Hey, I want to do anything with the same letters. Flash, bold, capital.
Because the system displays two similar words and wants to indicate what this similarity is.
I tried this, but failed:
TextBox.text got word "ABCD"
TextBox2.text got word "DEFG"
I want find same letters in two Text boxes and change their colors. In this case, the letter D appears in both cases.
Any Idea
The application has indicated that HUAWEI does not support this function. So ... cleaned up ;-)
I am not sure because I see that people use language to learn in applications. The same teachers and you can see that the applications are waiting for loading from Google.
So if it doesn't work, then only in C3
The speech synthesizer works great on a PC, but it doesn't work on Android, you can't hear anything. Am I doing something wrong?
I don't want Turret to see the target when it touched (global vat.)
Its like when the enemy has shields, don't shoot at him.
Thanks Much now its ok ;-)
I would like the particles to be emitted in the direction of the sphere that hit the object. Currently it is the other way around.
Currently, the ball strikes from the left and the particles emits from the right
Some wrote that it was very good, others turned it off when they entered the map.
This is a tower defense game that I would like to develop, but I have no idea what to improve.
I am asking for an opinion, what is wrong.
Hey again. What you wrote is obvious and the problem is that it doesn't work.
I have such a thing in the project.
I gave up the option to save earned stars after completing LVL and now it's good. This probably caused an error, moreover it was not logical (you could win stars several times)
Are you sure this event is executed? Do you hear the "winnn" sound playing?
However, not everything is always saved in memory after completing the game level. In the example you gave there is something like "StorageData" in save template.
What "StorageData" is, should I use it?
Is it better when I do like here?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
OK, maybe I was installing app without deleting previous version. Now its look ok, so Thanks much!
Project is so huge that it takes weeks that someone could understand it.
Now levels selection are just normal even sheets and they are showing corerctly when Layout is starting.
And save game happens when level ends and its not working. What I can do to make save (if its corect code) to put in to "back to map' event.
Project was working on C2 with WebStorage but performance was medium. Game is here:
I just removed "on start of layout" after level check and it works (for now)
But I have problem with save game, because after finishing level and back to map there aro na data about all of Global Variables. How my save looks: