mahdi71's Forum Posts

  • Pssst, hey mahdi71, everything uses c, but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret.


  • Alright, got it sir! so, we need waiting Scirra for next update.

    and pray to scirra change that

  • Can't we just built it with Crosswalk 15 without waiting scirra to change cordova CLI 5.1.1 ?

    for Crosswalk 15 it must be cordova CLI 5.1.1

  • Hello,

    I wanna ask, why my game now can't have any music again? but other SFX Sounds is able.

    I'm using Newest Intel XDK, C2 R214.


    There is a known issue with the audio and video playback in Crosswalk builds that is the result of an updated build system. We are still trying to resolve the issue. If you switch to using the shared mode build or update your project to a CLI 5.1.1 and then build with Crosswalk 15 you will resolve the music issue. The CW15 suggestion requires that you update to the latest release of the Intel XDK: 2496.

    so if scirra change cordova to CLI 5.1.1 in the next beta everything work fine !

  • C2 use javacscript

    but unity use c# so unity can export to enything even javascript (unity 5 and export to html5 is sooooo much powerfull and sooo above c2 just see angry robot html5 example from unity, its 3d and have a great performance)

  • uScript is a nice VPL component linking software of apis. however you will end up needing code yourself for features that don't exist. I would suggest PlayMaker which is meant to be more a programming replacement.

    So UScript is about linking api's

    Playmaker is similar to EventSheet programming( in a an abstract purpose sense)

    playmaker is good but uscript is more like c2 event sheet and more powerfull and no need for coding at all !

    it even use reflection to get all unity things ! (functions,properties,...)

    and you can make new features with graphs and use all of that as one graph !

    c2 have little programing like expressions but uscript is just graphs

  • Unity has a much bigger team of developers and budget.

    Not to also forget a bigger community. Their Editor now runs on Linux too - added to mac and windows. So they got there first already.

    Construct3 will likely never be as strong as unity. Construct's main advantage really is the spreadsheet style programming. Unity has a number of cheap assets that address visual programming in a number of different ways - but none so far has done it in the spreadsheet two-column coding fashion.

    Construct3 will never be a 3d game engine until the actual level editor supports 3d.

    Ashley has stated that it wont support 3d game development.

    you should try uscript for unity

  • Haha. Yes everything is ok.

    its really not !!

    musics still dosent work !!!

  • anyone how want a xdk keystore should see this page : ... nt-1840749

  • Today intel xdk will stop supporting cordova, that's why some of you guys faced problem with music files

    can some1 plz tell us another way to to export project to APK without using intel xdk.


    So how we must compile now?

    and what about are game with intel xdk sign key ?

    how I use another compiler for new version of my game when I dont have my keyfile ????????

    How I get my keyfile to sign my game ?

  • mahdi71 That way the music works?? Where do I download Advanced Apk Tool?? Also Do I have to resign the apk that way?? Because I always autosign my apks by Intel XDK and I already created my game (even it is not published) in the Google Store which won't accept a different signed apk.

    search for download Advanced Apk Tool

    then put your apk in "2-In" folder

    then run Advanced Apk Tool

    choose decompile

    then recompile and sign and zipalign

    but you can change the sign key in "1-BDFreak" folder

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • ok i found a way !!

    use intel xdk and then you dont have musics but :

    1- download Advanced ApkTool

    2- decompile your apk

    3- recompile your apk


    i dont know why but it work !

  • hi,

    i want to scirra at least make an offline apk compiler.

    why ?

    intel xdk :

    1. its online and for many people its so bad

    2. intel maybe change something and like now we must wait for theme to solve it ! (for now music have problem and they didnt have this problem 4 days ago ! )

    3. scirra say it in first page ! "android export" ! (not cordova export !)


    how scirra can make an offline apk compiler ?!

    just look at this :

    so scirra can make an offline apk compiler and this is the less they can do !

    i need to release new update for my game but for music problem with intel i must wait !

    but if scirra make an offline compiler then we can be sure everythings work well unless "we" change thins !

  • mahdi71 Hi! I just solved it thanx to he helped me on this situation. Just drag and drop your music files from your "music" folder to the "sound" folder inside Construct2 before exporting. That fixed the music issue with me.

    Check this thread


    nooo this is a bad idea ! why ? sound folder make sound decompile in loading (preload) but if you put music in sound folder (musics mostly are too long) loading your game in start up will take so long and users complain about it.

    i compiled this game in last week with intel xdk crosswalk 14 and musics worked fine

    and now its not ! crosswalk 12 or 14 not working ! why ?

    i know problem is not crosswalk its intel !

  • > best way wich work on all systems : is socket so :

    > use plugin and a nodejs server


    Sure, but you must invest time creating your own nodejs server, right? or is there an alternative?

    no !

    you can just make an easy nodejs server for just transfer messages from clients to host

    i mean you can do this :

    make a client side game

    make a host side game

    make a nodejs server for transfer messages from client to host

    and you can run nodejs and host in the same machine

    and now you can program just your host and client game !