MarcoWorms's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Just to complement my rushed answer before, I did read this tutorial before implementing the multiplayer, I've scanned through it again and i couldn't find anything about the TURN server

  • Hey thanks for the quick answer, I have no problem in having to keep a host up but I think i'm a bit confused on how to set up this dedicated TURN server, the wikipedia link is kinda too abstract to me, I don't know how to apply this to construct.

    Is there any guide on this?

  • Well, after trying to make a game with construct's default multiplayer plugin I found out it just doesn't work. Even the examples won't connect with another machine if it's not in LAN and as far as I've searched this is a problem with the P2P protocol that the multiplayer plugin uses, I've tested the examples in different OSs and different countries, they will only work when in LAN.

    I have no knowledge whatsoever in P2P protocols and I understand that technology is in constant movement and things break, I'm not here to blame anyone, but I see games today that uses P2P connection just fine and I don't know how hard is to implement another plugin that makes P2P work.

    So, what i'd like to know is: Is there any plans for fixing this P2P issue? If not, can you guys recommend a third-party P2P plugin? If not, is there any tool similar to construct that has a functioning P2P feature?

    One last thing, I think you guys could be more transparent to people about this plugin's state by now. For example you could put a warning on the description of the multiplayer plugin saying that it probably won't work, that alone would have saved me so much time between figuring this out and testing and googling and maybe can save someone else's time in the future.



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  • Oh, I see, thanks for the answer!

  • Hi there, since now we have the option to change the color of the spritefont I wonder if it's possible to make the spritefont PNG white by default and the color property to "rgb(0,0,0)". Today it's exactly the opposite, it's kinda not intuitive because you need the PNG to be white in order to color overlay it, making the PNG white and the default color "rgb(0,0,0)" would maintain the same default behavior as of today but with a better usability since you can instantly change colors in the properties bar.

    That's it, I don't see how this breaks any other behavior in the engine and it seems to be a config change instead of a deep structural change, if there is any problem with this I'd be interested to know :)

  • Work in progress

    I really like Construct 2 and functional programing, so I'm trying to make both come closer:

    Any feedback is welcome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    I've made some stuff with C2 that you can check here

  • Sent an email

  • ... balJam2016


    The progression is kinda broken since I focused a lot on the different mechanics, the full source can be found on the repo.

    Mix ingredients and make rituals to buff your allies to protect the caravan while you're travelling.

    How to play:

    Every usefull info can be found with the tooltip

    Hold the left button to fix the tooltip

    Scroll the screen hovering the arrow buttons with the mouse. You allies prioritize whoever is inside your view.

    Click in an item to start a ritual, click in another to combine them and get buffed.

    Whatever the ritual changes will glow, you can check the tooltip to see what stats have changed.

    You need to go as far as you can before dying, That's it for now.

    Under CC3 license you can use all the files in this link in your personal/comercial project as long as you credit back to the github link

    This game was made for the GlobalJam2016 in 48h. I know it's not fully finished but I'm happy witth he ammount of different mechanics I was able to put there without messing the code. The Enemy got kinda rushed there but it's easily fixed with some refactoring.

  • Thanks a lot, so let me see if i get this straight, whenever im looping a large number of items i should refrain from using filtering events? OK, seems pretty legit to me , so I should use an array to calculate everything and then just display the sprite as dead or alive (which will come from the array element as 1 or 0) and them i use the Z coordinate to have more than 1 property per element (lets say z0 is "is_alive" and z1 is "is_alive_again", then i would acces it as X,Y,0 or X,Y,1). Thanks a lot for the help.

  • I just wrote a "Conway's game of life" implementation in Construct 2 it's REALLY slow. I used the same logic to make it with ruby:

    but in Construct 2 when i try to evaluate the "next generation" it takes about 20 seconds to calculate it. I don't know if i messed up the code or Contruct 2 is just slow for this, when i set the field to somthing like 10x10 it runs nicelly, if its above 40x40 then it take ages to calculate. The button press here is what triggers the "calculate next generation" action (normally that should go in an "Every X Seconds", but i'm using the button for debug purposes), and here is the code:

    Here is the first part of the code but it's probably irrelevant

    Thanks for taking your time to read this <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> I really like using Construct and i hope this is not a problem related to the engine, I'm almost certain i did some anti-pattern but i just can't find it.

    * I can't link the .capx because i don't have 300 rep, if anyone needs more info on the source i can take more screenshots <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

  • 10 posts