mahdi71's Forum Posts

  • Did you learn anything from the examples me and R0j0 gave you?

    As you can see getting what you would like is entirely possible..

    Maybe it will give you the inspiration to make it yourself..

    ok i made it work thanks

  • Like this? ... angle.capx

    yes almost

    but i want to create points one by one

    and start from 0 and expand to 4 direction (+x,+y,-x,-y)

    this example just expand in 2 direction (+x,+y)

  • You can do the pattern you're specifying like so: ... ttern.capx

    To create near an existing point you could do something like the following:

    pick random instance of sprite

    --- create sprite at (random(-100,100)+sprite.x, random(-100,100)+sprite.y)

    thanks but

    i dont want they overlap

    i want they start from 0,0 and then go to the edges

    and never stop

    and no overlap

    like 2D array start from 0,0 and go to edges and never get closer or farther

  • What does zooming have to do with panning?

    lock at zooming example in construct 2

    you can pann in that

  • hi

    i want to scroll my screen with touch

    so i see panning example

    it is nice

    but after i release the touch the scrolling is stop

    but in most games after you release the touch, screen still scrolling and it will stop in few second (depends on speed) like clash of clans and ...

    so how do i do that ?

    what need to be changed in zooming example ?

  • So I made my new game, Star Zombies: Strange Galaxy and released it on Google Play yesterday. ... tarzombies

    I was able to try it on 2 devices that I own and it worked perfectly. So far I've heard from 2 different people that it isn't working on theirs. It's a very simple game with very simple plugins. The only plugins I've used on the side are the inappbrowser and the canvas+ plugin for android. On the Construct 2 side my game is very simple as well. The only Cocoon plugin I used there is the Canvas+. I have touch, local storage and audio objects. I use a few text objects and sprite fonts.I also use Spriter for my animations. I'm wondering what the problem could be. Any ideas? I would love if a few of you might be willing to try my game out. Just install and try it out and uninstall if you want. I'm trying to figure out why it works on some devices and not others. I know, of course, that it won't work on x86 processors but I'm wondering why some ARM devices seem to be having a problem too. Any help is MUCH appreciated! Also, if someone could help me out and post the actual link, that'd be great! Thanks.

    use crosswalk with xdk

  • Well after doing some research I've found a consistent problem when It comes to construct and exporting to mobile devices the performance is terrible which is the main platform I want to develop for. In that aspect I've found users saying stencyl is better but for pc construct dominates that realm. Is the mobile performance really that bad still?

    Saddly the answer is yes !

    construct 2 is fast for develop and you can do a job as 10 man by yourself

    but when you want to export to mobile then you need to do optimize and it take so much time

    and I guess you can not test this in free version !

    Our best option for android is intel xdk + crosswalk

    and this add +150 mg ram and 30+ mb apk size!

    but if you even try c2 you will love it and always come back to it!

  • Does anyone know why in this simple pathfinding demo the black square crosses over the ends of the red object when trying to move around it?

    Does pathfinding not use the objects collision polygon?

    You can use physic object for movement and use pathfindig for finding path

    search for generals war in google play I did this in my game

    like this :

    1 find path

    2 get first node

    3 move to node with physic

    4 on close to node get another node and do 1 to 4

    5 every x sec find path again( for some times if object pushed away from node)


    but you can use flowfield algorithm insted of pathfinding behavior if you want a better solution but its harder to be done !

  • mahdi71

    Under the XDK build setting you will see the option to switch to different CLI.

    Will try to posts screenshot but its very visible if you goto the tab

    oh that easy ? i thought you changed the html files ! thanks

  • >

    > > I also can't play music in standard XDK - did anyone figure out what the issue is?

    > >


    > if android < 5.x = add media plugin for build

    > if android >= 5.x = no add media plugin


    I managed to get my music to play on XDK by upgrading to CW15 (CLI5.1.1) Performance looks great too

    how did you change cordova to CLI5.1.1 ?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Considering how the rate of updates has slowed, and Ashley's scarceness on the forums (except to deal with bugs), I would imagine that C3 is under heavy development at this point. Course, holidays might not be the best time to reveal the future successor to your current product.

    I'll lay my money on early 2016 for the reveal, with early adopter following a few months later.

    nice conclusion

    i feel that too !

  • mahdi71: This is an excellent game. What did you use for multiplayer?


    c2 multiplayer plugin

  • tgeorgemihai


    i already moved on to unity + playmaker

    but i also track scirra for the new engine and i hope it will not disappoint me

  • Looks very intersting! Will try it a bit later.

    Can I ask you how you acheive so many installs and reviews? Maybe some tips and tricks from you? Thanks!

    P.S.: Can`t see your screenshots here...


    do you see screenshots now ?

    at first i released it with lite version and in persian language (in iranian store)

    now i release full version and in english and persian language

  • paradine - please, link me to every example of CPU-bottlenecked games you can find. I want to investigate them but am so far unaware of most of them. I assure you I do not intend to ignore them, but with hundreds of posts made to the forum every day it's very easy to miss posts.

    I am also skeptical of polls for features in general. We did feature polls that showed the vast majority of users out of hundreds of voters said they wanted multiplayer. I was concerned that even with C2 doing much of the heavily lifting and hard work, networking is still a difficult subject to work with in general, so it would probably still be hard to use. Even when I specifically described how it would likely be difficult to use, still people voted for it in huge numbers. Then when we released it, very few people actually used it. As far as I can tell it's because... it's a difficult subject to work with in general!

    To me this proves large numbers of users will vote for features based purely on hype. They imagine that everything will be perfect and brilliant and there will be no shortcomings or tradeoffs and it will be super effective and easy to use. Of course reality rarely ever lives up to that.

    So I don't really care if a million people vote for native exporters. I regularly see that people blame HTML5 for performance issues when really it's a hardware bottleneck. I can see that people think "just make a native exporter, it's not that hard right?", whereas I can see it's a colossal project with severe ongoing impact on the product development. So even if everyone voted for it, I am not persuaded they have a proper understanding of what they are voting for, as happened with the multiplayer polls.

    when we say make a native exporter we actually mean change the whole engine (you have to change it for native exports)

    and also i didn't know you dont care about your users

    thanks for that !

    and also see this :


    intel XDK and crosswalk 11 - it runs 40-45 fps on my mobile device.

    The newest Intel XDK and the newest Crosswalk - it runs 45-46 fps on my mobile device.

    Native APK - it runs 57-58 fps on my mobile device.