Mary Jane's Forum Posts

  • newt

    Stick with png

    Sorry, but I don't understand you.. Can you explain in detail?

  • Damizean

    I've tried to use DDS Convertor 2.1, but it gives an error.

    Could you advise me how is better to convert png to dds? In what program? And what should be the settings to achieve the best performance and quite high-quality image?

  • Damizean

    Wow! Thank you so much!

    One question. Does ATI Radeon support this DDS format? Because as I understand it's NVIDIA own format...

  • Hello, deadeye.

    Thank you. It works.

  • Hello again

    I have new question.

    When I press Space - display quickly zooms in. When I release the key - it quickly returns back.

    How to make that when I press the key, it slowly and smoothly zooms in (for example 3 sec) and after releasing the key it slowly and smoothly zooms out (3 sec too).

    This effect also was in 3D Driving tech demo.


  • newt Thank you! It works!

  • Hello!

    How to make that when a bullet hit in character, it throws him a little bit back? (in the opposite direction of bullet). Note,the character has 8Direction behavour.

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  • Hello!

    Tell me please, is there another way to make that the character's animation is changing in motion for the cursor?

    More details you can read in this topic in the first post.


  • Hello.

    I've found one problem. I tried to solve the problem, but haven't yet fix it. Please, help me.

    The problem is:

    when I press D (moving right and the cursor right too) or when I press A (moving left, the cursor left) and at the same time I press W or S control - character's animation is playing normally.

    BUT when I press W (moving forward, the cursor up) or when I press S (moving back, the cursor down) and if I press A or D - character's animation doesn't change! He is sliding and his legs don't go.

    Please, if it's not difficult for you, help me solve this defect.

    Here is cap file -

    Thank you.

  • So, JPEG, BMP and PNG are processed for the same time?

    I.e. the application with 1000 jpeg files or 1000 bmp files or 1000 png files(probably with alpha channel) will have the same FPS?

  • Hi!

    If I use a large number of sprites in the application, it slows down (FPS decreases). Tell me, please, what graphic format is better to use to optimize the speed of application? Which is faster?

    Must it be compressed? Or is it better to use uncompressed format?

    What is best to use if I don't need an alpha channel? Or if on the contrary, it is necessary?

    My priority is the speed of the game, rather than the final size of application, so I'd like to know, what is the format processed more faster?

  • Hello!

    I've decided to show a few new screenshots from Triple Metal Plate.

    There will be three armor types:

    1. Easy Armor (as default)

    <img src="">

    2. Medium Armor (it can be found on enemy territory)

    <img src="">

    3. Heavy Armor (it can be found only in secret rooms)

    <img src="">

    View in the game:

    <img src="">


    Screenshot of the spaceman capsule for sleep.

    <img src="">

    Link to the game:

    I am interested to hear your comments ...

  • Hello!

    I'm working now on the second layout for 1st level. And I've one idea - what if there will opportunity to upgrade main character, i.e. lives system, armor and ammunition, that we will able to accumulate during the game. When we go to the next level, we have the same number of lives (armor, etc)as in the previous.

    What do you think, whether to introduce such system? Or is it better to make the classical scheme, where in the beginning of every level number of lives (armor, etc) reset and we set default number. For example, at the first level, our health is 75%, bullets - 314. And when we move on to 2nd level, number of health becomes 100%, bullets - 100.

    Note: in both variants health is restored by time (e.g. 1 minute adds 10% health), and ammunition can be found on enemy territory.

    Please, write your opinion, which of the variants is more preferable to you?... <img src="">

  • deadeye


    Yes! Now it's really cool spaceman with a very good mechanics of movement.

    You have probably spent much time, I don't know how to thank you!

    In general, thank you very much!

    P.S. I would like to add you in the titles in the column of game developers (of course, if you don't have anything against)

  • deadeye
