mahdi71's Forum Posts

  • hi

    i want RTL support for my texts

    i add this (dir="rtl") to canvas tag like here : ... eft-string

    but its not working for c2 why ?

    is there any other way to fix that ?

    (c2 dosn't really support RTL (right align is not RTL))

  • Hello friends & C2

    I need to know, when you compile the game and download weighs weighs more than my game, my game weighs 2.3 MB, and at the end of compiling weighs 24MB.

    Thanks Friends

    hi ,

    2.3 + ~5 = ~8

    in the zip file they put : unsign and sign and x86 version so there is 4 apk file but if you put your key in key tap they just send ARM and x86 sign version so there is 2 apk but you only need ARM version

  • I just mentioned global variables as a way to help the OP with his 3rd problem. Honestly I use global variables for the same purpose, to minimize my overall code. The security issue doesn't really concern me as most players just play the game, not hack it. As long as the game isn't multi-player it doesn't matter.

    What does matter is lowering the amount of code you use to make your life easier. In that reguard global variables can definitely help.

    3rd problem ? when i write my own pathfinding system i dont know how a global variable can help me !

    i can do this :

    use function (do pathfinding stuff) return position of object > set position

    but when you want to use this code again you have to write the set position part again

    and it would better if we write whole system and drag the sheet to what every object we want! (cleaner and faster)

    and what happens if i want to get first mypathfinding nodepoint ?

    here i can set the object instance variables in function but when we want to use this function again we have to change the object , so the function is usless here

    but in secound way (which other engines use) i can set variables and access to them by another sheet

  • I think you recieved pretty good answers there mahdi71 . Anyway, I'll post my opinions about your op:

    1 - I never had any problems with creating a UI. I even think it's one of the easiest part of making a game. However it's still more complicated to make than in an engine that has a built in UI framework. I used Unreal Engine 4 and the UI editor it has it's just awesome. Since Construct 2 is a lightweight but powerful general purpose engine you have to do it all here yourself without a dedicated editor. I don't think it's a problem, as I said above, I never had any problems with making a UI (and for what I've seen on the forum it's not just me). But I get your point.

    2 - Yes, Construct 2 uses a somewhat different approach than other engines. In Unity you make scripts and assign them to objects. Here you have the event sheets and all of your visual code goes there. I think the latter is easier to see through if you make well organized code. The family thing (to have different type of objects in one) was requested many times. Maybe we can expect that functionality in C3.

    3 - True, you can't reuse your code like in a traditional programming environment. But just as other Devs said in this topic, it's not necessary appropriate to do so. If you need your code reused you can always make a function and/or use copy-paste. Modularity is also a demanded feature for C3, and Scirra said we might have it somewhere after the release of C3.

    4 - Then use other methods to keep values between layouts. Global variables, Arrays, Dictionaries, etc..

    5 - I don't get your problem with localstorate. Can you elaborate?

    I experienced C2 as the fastest development software on the market. You can make complete games in the fraction of the time it would take with any traditional programming engine. I don't agree with your statement either that C2 is not for big projects. Take a look at this topic:

    1- if you don't have any problem it dosn't mean its perfect (i said an example)

    2- you agree

    3-functions still need specefic objects .. you agree

    4-other methods gets more times and need more event sheets but they have to be done by editor

    5-you have to request it to system to read it then you can use it : i know why scirra did this with localstorge but there are so many better ways to do that (they did it becuase game don't stop until the variable get ready)


    c2 can do big projects (my project have more than 1100 event sheet) but its not good for big projects

  • mahdi71, you been around long enough and build more then enough to know various limitations.

    Why has it suddenly become an issue to rant about ?



    > so yes c2 is not so fast after all . and its really not good for big projects.


    That construct 2 is not so fast is more a matter of personal opinion here I think.

    To me it is one of the quickest development tools around.

    And handling large projects is just another skill set you need to acquire.

    hi, its not an issue .

    people here think i said it can't be done, but i said its just take alot of work for a thing wich can be done by a drag and drop !

    just read what i write then tell me if i wrong.

    people here answer me with a "lol" becuase they really dont have an answer, i said this things can be done but with much work. just that so i dont need an capx example

  • You can resolve all of these issues if you spend an afternoon to read through the manual. And study a bit of programming concepts such as functions, including files, and arrays.

    All of your issues are pretty much beginner problems which can easily be resolved with better understanding of C2 already existed functionalities and programming concepts.

    i am a pro with construct 2 and a pro developer

    if you can solve one of them ?

    (im not say that things can't be done i mean they take so much time and work for simple things)

  • hi, at first its look fast but... :

    1-ui: its so hard to do a ui in c2 ! why ? let say you want to make a dialog with yes or no sprite with a text and 9patch for backgraound then you want that dialog to move from bottom to center of screen

    so you have to add pin behavior to each sprite and texts and ... or you have to move all of them (you can not use 1 family for all of them becuase texts and sprites and 9patchs and tilebackgrouand can not be in the same family)

    so let say in event sheets you pin all of them in one 9patch now you can move just 9patchs

    then you have to go to every event wich they use clicks on them and you say if the dialog is open then dont act becuase when you click on yes or no maby you click on behaind them! . (so its alot of event sheets)

    and things get even worst when you want to have a another ui like wich move from buttom to center when you need it , so you have to do all of this again !!!!!

    ok so what we can do in other engines like unity :

    we drag and drop all texts and other sprite and other stuf in a gameobject (or the dialog background ) so they will act likethat ! and we dont have to change all other click events we can use one simple line of code! or use so many different ways (its mostly a simple drag and drop)

    2-sheets : eventsheets are not for each object , they are global ! let say you want to 2 sprite and 1 text and 1 9patch move 1 pixel at the same time

    so you have to pick each on of them then move them , in c2 we can have familly but they usless because when you want to create an instance you can not use them and create it with name and you can not make a familly with different objects so there is no child objects.

    3- (the worst !) you can not write 1 code(event sheet) and use in all of your projects !

    let say you make a patchfinding system (with event sheets) for an object then if you want to use that patchfinding system again you have to copy all the events and be cerfull to have the same objects and variables and stuf on your other projects then you have to past that system then change the object to new one !

    4- when you set a sprite variable in layout 1 you can not access to that in other layout

    5- there is so many things like this, for example : new localstorge is so bad you can not simply get a variable ! you dont have a direct access to it !

    so yes c2 is not so fast after all . and its really not good for big projects.

  • hi,

    let say i have a nice game with IAP but i dont have any money for ads

    if i publish my game to apple app store anyone going to see it ? or its like google, when you publish in google play no one going to see your game.

    and how about problems with construct 2 and audio files? is it any solve yet ?

  • Zebbi & gaelsev

    i will agree for native exports but scirra will not do that ! i mention because its the best option for now!

  • really whats wrong with !?!?!?!??!!?!

  • Well, in that case, it's easy to do it already. Sending a request is an action, simply wrap it with a call to a function.

    "your condition to send a request" > Call Function: "SendRequest" with param "tag"

    On "SendRequest" > push to array: Param0 and nowtime, ajax: send request

    yes i already use an function like sendajax

    but that way is cleaer

    anyway thanks

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Do you mean a trigger that encompass all the other three ?

    no a trigger when i use ajax send ! when we use post to url action

    what i want to do is when i send an ajax request : i want to check if there is a long time like 5 or 10 second and ajax request still in progress or waiting (because of problem on server or net disconnects and ...) then i want to show a no wifi icon on my game

    i want to use it like this :

    on any send > push to array: tag and nowtime

    on any complete > pop from array: tag and nowtime

    every tick > if there is a tag with notime more than 5 second ago then show no wifi icon and prevent user from click things.

  • I know it's generally viewed as a "bad idea" but you could use a modified version of the plugin. Here, I've added 3 triggers (AnyCompleted, AnyError, AnyProgress) and an expression (LastTag) to the official AJAX plugin.

    can you add an on any send trigger ?! i need it for check if there is a long time since ajax is sended for showing no wifi icon on screen !

  • I know it's generally viewed as a "bad idea" but you could use a modified version of the plugin. Here, I've added 3 triggers (AnyCompleted, AnyError, AnyProgress) and an expression (LastTag) to the official AJAX plugin.


    scirra must add this to ajax plugin

    i will test this, and use it if it was ok

  • > Read some tutorials, look at the manual, and/or do an actual proper search.

    > Your question isn't a clear one either, and is very broad.


    I guess mahdi71 wants to have a condition On any error, On any progress, On any completed – without tags.

    Let's say you have 3 ajax requests, each one with a different tag (let's tag them "Req1", "Req2", "Req3").

    Now, the user would like to execute some actions, no matter on which request completed/error/progress. Right now, it seems like the only option is to have

    On "Req1" completed OR On "Req2" completed OR On "Req3" completed -> action[/code:3t5kzzs6] [b]but that's very time consuming if you have lots of requests/tags[/b].

    yes exactly