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  • not a real map with rooms, but looks similar

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  • from my experience you can pretty much use all your card ram.

    as a fast guess around 112(128), 56(64) or something like that.

  • made some comparison and came to the conclusion that the difference between one

    tiledbackground to levelsize or using different pictures of the same size is mostly vram, not fps.

    i would cut your old bgs into 1024x1024, make a fast testlevel plus foreground and sprites to see

    if it fits into your mid-range specs.

    when testing textures above 1024� i got small slowdowns or loading with current mid-range hardware.

  • same here: cap was fully working with 99.8

    with 99.82 the ceiling behavior started for me, 99.84 same ceiling problem.

    another thing - in 99.84 the jumpheight doesnt seem to be stable(fluctuating) with inbuilt platform movement with the same cap which was working in 99.8.

    on a sidenote: i tried some testgames which i made in older construct versions and often got

    more fps when compiled with older versions.

    is it safe to say that the program gets most fps when created and compiled with the exact same version or is construct somehow getting slower with newer versions ?!?

    i ask that because i have experienced several gameengines that got slower with new versions and enhancements sometimes to the point i prefered to keep older versions to work with (100fps loss because "unneeded" fx as an example or "gimmick")

    big thanks for:

    [FIX] Crash drawing Sprites on non-SSE2 processors (R0J0hound)

  • thanks for the fast replies:

    when reading i have the hope that while dx8 is out of the debate theres

    a possibility for support of earlier dx9 versions ?

    or another partly solution like the one Arima is talking about ?



    one thought i got is explaining abit of my own view:

    having played on new and old hardware i often appreciated game studios that

    implemented backwards compatibility to some degree and support for several


    i guess most of us have bought more than one console because system exclusive titles.

    or installed another operating system for roughly the same reasons.

    we would agree that theres a level where to decide if (backwards-) compatibility is needed, and

    where its simply an addon to please a low percentage of people compared to the amount of work.

    while i respect other opinions i personaly wouldnt develop dx10 only titles nor games

    that only run on multicore cpus or vista/win7.


    to summarize: i benefited from game studios with longterm support and backwards compatibility.

    so its not really a question for me to go this way, more of what tools are available to achieve it :/

    or what compromise is needed.

    "When running a construct game without the proper directX files, it will prompt you to install it and pressing OK will take you right to the page, making it even easier to upgrade"

    yes i saw that, great feature.

  • to the developers:


    is it possible to include dx8 support (the version which came with the first windows xp cd or first dx8), a compatibility mode or a workaround to play the created games on dx8 ?


    possible reasons:

    • construct is already limited in game distribution by only supporting directx (no linux, mac, handhelds, consoles, portable devices)
    • most pc users dont bother upgrading to new directx versions as long as it is working.

    i know many people dont upgrade without having bought a full priced high end game, and even then are wondering if they have to install it in another step and not automatically with the game install.

    • the most popular pc games are working with older (older than what construct requires) directx versions, same goes for several emulators and famous pc 2d games.
    • i have tested construct on older computers and the performance is good enough to make

    games that would work on mostly everyones hardware. but nearly none of these users have last years dx9 installed or the august version 2008.

    • beeing used to user opionions i know that most people want to download a game and then play right away without installing other things or getting warning screens. many people dont read through things and from what i know the possibility that they are not upto date with directx is high.

    i guess one third of the playerbase is deleting their downloaded game if its not working withing very few minutes.

    • after testing some older dx8 compatible graphiccards with construct with stable 60fps i think many game designers and 2d players would love to see directx8 support.


    ive read through the forum so i know about plans for 2.0 and some others ideas.

    my idea is more to search somewhat easy ways to get a wider user and playerbase in this version.

    maybe supporting older dx is one possible way. (although i dont know how hard it is to include, if its easy enough dx6 and dx7 would be nice too)

    good work so far

    thanks, gl+hf