madster's Forum Posts

  • Thread Revival!

    Does Construct use RGBA for the framebuffer? that is, is there a destalpha?

  • In photoshop I use to do this with an overlay with a reflection layer that's unlinked to the image that reflects and grouped to it, so that it only shows where the reflecting image is opaque. This masking with another layer's alpha, how would that work?

    Can construct render to offscreen buffers btw? stencil, channels?

  • Maybe having credit for creating Construct can land you guys a nice job It's a heck of a resume!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Interesting. I did not find info about rates, requirements or anything though.

    Is there an API?

    Could you elaborate?

  • That's exactly what I do. Create a canvas object and put it into the topmost layer. Then apply the effect to the canvas object. So you really only ever have to set the effect once.

    You paste every object on the canvas? or is there a way to paste a whole layer?

  • I did part of the effect for Rocket Days, just cause I thought it would be easy (and it was).

    It's lacking blotches, hairs and scratches (the bright lines that walk are scratches in the film made by projection equipment!) but only because they require more time creating the images for them.

    Nice link on L4D tech. We'll need adjustable smart-sharpening to do that one, and adjustable kernel-size blurring (samples can be fixed, kernel size just has to be adjustable).

    Also, grayscale plus breaks alpha? Try adding it to the layer in that .cap and see what happens.

    We need a way to apply effects to the whole screen. 3D games use a big quad that samples a buffer where everything's been stored so far. Layers cannot sample other layers in Construct. Would using Canvas work?

  • Whoa I've been using timers for that and it's kind of a hassle.


  • Tiles have been promised

    Also an online plugin has been promised.

    Now, why a MORPG in Construct? no idea. Why not? well, mostly because doing a MORPG is a Bad Idea(tm). You can try though, and find out by yourself why they say that.

    Maybe you can even get it to work, which would be awesome.

  • Wouldn't it be cool if it picked from random Google image results (any images of size 128x128 or smaller)?

    :O interesting! I'll look into it

    Also considering capturing enemies to help you fight / shield, ala Galaga

  • It always amazes me how programmers reply to reasonable questions like the ones I have posed.

    That right there, speaks volumes.

    [quote:2venf2qu]� Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. � - (Abelson / Sussman)

    Funny. This is from a book that leads into the design of Scheme. Which looks like this (from wikipedia)

    (define a 10)
    (define eval-aplus2 (delay (+ a 2)))
    (define a 20)
    (force eval-aplus2)
    => 22
    I spy variables. 
    If we talk merely nomenclature, have fun explaining why your 'memories' have been 'forgotten' when objects disappear.
    [quote:2venf2qu]One of these days the Priesthood of the code will be thoroughly disbanded.  Mark my words.
    You make it sound like code was an elitist thing, when all you have to do is STUDY the subject.
    Someone's just being lazy, methinks. I shall pay no more attention, as there are users who are actually interested in doing things and learning how to do them (among them, me!).
  • I should also base speed and health on their size right? would that make sense?

    right now they just get faster after each wave. In a sort of uncontrollable way, too.

  • hmmm well the xaudio object can give you latency and position, which should be enough if you know bpm from before.

    I've been thinking about music-based games for a long time now and perhaps it's time to give it a shot. Interested in teamwork?

    edit: obligatory .cap:

  • Update! bumped up res to 800x600, a lot more playable now.

    Also, death.

    PS: lol, ********

    Shoe wheel!

    <img src="">

  • Kodu looks interesting but at the end of the day it's still a toy.

    If you were comparing Construct to something Microsoft, it would have to be XNA. And there's quite a lot of coding involved in XNA.

    The nice thing about Construct is that it speeds up the learning curve and the time needed to get results. It does not "relieve you from the burden of clarifying your ideas" ( I think many people here are planning releasing commercial games made with this (amazing!) tool. It's simple enough to hit the ground running with your game (insert sprite, draw something on it, give platform behavior, then insert a box and make it solid, use as a floor. TADA!) but it's powerful enough to do the kind of stuff that makes people bail out from other game-making tools and learn programming.

    And no... construct's logic is nowhere NEAR as difficult as making games in C++

    I'd know. I spent quite some time trying

  • So 'timer' is not the system timer, there's no way to retrieve it in the runtime currently, since it's difficult to apply timescaling to the system clock.

    :O could we get a way to retrieve the unscaled system timer? I've been assuming it was.