marcinpl's Forum Posts

  • > I think the values are loaded correctly, but you are checking them too soon. It takes some time to load data from Local Storage.

    Yes Variables are loaded correctly but the map does not respond until I press start Layout. Only then can you see the finished Levels. BEcause when you got LEVEL > 1, then level icon change to green.

    Now system dont check it. Like below.

    Restart button fixes it right away and everything is OK, but I cant promot user to do it.

    I used WebStorage on C2 before and everything was ok.

  • Yes it's true there is no global variables on this Event Sheet. But why do they fill when I press Restart Layout. Then everything works properly and the game is loading.

    I just can't include here an event with all Global Variables, because it will be overloaded. Also I can't make special Event only for Load and Save because then I need to copy Globals and they'll got extensions 1,2,3...

  • My code is working, but only when I click Restart Layout.

    So when first Layout is loading then nothing is happend. You need to click restart layout to script load.

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    Remember, it's your business to make people want to report bugs. They make you a meadow. One sentence should be enough for you to want to investigate the matter and you want to be presented with papers.

    I paid with this program and will not register on the next platform to say that the Desktop version works differently than Mobile and waited a few months for someone to investigate.

    And where should I paste this issue tempalte? Here or there? Sick!

    It's a waste of time, Ashley. You don't read posts, you don't care about fixing mistakes. This program is devoid of technical support. You made changes to Pathfinders C3, as you can see after the tutorial, so you broke something along the way.

    Waste of money

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    What is C3 tracker? Its running on C3 runtime and works od Desktop. Not working when I export to Android. Please watch 2 videos above, they are very short

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    Its C3, as I said if i export via C2 runtime then game is working fine. Because I made this game on C2.

    I will be grateful if you take care of this problem because I can no longer write the third document. The forum is still split on C2 and C3 and we don't know where to get help, Now there is a third page for errors on GitHub. That's far too much ;-)

    Thank You

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    1. CAPX:

    2. Problem exist only on Mobile:

    Enemies should follow the new object (MagnetCake) and then return to the original object (Arrival). It works perfect on the Desktop version. In the Android version, the enemies follow (magnetCake) and then half of them stand still and do not go to Arrival.

    3. How find this problem?

    The problem can be traced in 1 level by clicking on 1 on the map (layout: Campaing_1). When the enemies are on the map, put a cake on their path. On the desktop, the enemies go to the cake correctly, and when it explodes, they go to the permanent point of arrival. But on Mobile, enemies after the explosion of cookie stand still.

    The following video perfectly illustrates the problem in C3.

    1) a video on the Desktop. Enemies return to their targets correctly, even though they sew to the cake earlier.

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    2. video on Android. Enemies can't find the target and stand still.

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    Thank You


  • OK, so I place my request in C2 bug thread, because its not exist for C3

  • Pathfinders works on Desktop quite differently than on Android

    I'm sure it's a bug on C3, because on C2 I didn't have this problem.

    1) a video on the Desktop. Enemies return to their targets correctly, even though they sew to the cake earlier.

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    2. video on Android. Enemies can't find the target and stand still.

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    The game code is correct because it worked flawlessly on C2.

    This only happens in the mobile version for c3



  • OK, I clicked "Use worker" in advenced moode and now zoom is working.

  • Hey

    Im talking about mobile with unbound scrooling and without it. I got zoom script from tutorial and always got infinitive zoom out from background layout ;-(

    Also this trick with LayoutScale set, works only in desktop preview and on mobile only on C2 runtime mode.

  • > The menu on the HUD is too middle (Should be in corners).

    Use Anchor behavior with HUD elements.

    > When I zoom out for a split second I can see the white right side of the screen.

    Make the background (the blue area in your video) larger. If your layout is 1280x720, make the background

    Hey, I couldn't fix the Zoom problem. In the "runtime C3" version my converted zoom doesn't work. And without modification, zooming out the screen goes on forever. Unbounding scrolling only helps with HUD menu that stays in his place, but background can be zoom out forever.

    See the video please:

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  • OK I checked other games and in Debug Window there are two CPU bars.

    In the "Inspection" CPU its not so bad, bad in the CPU profiler all games has same high CPU as mine.

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  • Sameon C2 i C3, when I leave the game on mobile and do notjing its slows down and working like in slow motion. And its doesnt matter that I back to main menu or change level its still broken.

    Only app restart helps.

    See the video, what happend when Im not playing and I got 100% CPU

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    I have destroyed all sprites outside layout and same when lay is beginning.

    Any ideas?

  • Thanks

    1. I cant check zoom in Device Toolbar

    2. I changed my code of zoom for this from tutorial. After export game looks OK, but now I have infinitive zoom out and then I can zoom forever. How can I fix this?

    It's look like this and Unbounded Scr. doesnt help.
