Well, after trying to make a game with construct's default multiplayer plugin I found out it just doesn't work. Even the examples won't connect with another machine if it's not in LAN and as far as I've searched this is a problem with the P2P protocol that the multiplayer plugin uses, I've tested the examples in different OSs and different countries, they will only work when in LAN.
I have no knowledge whatsoever in P2P protocols and I understand that technology is in constant movement and things break, I'm not here to blame anyone, but I see games today that uses P2P connection just fine and I don't know how hard is to implement another plugin that makes P2P work.
So, what i'd like to know is: Is there any plans for fixing this P2P issue? If not, can you guys recommend a third-party P2P plugin? If not, is there any tool similar to construct that has a functioning P2P feature?
One last thing, I think you guys could be more transparent to people about this plugin's state by now. For example you could put a warning on the description of the multiplayer plugin saying that it probably won't work, that alone would have saved me so much time between figuring this out and testing and googling and maybe can save someone else's time in the future.