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  • Because the three projects are able to run simltaneously; two projects on the Player's homepage, and one project running in tis own window (the actual multiplayer game)

  • In your XPath queries, you must specify the "text()" function when you want to return the value inside a not. Otherwise, it will return the actial node.

    In your ForEach Node loop, you have two actions setting the values of the array to the DATA of the node selected, right? Your XPath query does't specufy the "text()" function at the end of it. Try using "id/text()" and "health/text()". I think that should work.

  • I asked this question a while ago about sharing assets in projects. This time, I want to share files when I export my projects as HTML5 Websites.

    I looked through the file structure of the exported projects, and they are pretty much the same, and in both of my projects, my assets and files are identical. I was wondering if I could merge all of my projects into one folder so all the projects share the same folder.

    I am making a browser game that runs full screen. I am also making a dynamic website in HTML5/CSS3/JS, and am using C2 to do some of the elements, mainly the player stats and the message board "widgets" on the player's homepage of the website. The player image files are identical in all three projects.

    The thing that struck me was the c2runtime.js file. I went through the index.html file and saw the comment stating that you could rename the file. I do not want to go on with this untull i have had some confirmation that I can use the same image files with different projects, so I dont accidently break my computer :P.

    Anyone got some insight on this? I think, theoretically it is possibe, I just want to be sure. I really dont want 3 or 4 copues of the same file on my computer, when I could just reuse the images for the different projects.

    <font size="6"><font color=red>TL;DR</font></font>

    I want to merge my 3 projects so that they share the same files, save for the c2runtime.js file. Is this possible?

  • I love the new pathfinding plugin, but I think it's a bit too limited. I think It would be better if you could specify what sprites the pathfinder CAN use as well as the ones it cant. I think you should also be able to specify the type of movement it can have, whther it should rotate smoothly or go in strict straight lines.

    What I mean by Isometric Pathfindig is that the path finder sticks to 8 directions that you can specify ( 8 directions in Isometric movement is not 45 degrees each direction, rather arctan(1/2) degrees for 4 directions and (90-arctan(1/2)) degrees for the other 4.)

  • Define "safe".

    A game is only as safe as you make it. There are so many ways of monetizing C2 Games (CocoonJS, Clay.IO, Google Merchant PhoneGap, the list goes on etc.)

  • Is there a way I can force my Player to stick to using a certain object in Pathfinding? I need my player to stay on the tiles that you create in the pathfinding operation.

    Here is my capx. You right click on a tile to create more tiles off that one. Right click a green tile to create a tile at that position. Left click a tile to move to that position. Is there a way to keep the player on the tiles during pathfinding? Also, can the player move in a grid-like movement like Habbo or Spine-Workd, where you click to go to a certain tile and it stays there?

  • BUMP. Any help?

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  • Oh, I left out a point: All my squares are isometric.

    And I want the sprite to stick to those image points, and go in straiht likes from each one.

    Sorry about that.

  • I want a sprite to find the shortest path using a set of predefined points. Is there a way for Pathfinding to do that?

    Bascally I have a grid of squates with 4 Imagepoints on the each. I would like the Pathfinder to stick to those Imagepoints only.

    EDIT: All my squares are isometric.

    And I want the sprite to stick to those image points, and go in straiht likes from each one.

    Sorry about leaving that out.

  • Is there a way to pin one object to another object based on their image points and not their origin? I know you can pin an object's origin to another object's ImagePoint, but I have multiple image points on my sprite and I want to pin one to an image point of another sprite.

    Oh, and the thwo sprites come from the same object i.e they are the same.

  • I'm making a simple isometric level editor. Basically, you right click on the editor and a tile will be created on the layout in a certain place that is closest to the mouse.

    I used a rounding formula to specify where to spawn the tiles so that they would tesselate. However, im having trouble figuring out how to stop the player from creating tiles between tiles (if this even makes sense).

    My capx LevelEditor.capx

    Run the layout and start right clicking to create tiles. You will see what i mean when you click on a black space between two adjacent tiles, it will create a tile ontop of them inbetween them. Any way I can stop that from happening?

    EDIT: It also has the habit of leaving black spaces between tiles that it too small for another tile, another tome when they overlap.

  • Can't you assign a "Drag and Drop" behaviour to the sprites or familiy you want to drag and drop? If you go to the Sprite or Familiy's proprties you can add a behavior for dragging and dropping.

  • This is almost exactly what I'm looking for, except I would like to tie Sprites and other objects to them.

  • I do like Ruby. I tried learning it once but i never stuck to it for some reason :/

    I think what i will do is build a website in HTML5/CSS3/JS in Expression Web, then use Construct 2 for the more dynamic elements of the pages using iFrames. I think I'll do all the login stuff over WebSockets, I just need a good security system.

    I'm thinking of tying a login session to the user's IP address or something like that. But I need to work out what will ahppen if the IP changes :/