Mary Jane's Forum Posts

  • > Edit: Ok this might be strange but restart Construct.


    I dont know if you noticed and tried it.

    Program restart has helped...

    Thank you!

  • 0.99.5

    Windows XP Pro SP3

    I've installed 0.99.5... there is the same problem

  • Strange... works for me.

    Hm.. What is your version of the programm and operation system (SP2 or SP3)?

    I have v.0.99.42 and Windows XP SP3.

    By the way all my friends have the same problem.. You're the first who doesn't have this problem.

  • Ummm you need to enable the Auto save to backup Autosaves.

    If I enable the Auto save - Construct saves the project after every change in the scene.

    <img src="">

    But I need it autosaves the scene only every 10 minutes, for example. How to do this?

  • Only by "Auto backup options" -> "Auto backup autosaves"

    Gets messy but better safe than sorry.

    <img src="">

    I enable "Auto backup options" > "Auto backup autosaves" but it doesn't work. It doesn't create backup autosave files, because Autosave is disabled. And if I enable Autosave - it save after each change in the scene.

    Is there another way to autosave project?

  • If Autosave option is enabled, then if I add new object or move the sprite - Construct immediately begin to save the project (and no matter how many minutes specified!).

    Question is how to make the programm autosave scene only every 10 minutes, for example?

  • R0J0hound, thank you very much! It really works! <img src="">

  • Hi! <img src="">

    When I press ?Space? sprite spawn an object, and when I press ?Shift? this object must spawn 4 bullets in 4 different directions.

    Question is why when there is multiple copies of the object in the scene, only the one object creates 4 bullets, and other objects create only 1 bullet? <img src="">

    How to make that ALL created copies of the object will shoot in all 4 directions? <img src="">

    Here is the scene in "cap" file:

    <img src="">

  • Very Cool! <img src="">

  • <img src="">

    I announce the beginning of a new competition


    from 1 to 31 October 2009.

    ConstructRU competition:


    Make the game in the genre of Bomberman.


    The game should have:

    1. Menu.

    2. Several levels.

    3. Bonuses (e.g. increase the speed, the blast radius). You can make any number of bonuses

    (the more - the better).

    4. The game should have a logical end (for example: the player passes the entire game and at the end he sees window with The End text and number of scores.

    5. Music and sounds (if you don't have nessesary sounds, you can search them online or visit these sites: or


    Game mechanics can be any - you need not follow the classical bomberman gameplay.


    A link to your game you need to send me as personal message until 31 October. 1 November I'll publish all links on public voting on the ConstructRU forum, which will last until November 3. After the vote I'll post all competitive games and the results of voting in this topic.

    Everyone can take part! <img src="">

  • newt

    Thank you!

    You've helped me very much.

    P.S. I've replaced RamP avatar.

  • As I said above, I publish new results of the second contest ''Game Ball 2009'' which took place on our forum from 27 August to 15 September. (link:

    Assignment was the following: to make the game in the genre Arcanoid. Competition works were judged by the three points: 1. Original idea. 2. Gameplay. 3. The game should have certain elements - menu, several levels, music and sound effects.

    Games? screenshots:

    Pixelpong (author: RamP).

    Noid (author: mov ax,10h).

    Pirates (author: Rip).

    The games you can download at the following links:

    Pixelpong (author: RamP).

    Download from DropBox:

    Download from 4shared:


    Controls: mouse.

    Noid (author: mov ax,10h).

    Download from DropBox:

    Download from 4shared:


    Controls: left/right arrows.

    Pirates (author: Rip).

    Download from DropBox:

    Download from 4shared:


    To start click on the big round button ''?????'' .

    To start the ball press left mouse button.

    Controls: mouse.

    As an example of the contest work our dear administrator Yani-X <img src=""> had made a simple game specially for the competition (the game didn't participate in voting)..

    Download from DropBox:

    1. Game ''exe'' file:

    2. Game ''cap'' file: ...

    Download from 4shared:

    1. Game ''exe'' file: ... d_exe.html

    2. Game ''cap'' file:

    Note: ''cap'' file was created in 0.99.42 version.

    Contest Winners (results of voting):

    1st place - Rip (per game Pirates).

    <img src="">

    2nd place - mov ax,10h (per game Noid).

    <img src="">

    3d place - Ramp (per game Pixelpong).

    <img src="">

    I would be glad to hear your comments <img src="">

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Are you going to post any new contests here? I'd be interested in taking part if I get time or an idea that fits the competition.

    Yes, I'm going to report in this topic about all new contests and anyone can participate.

    To make it more easy - you don't need to go to the Russian forum, register there and post your game - you can simply send me a link as personal message, and then I'll send it to the judges. After the end of the contest (after voting) I'll publish games to public download and announce the winners here (as in the first post). I want to remind that the winners receive their award in the form of a star on their avatars: 1st place - gold star, 2nd place - silver star, 3d place - bronze star. Also the winner's name will be published on the header of ConstructRU forum(until the next winner).

    A new contest starts October 1, 2009. On this day I will write here a new post in which I'll explain contest assignment in detail and everyone will be able to take part and compete with other participants.

    <img src="">

  • Oops! <img src=""> You're right � these links don't work for other people. Probably I just had not got enough sleep <img src="">

    Now I've fixed the links, all should be fine!

    I like the game Rich Adventure too � I personally voted for it.

  • I'm very excited that you like this! <img src="">

    Tell me what game did you like most? <img src="">