that mobile performance was a stretch from mediocre. FPS was fairly poor, touch support and response was slow, sound effects and music had to be further modified to support exporting to mobile platforms, coding had to be changing in the native software file to fit certain properties, etc.

    However, I've never been one to give up in the face of frustrating odds, so I powered through most of these issues. I've searched through threads regarding tips for boosting mobile performance, modified my game's properties and image files to be optimized for mobile performance; pretty much everything I could possibly think of. Nothing worked however, and nothing continues to work. My games run at unplayable FPS and are not, by any means, ready to upload as professional apps. I've recently been debating whether or not going through the stress of learning native kits and languages would be a more effective approach, because at this stage I've lost both a lot of time and money trying to develop apps that are just not functioning properly.

    Does anyone know of any possible solutions to boosting mobile performance? Based on the threads I've searched through, there doesn't seem to be much support for mobile performance yet.

  • So I opened my exported Windows 8 game in Visual Studio. I click run to try and test it, but get these errors: <img src="" border="0" />

    I got this same error not too long ago and I simply fixed it by looking into my exported Windows Phone 8 project file and changing the name of the Construct project. Maybe the name of your project has a character in it that isn't authorized with Visual Studio? Mine had a question mark and it completely messed everything up until I took it out, then it worked just fine.

  • Hi, so i have created a game but i want to see how it will actual look like on a mobile phone. Using the local wifi method has the address bar which isn't accurate.

    I am aware of the cocoon service that plays the apk file on the phone. Can i use that to determine the actual size?


    Did you make sure to set Hide Address Bar to yes under your projects Configuration Settings in Construct? Other than that I found a similar thread regarding this issue specifically for Windows Phone 8 exported games. To get rid of the utility bar at the top that displays battery, wifi, etc. you simply had to look into the MainPage.XAML and change a line of code from true to false. If I remember correctly it was shell:SystemTray.IsVisible="True">. However, that is specifically for exporting to Windows Phone 8 and using Visual Studio. I'm not familiar with cocoon :( I hope this helps!

  • How about like this demo?

    This is absolutely ideal, the only issue is that the follow speed is a bit slow. I'm going to try to make it to where the sprite follows directly on the touch path instead of trailing behind it.

  • Does MoveToward Touch.X,Touch.Y not force it to move in the direction of a swipe?

    I'm possibly doing something wrong, but when entering that expression, it's saying that MoveToward doesn't even exist, and there are syntax errors with Touch.X,Touch.Y due to the comma. I'm relatively new to using expressions, so forgive me if this is something simple that I missed. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • One way would be to save the coordinates at the beginning and the end of of the touch, and then calculate the angle of the resulting vector. Problem is this only works for one clean swipe. For long, continuous gestures with changes of direction without releasing the touch, you'd need to repeat the above action periodically. Like every 500ms or every second, get the current touch coordinates, calculate the vector using the previously saved coordinates, rotate you sprite, update those said previous coordinates with the current one, and repeat until the touch is released.

    In order to get a clean rotation and not a jittery animation, you could use the Rotate Toward Angle action instead of Set Angle

    This was one of my first approaches. I tried recording the X values and Y values then calculating that difference based on the end of the swipe, but as you said, it would be a periodic change where you would have to let go of the touch. In my specific case, this involves not releasing the touch at all, so it has to be fluent and smooth. I used Rotate Toward Angle and it still seems to be producing an undesired look. :( Thanks for the help :)

  • How about by using the bullet behavior and Touch.AngleAt

    Thanks for the reply. This doesn't appear to be exactly what I want however. During the touch, the sprite appears jittery and seems to follow along a given axis, meaning that it only rotates around a specific point. I want it to mirror the movements of a touch swipe regardless of its position on screen. The bullet effect didn't do this, so I tried working with the Touch.AngleAt(0) command and it appeared to give the same, undesired effect. I'm still trying to figure out ways to smoothly simulate the mirrored motion of a touch swipe, but thanks for your help :) It definitely pointed me in the right direction.

  • Hey guys! I'm trying to figure out how to make a sprite's direction follow the direction of touch swipes. For example, if I swipe my finger diagonally, I want the direction of the sprite to shift diagonally in that specific direction. Similarly, if I swipe down I want the sprite's position to rotate into a downward position. I've experimented around with 8 Direction Movement and Custom Movement, but I haven't really come up with anything.. Does anyone have any tips?

  • Hey guys, I've been working on developing apps for several months now and I'm interested in getting a long term team together to develop them. I currently have numerous ideas for mobile games, several of which are already thoroughly planned out and sketched. I'd like to team up with at least one developer and graphic artist / animator.

    I'm primarily a graphic artist and animator, so I don't enjoy programming too much, nor am I extremely effective at it. However, I enjoy the full development of games, including character design, story boarding, level design, user interface design, concept art, animation, etc.

    If anyone is interested, I'm nearly done developing my first app in Construct, so gaining a collaborative effort at the moment would be extremely beneficial and a great, quick way to start!

    Feel free to inbox me for details.

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  • Do the tips in help?

    I've actually been working with this tutorial. Things seem to be functioning smoothly now. Thank you <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />