malaska's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Now I feel like I'm hogging the Forum topic!

    Looks like my link had some space characters in it or something. Seems to be working now.

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  • Thanks

    You must have been using the Arrow keys rather that the WASD keys (my test was set up for WASD). I am guessing alot of people will do that, so I updated the test to work with both control schemes.

    If you test it you may need to clear your cache (do the quick ctrl+F5).

    Is there a place on the scirra site to make a devlog?

    Here's the link again:

  • I have had this issue as well. The "Simple" solution of adding events for the buttons doesn't seem to work, especially since I am using the spacebar for some actions, and they still cause scrolling issues.

    Any progress on how to fix this?

    If not I have a sort of work around. My test project is self hosted, so I have complete control of the page it is on. I simply removed anything that would cause the page to be too tall (ie taller than the average browser viewport height).

    I have a comment form on my page, and I solved this problem by giving it a fixed position, and having it slide out when the user hovers over the comments section with their mouse.

    Have a look:

  • My Name is Michael, most people call me Mike.

    I like to draw and create digital art. I especially like to draw nerdy things like dragons and space doods.

    In RL I am a Graphic Designer residing in Las Vegas, have a wife and 3 daughters.

    I am pretty pumped to be working in Construct 2. It's only a hobby right now, so time is limited, but I hope to create something worth throwing a stick at.

    Bye now,

    -Mike Malaska

  • Wow, this forum topic has been going on for quite some time now. I just started with Construct 2, and it is Awesomo!

    I have a little test project going, a side scroll platformer. I have started with the character animations since I am primarily an artist. I have the idle and run animations, with no transitions just yet, but I thought I would throw it out there for all to see.

    <font size="3">Project Tundra:</font>

    Thanks in advance for checking it out!

  • This behavior is perfect, it should be a part of the standard construct library. Thank you so much! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 6 posts